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  1. Z

    AHK Auto Cbug

    I have a Cleo, undetected by all servers, when i arrive home i Will post It here.
  2. Z

    Help to fix this code

    chat gpt is not good with cleo scripts
  3. Z

    Help to fix this code

    Chat gpt?
  4. Z


    made it with both keys here.
  5. Z


  6. Z


    Activation key: F11
  7. Z

    Help is there way to get individual player wanted level from player ?

    On most servers is disabled for normal players, only admins are able to see It.
  8. Z

    Help please please i want this script

    Parazitas already said he Is out of this. Do not waste his time.
  9. Z

    Can't compile any mods, getting errors. [Sanny Builder 4]

    No prob, remember, sanny builder 3 doesn t need any other SB data, so you can code with this One without amy issues. @Parazitas taught me this. ❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪
  10. Z

    Can't compile any mods, getting errors. [Sanny Builder 4]

    And use sanny builder 3
  11. Z

    Can't compile any mods, getting errors. [Sanny Builder 4]

    Some photos no innit?
  12. Z

    Help Select frome dialog for truck

    I have It, parazitas made It for me. Hold on till i find it
  13. Z

    Help [REQ] Vehicle Get Plate CLEO

    Use sanny builder 3
  14. Z

    Help [REQ] Vehicle Get Plate CLEO

    ChatGPT Is not so good with sanny builder.
  15. Z

    Help need cleo

    You asked Cleo for set vehicle health too, i gave It to you.
  16. Z

    Help need cleo

    Use Key numlock, car repair. {$CLEO .cs} :REPAIR_11 wait 100 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) goto_if_false @REPAIR_38 goto @REPAIR_45 :REPAIR_38 goto @REPAIR_11 :REPAIR_45 wait 0 if and Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) is_key_pressed 144 goto_if_false @REPAIR_108 1@ =...
  17. Z

    Help Looking for a specific auto type command cleo script

    It's based on coordinates, go on your server and where you have the checkpoint, in sanny builder you have the option to get the coords.
  18. Z

    Help How To fix this samp version R5

    U have Cleo mods and sampfuncs for sure, sampfuncs only works with 0.3.7
  19. Z

    Help Route Recording script
  20. Z

    Help Cheat ineed good payment

    It s server side, not client side. If It was client side, i would already be spinning around the web like my shit in the toilet.
  21. Z

    Help Cheat

    example, any ideea ...
  22. Z

    Help Need assistance with SAMPFUNCS

    a good alternative, yes, but make sure that u dont have too many mods, i use anticrasher too, and i still get crashes, but for my luck, i need all those mods.
  23. Z

    Help Need assistance with SAMPFUNCS

    If u have multiple Cleo/Lua/SF mods, they can put the game in a state of memory overload, leading to a crash.
  24. Z

    Help detect sampfuncs or cleo

    Ur cooked.
  25. Z

    Help I am looking for ammo hacks that work in LSRP

    I tested and got banned the second i game myself a weapon.
  26. Z

    CLEO Help Capture Phone Number

    Chatgpt insn t so good with sanny builder, wait till someone can help you out.
  27. Z

    CLEO Help need first evec cleo

    You can compile this script into .LUA and use MOONLOADER to use It, i dont know of you Need other stuff apart from moonloader
  28. Z

    Help I need help with .cs code

    Use sanny builder 3.
  29. Z

    CLEO Help need first evec cleo

    Is the samp versione, 0.3dl, 0.3.7/r1/r2 and so on.
  30. Z

    Help FPS Jailbreak

    U loaded the hard r, didn t u? 💀
  31. Z

    Help help pls

    Mine works with deagle shotgun and sniper, i Will drop the file today of u want to try it
  32. Z

    Help help pls
  33. Z

    Help help pls

    Use cheat "CBUG" like in single player.
  34. Z

    Help help pls

  35. Z

    Help need help with auto cbug mouse macro

    I have a Cleo if u want.
  36. Z


    He Will not stop bruh, stop asking.
  37. Z

    Help help pls

    Just use Cleo 4, i SEE that u use Cleo 5. It s still buggy Cleo 5.
  38. Z

    Help AutoMinerClicker

    it s using those memories for the script, you don t need to modify the "snippets", just copy and paste in the script.
  39. Z

    Help One simple mod
  40. Z

    Help One simple mod

    Try the One from tuzas
  41. Z

    Help CLEO.

