Search results

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    CLEO Help Delete checkpoint

    Can you send the link? I do not know how to create a .cs file.
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    CLEO Help Anti Spawn

    I need a CLEO script that can AntiSpawn Like this video:
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    CLEO Help Delete checkpoint

    My server has anti that CLEO scripts :(
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    CLEO Release Speed Fire 2.0 works well in the server roleplay

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    CLEO Help Delete checkpoint

    I need a CLEO script that can delete red checkpoints on the radar or a CLEO script that can teleport the red checkpoint to yourself. Like this video:
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    How to change the command code of kcmds.cs

    I need to change the command /fp of kcmds.cs (/fp to /cfp). Who can help me? Cleo in topic:
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    Untagged Release [REL]Hack Pack for RP servers

    Re: [REL]Cleo Hack Pack for RP servers How to active Deagles.cs ?