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  1. K

    [SA:MP] Aim Angles

    Well i know what it does, did not cross my mind to check whether or not crosshair offset, fov and aspect ratio would be the same in sa:mp, i'll check without the offset and check the adresses in reclass .. dumb me
  2. K

    [SA:MP] Aim Angles

    Hello, Recently i implemented this aimbot code in my - bloat free, imgui free - gta:sa internal cheat. However it behaves alot differently than single player, its almost like the calculation is completely fucked up by sa:mp, does anyone know? video below.
  3. K

    [C++] DISABLE CHAT with rpm/wpm

    hits p like his cheat
  4. K

    [C++] DISABLE CHAT with rpm/wpm

    Ayyware 2.0 - GTA:SA Edition
  5. K

    [GTA:SA] C++ Triggerbot

    Patching the two adresses, did it. Thanks!
  6. K

    [GTA:SA] C++ Triggerbot

    Resetting LocalPlayer + 0x79C still makes the game ignore input I read LocalPlayer, check for nullptr, then i read for WeaponSlot, check if it's above 0, thats all i do before this code. #define ADDR_CINPUT 0xB73458 enum etInput { Right = 0x0, Left =...
  7. K

    [GTA:SA] C++ Triggerbot

    There's no problem in single player. I'm talking about multi player, SA:MP 0.3.7 R2. When you aim at somebody and you reset that pointer, no matter what the game after a while will start to ignore input to the window, i'm starting to think that there's some kind of detection for this. as for...
  8. K

    [GTA:SA] C++ Triggerbot

    Hello, I made a simple triggerbot and i have a problem. Whenever i reset the ped pointer, like suggested in another thread on this forum and shown in Triggerfinger cleo source, the game will start ignoring input and i'm no longer able to do anything. Does anyone know why this happens? pEnt =...