    Why the script is not working, it compiles the script without errors, but is not working. I made the script so when you type in chat /heall on, it should show info textdraw "Auto ~r~/heal ~b~ -- Activated!" and say in chat the command /heal automatically till i use the command "/heall off", not...
  42. Z

    Help One simple mod

  43. Z

    Help One simple mod

    I will try to do it now.
  44. Z

    Help cmd shourtcut

    Send me a message on discord: undecacer_
  45. Z

    Сheat Mta cracked

    you need to speak only in english here, sorry.
  46. Z

    CLEO Release Car Spawner.

    I should warn you, if you use the mod, there Is a risk that you can get kicked/banned by teleporto, because It desyncronises you from the server on the Moment that you spawn the car.
  47. Z

    CLEO Release Car Spawner.

    Put It in Cleo folder, you also Need sampfuncs.
  48. Z

    SA-MP 0.3.7 Car Spawner. 1.0 FINAL.

    A simple vehicle spawner for samp. Use the keys [Z] and [O] simultaneously to bring up the menu. In the mod you have a bright selection of vehicles, you can see more on the video bellow. If you encounter problems or having issues, don`t hesitate to send me a message. it s my very first script...
  49. Z

    CLEO Release Car Spawner.

    ZyZ.MaxiM submitted a new resource: Car Spawner. - A simple car spawner for every category of vehicle in Samp. Read more about this resource...
  50. Z

    Car spawner. Final.

    A very simple car spawner with list made by category. To bring up the menu, use the keys [Z] and [O] toghether. In this mod you have a good selection of cars, planes, helicopters, boats and some fun stuff. Have fun, and if there are any problems, don t hesitate to PM me, it s my very first large...
  51. Z

    Car spawner.

    ZyZ.MaxiM submitted a new resource: Car spawner. - A simple car spawner for every category of vehicle in Samp. Read more about this resource...
  52. Z

    Help Weapon model loading.

    Update: I solved the entire script. i need to load the gun model when it gives me the weapon, instead i put the "model.load() at the end of the script.
  53. Z

    Help Weapon model loading.

    I need some help regarding on how to load gun models, i made a cleo in sanny builder that gives me a weapon of my choice, but the mod won`t load the gun models on the majority of the guns, and on some guns, the player freezes when i try to shoot. here is the code: I did something wrong in this...
  54. Z

    Help Key presser in cleo.

    IF 1@ == TRUE THEN if 32@ > 0 then 0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x127 state 255 wait 1 0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x127 state 255 32@ = 0 end 0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x20 state 255 WAIT 1 0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2...
  55. Z

    Help Key presser in cleo.

    Oh yeah i almost forgor, i can t use the id of the Key, the script Is made to use the Key offset (LALT = Ox12).
  56. Z

    Help Key presser in cleo.

    I Will try your code One i arrive home.
  57. Z

    Help Key presser in cleo.

    Hi there, Parazitas made a cleo for me that presses the set key in game without the need of a macro. The spacebar is set to be spammed at 1MS delay, i set it that way. here is the code: But im having issues implementing the "LALT" key to be pressed one time at the delay on 10 seconds, any help...
  58. Z

    Help Onfoot recorder.

    Ho there, does someone have a onfoot recorder that Is working with samp addon and can loop the router? Thanks!
  59. Z

    Trying to download loader wont let me

    What loader?
  60. Z

    Help Textures.

    Server tuning. But i found this:
  61. Z

    Help Textures.

    I think it s in the Gta San andreas files
  62. Z

    Help Textures.

