Not working. I think it's about the drawing of the texture... :-?? It's a command 0343: set_text_draw_linewidth 640.0
but it isn't working for samp textdraw... :-??
I tried to use allocation of vars but it still isn't working. This is my point, i want to show spaces but i can't. Because i want to have more than one word
I have an ini file with a string. I get that string with a cleo mod and i want to create a samp textdraw with that text.
So i get the string like that
0AC8: 20@ = allocate_memory_size 20
0AF4: 20@ = read_string_from_ini_file "cleo\config.ini" section "SectionName" key "stringKey"
After that...
And can you give me please the memory locations that i have to change ?
With carcols.dat can i do something ?
This is what i want
Hi, how can i make a car color to change slowly, from one rgb color to another ?
I made something like this:
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
WAIT 100
UNTIL SAMP.Available()
1@ = 255
2@ = 0
3@ = 0
FOR 3@ = 0 TO 255
GOSUB @color
Hi, how can i modify the range of the nametags and also the range of that little triangle that is over a player head when you aim to him ? Thank you :urtheman:
It is a way after using this:
0B34: samp register_client_command "command" to @command
to unregister the command ? (when using /command recive the Unknown Command ERROR from server)
Ok, and if i want to convert a number let's say 100 to float how can i do that ? I want it because this:
0B25: samp 2@ = get_player_health 1@
from what can i see returns an int and if i want to use popandaul's snippet i need to put the value as...
Can you explain me how is this working ?
04F7: status_text $HP type 1 line 1 GXT 'fem_Vehicle'
From what can i see is like a HP bar but you can't change it's location, size etc.. or you can ?!
Aa ok but still not only give me enable but when i type it again to disable it isn't working (it's saying ENABLE)
I tested it with a simple script and it work but here it isn't:
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
wait 2000
0B34: samp register_client_command "arepair" to @accept
while true
I seen that but it isn't working for me :-? i don't know and i checked a lot of times, haven't used that 3@ variable in other place... :-?? It just get reset.
Ex if type /arepar 2 time it say to me MOD Enabled for 2 times
I know global variables are bugged but...i want to make an activation command for my mod with sampfuncs.
0B34: samp register_client_command "arepair" to @accept
And :accept is:
wait 0
if 3@ == 0
3@ = 1
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Repair & Refill MOD ~g~enabled" time 3000...
Ok, i have this
wait 0
0AD4: 4@ = scan_string 3@ format "%d" 7@
jf @c_error
//It's ok
if or
7@ == 0
7@ == 1
0006: 2@ = 7@
0AF8: "Accept gun mode ->[%d]<-" 0xCF0300 2@
0AF8: "USAGE: /acceptmod [0/1]" color 0xCF0300
If i have a sampfuncs command with a param but the user don't put it.
Ex: Good: /test 25 -- Bad: /test
How can i check if that 25 is there because it crash my game.
Let's say i have the following string: "** BeyondOwn is in need of a Medic. Location: The Camel's Toe (LV) (user /accept medic 99 to accept the call)"
How can i take the ID (99) out of it taking in consideration that the location will change (can have 1,2,3 words).
yes, i solved that and here is my code right now:
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
thread 'Accept'
7@ = 0
wait 0
//Verificare on/off
if and
7@ == 0
0ADC: test_cheat "agun"
7@ = 1
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Accept gun ~g~enabled~w~" time 3500
if and
Yea, but i want it to work for all players and weapons name. I mean, if every player on that server gives me a weapon it will accept automatically.
My pattern is for example: "* Arms dealer Vennom offered you a M4 for 1$. User (/accept gun 533)."
This is our pattern
I want to make a mod that when i recive a msg in chat send a command back.
Ex: Someone offers me a gun on a server and i have to type something like /accept gun ID and the server msg sounds like this "* Arms Dealer X offered you a M4 for 1$. User (/accept gun ID).".
So my question is how can i...
When i try to compile this mod i get an error:
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
thread 'HEALTH_CAR'
wait 0
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