Search results

  1. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get player ID from dialog and send command

    You getting text fom every line.. use it.
  2. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help - Read chat and replay

    The easiest way for this should be: 1. Delete colors from text 2. Compare text 3. Get digits from text
  3. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get player ID from dialog and send command

    //get number of dialog elements 0B54: samp 1@ = listbox_items_count //substract one from total cout 1@ -= 1 //last item is actually the null terminator chatmsg "num of elements %d" -1 1@ for 0@ = 0 to 1@ alloc 2@ = 1024 0B5B: samp get_listbox_item 0@ text_to 2@ chatmsg "element %d -...
  4. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get player ID from dialog and send command

    Use opcode: Get dialog list items text
  5. Parazitas

    CLEO Help help with chat color

    To change specific part of text or add color you need edit current text!!
  6. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Fraps recording

    :SEND_FAKE_KEYPRESS // 0AB1: @FAKE_KEYPRESS 1 KeyOffSet 0x39 if 0AA2: 2@ = load_library "User32.dll" then if 0AA4: 2@ = get_proc_address "keybd_event" library 2@ then 0AA5: call 2@ num_params 4 pop 0 0 0 0 0@ end end 0AB2: ret 0 :STOP_SEND_FAKE_KEYPRESS // 0AB1...
  7. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Fraps recording

    " Wait " blocking code until time ends
  8. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Fraps recording

    :FAKE_KEYPRESS // 0AB1: @FAKE_KEYPRESS 1 KeyOffSet 0x39 if 0AA2: 2@ = load_library "User32.dll" then if 0AA4: 2@ = get_proc_address "keybd_event" library 2@ then 0AA5: call 2@ num_params 4 pop 0 0 0 0 0@ 0AA5: call 2@ num_params 4 pop 0 0 0x39 0 0@ end end 0AB2: ret 0
  9. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Pedslots on screen

    Check if actors defined add + 1
  10. Parazitas

    CLEO Help How to get a nickname on 03dl
  11. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Fraps recording You trying send to windows program , so use Windows keys
  12. Parazitas

    CLEO Help I need help with a timer
  13. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Aim Bot [ Help ]

    If you writing request don't put in title [help].. For request you have to use this thread.:
  14. Parazitas

    CLEO Help any teleport cleo?

    Use Nop memories Google >> ugbase collection
  15. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PROJECT] No SAMPFUNCS

    It use SAMP / SAMP MEMORIES, i just made it work without SAMPFUNCS , so everyone could use it on any server.
  16. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PROJECT] No SAMPFUNCS

    No problem. For OnFoot Recorder left add only commands to record , but this is hardest part.. Anyway i will make it when i get way much more free time.
  17. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PROJECT] No SAMPFUNCS

    Read FAQ..
  18. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PROJECT] No SAMPFUNCS

    For that i have to make new code from scratch, based on " samp register client command " memories and stuff with that. But like you said if admins or owner really want to see what you writing... Owner for admins can add log to see what king stuff you sending to server, no matter it is legal...
  19. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PROJECT] No SAMPFUNCS

    OnFoot Recorder v2 ~ ~ Upadate log ~ ~ 1. Fixed bug with climbing / ledges , actor have been stuck when tried to climb on roof or any thing for climbing.. 2. No more " Unknown command " message 3. Recording when you pressing left or right mouse buttons..
  20. Parazitas

    CLEO Help doubt with chat
  21. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PROJECT] No SAMPFUNCS

    Or just use cleo anti alt esc so your gta will be not paused..
  22. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PROJECT] No SAMPFUNCS

  23. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some snippets

    ~ Samp Chat ~ Snippets: 1. Chat Update 2. Chat Delete 0.3.7 R1 :ChatUpadate { 0.3.7 R1 0AB1: @ChatUpadate 0 } IF 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" THEN 1@ += 0x21A0E4 // SAMP_CHAT_INFO_OFFSET 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x63DA // SAMP_CHAT_UPDATE_OFFSET 0A8C: writeMem...
  24. Parazitas

    CLEO Help any teleport cleo?

    No... You beed use nops or rpc..
  25. Parazitas

    CLEO Help any teleport cleo?