  63. Z

    Help Textures.

    is there any cleo / .txd / or something else that can hide the neon light bulbs, without making disapear the neon color?:
  64. Z

    C / C++ ESP Drawing Limit

    Nice name bro, keep It up.
  65. Z

    Help Auto dialog select not working on samp R1.

    Can someone fix this for me, it s not working on samp 0.3.7. Here is the code: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 5000 printf "~y~AutoDialogSelect -- ~g~LOADED" time 1000 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID 31@ while true wait 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined then IF 0AB1...
  66. Z

    Help Miner bot by @Fr0Z3n.

    Making the mod.
  67. Z

    Help Miner bot by @Fr0Z3n.

    Could you help me After i arrive home?
  68. Z

    Help Miner bot by @Fr0Z3n.

    The download link from the description is not working!
  69. Z

    Help Miner bot by @Fr0Z3n.

    Does someone still have this cleo, if yes, can you send it? Thank you!!!:ninja::ninja:
  70. Z

    Help Cleo help me pls.

    Hi there, can someone make me a cleo script. So after i put the password to my account, i have to put the pin to the account to gain acces, what i wanted is to put the pin by itself: I think the pin menu is a textdraw, bcuz i need to use the mouse. Can someone makt it, if it is possible?
  71. Z

    Help Repair the car body without affecting health car

    With this the car won t receive any visual damage.
  72. Z

    Help Repair the car body without affecting health car

    Message me on discord, undecacer_
  73. Z

    Help Cleo.

    Thread can be closed! thank you!
  74. Z

    Help Cleo.

    Hello again, i created a CMD for my samp server and i want to add a feature that when i type the command "/qt" it will say in chat like: Attention! The game will close in 15 seconds. Attention! The game will close in 10 seconds. Attention! The game will close in 5 seconds. with a delay of 5...
  75. Z

    Help Dialog Box.

    Thread can be closed.
  76. Z

    Help Dialog Box.

    Problem solved! Thank you
  77. Z

    Help Dialog Box.

  78. Z

    Help Dialog Box.

    I just made a CMD for my server, and i dont know why but at the end of the dialog box is says "5[][][]", can someone help me? here is the code:
  79. Z

    Help cleo.

    I already solved the issue, i needed to replace the line[ Samp.IsCommandTyped(20@) ] with [ 0B35: samp 1@ = get_last_command_params]
  80. Z

    Help cleo.

    hi there, can someone help me? it gives me this error when i try to compile the script : Not enough actual parameters. expected 2 params. here is the code: {$CLEO .cs} 0662: "Chat CMD by [ZesMAXIM]" thread "Chat CMD by [ZesMAXIM]" wait 2500 0B34: samp register_client_command "cmd" to_label...
  81. Z

    Help sameone fix

    bruh 💀 XD
  82. Z

    Help Cleo mod. or
  83. Z

    Help Cleo mod.

    Can someone make a cleo script that it presses esc when detects a text in chat? Specifically the text: (+) Ai castigat
  84. Z

    Help Onfoot checkpoint seeker.

    Hello everyone, out there on the a onfoot checkpoint seeker, and if it doesn`t can someone make on, thank you!
  85. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

    Thread can be locked, thanks to Ice555!! Ur a legend, thank you!! <3333333333333333333333
  86. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

  87. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

    i will make a video to show you in about a hour or two.
  88. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

    crashes the game, i have two modpacks, one with anticrasher, and another one vannila, on the first one, seems to lock the game till i select the route miself, on the vannila one, it crashes the moment it detects the open dialog.
  89. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

    i will see if it works, the server is down at the moment, idk why.
  90. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

    thanks you alot.<3
  91. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

    maybe you could do it with manual activation?
  92. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

    i tried with every single mod, script that i found on this site, but it crashes my samp every single time, i deleted all my cleo mods, same thing
  93. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

    i am using 0.3.7 r1
  94. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

    if you can make something to autoselect the options: from the first image [3. Foster Valley], and from the second picture[ 6. Esplanade North]
  95. Z

    Help Auto-Select from dialog box.

    sorry for the delay, here are the pictures from the dialog box: