sorry i don't know where to paste this part:
0AB0: key_down 122
Wait 0
8ab0: 122
Print "key pressed 122 time" time 1000
in this script:
while true
wait 0
if 0AB0: 122 // F11
if 1@ == 0
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Car-HP On." time 1337...
i'm using sanny builder 3, in the "if key_down 1" sanny builder 3 gives me error "unknown directive key_down 1" whitch compiler do you recommend and in whitch part of the script do i paste this part that you send me?
here is the full script:
{$USE ini}
0662: NOP "########################"
0662: NOP "Made by Monstercat"
0662: NOP "_____www.ugbase.eu______"
0662: NOP "########################"
0AA8: call_function_method 0x6A0050 0xC1B340 num_params 1 pop 0 'CRED445' 0@ //// Get gxt text address by gxt...
here is the part of the script that i want to change the activate/desactivate key to F11, when i change 0ADC: test_cheat "CARDL" to 0AB0: key_pressed 122
it works but it keeps flooding while i'm pressing F11 key, i have to quickly press a lot of times for it to activate or desactivate, i...
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