    Disable onfoot / incar data before you doing teleport .
  26. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Doubt with dialogues

    You planning work with SAMPFUNS or without it?
  27. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Doubt with dialogues

    For which samp you looking for?
  28. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Request: Player Finder for SA:MP 0.3dl

    Out streamed players sending position.
  29. Parazitas

    I need a cuff script

    :ProcessChatInput { 0AB1: @ProcessChatInput 2 SampVersionID 0@ InputText 0@ } IF 0AA2: 20@ = "samp.dll" THEN IF NOT 0@ < 1 THEN IF 0@ == 1 // 0.3.7 R1 THEN 0A8E: 21@ = 20@ + 0x21A0E8 // SAMP_CHAT_INPUT_INFO_OFFSET 0A8D: 22@ =...
  30. Parazitas

    CLEO Help I Need Object Throw Cleo Call

    What that should mean???
  31. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Is it possible to make it work on SAMP 0.3DL

    Tried this stuff few times before, but idk where is stored vehicle nop memories
  32. Parazitas

    Types of Sign Check and Sources , etc...

    Should help from you.
  33. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PROJECT] No SAMPFUNCS

    So, i updated both files should work fine now. I also added draw line for vehicle recorder..
  34. Parazitas

    Types of Sign Check and Sources , etc...

    It is old source mate..., server keep updating systems..
  35. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PROJECT] No SAMPFUNCS

    It because samp r4 was updated, i will upload updated version today evening.
  36. Parazitas

    CLEO Release Automatic Skin Changer

    Notepad++ ?
  37. Parazitas


    Use search...
  38. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Always fail to change the contents of the Cleo file

    0A30: repair_car 1@ 0224: set_car 1@ health_to 2000
  39. Parazitas

    Get samp version

    Since samp 0.3.7 R4 got updated i leaving updated snippet Here: :get_samp_version_id // 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID 0@ 30@ = 0 IF 0AA2: 31@ = "samp.dll" // IF and SET THEN 31@ += 0x128 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 31@ size 4 virtual_protect 1 IF 29@ == 0x5542F47A...
  40. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some snippets

    OPCODE: 0B25: samp 2@ = get_player_health 1@ 0B26: samp 2@ = get_player_armor 1@ Without SAMPFUNCS ~ Samp Player ~ 0.3.7 - R1 :SAMPGetActorHealthByID { 0.3.7 - R1 0AB1: @SAMPGetActorHealthByID 1 PlayerID 995 _Returned: Health 1@ } IF 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" THEN 1@ += 0x21A0F8 //...
  41. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get Player's HealthBar/ArmorBar/NameTag Position

    Also you could check sobeit source maybe it says something about nametags position sturcture.
  42. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get Player's HealthBar/ArmorBar/NameTag Position

    ~~ For Name Tag Stuff ~~ Looks like it is a player 3d label, so you should get players label information from 3d text pool. I have been started working with 3d text stuff, but because of a lot days working i haven't time go forward. Here some my working stuff R1 IF 0AA2: 31@ = "samp.dll"...
  43. Parazitas

    [Snippet] IfTextContains (function)

    Good snippet, good job @monday I used it so many times.. Improvements: 1. Included converting to lowercase 2. Removed strlen snippet requirement :IfTextContains /* 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AD3: 1@ = format "my string to compare" IF 0AB1: @IfTextContains 2 String1 0@...
  44. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get target ID
  45. Parazitas

    CLEO Help i need help to get script writing the nickname

    Did you try searching??
  46. Parazitas

    Untagged Release Speedy [Auto-(motor)bike Acceleration Program]

    Or just use cleo..
  47. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get player ID

    There's two ways to get player id. 1.: 2.: Or.., you mean your own id..??
  48. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Taxi

    First and last warning, read forum RULES
  49. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Taxi

    You can do better way.: Get chat text. Delete colors from text. Compare one part of text. Get digits from text. Send command with results.
  50. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Taxi

    Text is static? Only name and id changing?
  51. Parazitas

    CLEO Help cleo mineral

    That simple fact.., here always coming a lot of players but only few can properly explain what they imaging in their heads. I guess we are some kind Houdini and probably we able to read minds.. Most of them getting ignored only because of that..
  52. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some snippets

    OPCODE: 0B46: samp 3d_text 1@ defined 0C46: samp get_3d_text_info_by_id 0@ string_ptr 1@ color 2@ position 3@ 4@ 5@ view_distance 6@ show_behind_walls 7@ attached_to_player 8@ attached_to_vehicle 9@ Without SAMPFUNCS ~ Samp 3D Text ~ 0.3.7 - R1 :SAMPIs3dTextDefined { 0.3.7 - R1...
  53. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some snippets

    OPCODE: 0B50: samp 2@ = object_handle_by_id 1@ Without SAMPFUNCS ~ Samp Object ~ 0.3.7 - R1 :SAMPGetObjectHandleByID { 0.3.7 - R1 SAMP_MAX_OBJECTS = 1000 0AB1: @SAMPGetObjectHandleByID 1 ObjectID 1249 _Returned: Handle 0@ } IF 0AA2: 31@ = "samp.dll" THEN 31@ += 0x21A0F8 //...
  54. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Say a different message depending on the server hour

    Also... Make sure you have right settings...
  55. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help to read the chat and send a reply

    If you use opcode "get player name " to get your own name.. Better use it not in loop, put it before while true..
  56. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Say a different message depending on the server hour

    Join to DC and download it.:
  57. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some snippets

    Opcode: 0B75: samp get_chat_string 1@ text_to 2@ prefix_to 3@ color_to 4@ prefix_color_to 5@ 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat 1@ color 2@ 0B4C: samp is_dialog_active 1@ 0B50: samp 2@ = object_handle_by_id 1@ 0B77: samp get_chat_input_text_to 1@ Without SAMPFUNCS ~ Multi Samp Snippet ~...
  58. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Say a different message depending on the server hour

    Not sure maybe your sanny builder version is diffretent. I using 3.3.3 version, not rly liked updated version. Here is compiled file:
  59. Parazitas

    How to find and change color

    Try decimal to hex >>> Google
  60. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Input dialog type text

    Search Opcode: Set dialog editbox text
  61. Parazitas

    CLEO Help if hp lower than 50, it auto type a command

    You can make ot work without SF
  62. Parazitas

    Untagged Release Auto Login

    V4.1 not require SAMPFUNS
  63. Parazitas

    CLEO Help delete specific chatlog

    Dude i not playing games, i only doing coding. Have no idea what you getting from server....
  64. Parazitas

    CLEO Help delete specific chatlog

    Just use same method and delete incoming text
  65. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Textdraw snippet

    Server ip? Any pics about your server system?
  66. Parazitas

    CLEO Help delete specific chatlog

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 8500 while true wait 0 if 0ADC: test_cheat "UP" then 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AB1: @getChatString 1 ChatID 99 _Returned: Text 0@ PrefixText 1@ Color 2@ PrefixColor 3@ 0A8C: write_memory 0@ size 1 value 0...
  67. Parazitas

    CLEO Help afk bot

    Super simple
  68. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Player Info not work

    Because of SAMPFUNS..
  69. Parazitas

    CLEO Help delete specific chatlog

    Which samp version?
  70. Parazitas

    Types of Sign Check and Sources , etc...

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 8500 while true wait 0 if 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined then 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AB1: @getChatString 1 ChatID 99 _Returned: Text 0@ PrefixText 1@ Color 2@...
  71. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Need auto car driving to ten cordinates
  72. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Cleo auto walk checkpoint wait 45s

    Try record it maybe check points are in static positions
  73. Parazitas

    CLEO Help How to fix my sanny builder.
  74. Parazitas

    Types of Sign Check and Sources , etc...

    Just one.., give me more examples
  75. Parazitas

    Types of Sign Check and Sources , etc...

    Any Pic??
  76. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Set health by command

    1. 2.
  77. Parazitas

    CLEO Help python to .cs

    Server ip?
  78. Parazitas

    CLEO Help python to .cs

    On last posted codes i see "12" xD
  79. Parazitas

    CLEO Help python to .cs

    Try this one for alt key LALT= 0x127
  80. Parazitas

    CLEO Help python to .cs

    Type "AFK" like gta sa cheat
  81. Parazitas

    CLEO Help python to .cs

    Just simply use this snippet, works same, but doesn't effect pc, works only gta.
  82. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Snippet chatlog

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 1000 0A8D: 31@ = readMem 0xC8D4C0 sz 4 vp 0 UNTIL 31@ == 9 // SAMP_IS_READY 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 128 0AD3: 0@ = format "hello world" 0AB1: @Chatmsg 2 color 0xFF00FF00 text 0@ WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 END :Chatmsg //0AB1: @Chatmsg 2 $color $text IF...
  83. Parazitas

    Script detect id

    If you wanna get help... First explain everything clearly..
  84. Parazitas

    CLEO Help AHK to .CS

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 1000 0A8D: 31@ = readMem 0xC8D4C0 sz 4 vp 0 UNTIL 31@ == 9 // SAMP_IS_READY 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 128 0AD3: 0@ = format "/ke" 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 128 0AD3: 1@ = format "/ya" WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 if 0ab0: 78 // N then...
  85. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help cleo fix car by command

    Thread close, you keep breaking forum rules..
  86. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help cleo fix car by command

    Before you sending information to memories, you should check what you getting after formating text
  87. Parazitas

    CLEO Help How I Can Fps Limit With Ini For Samp 0.3.DL

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WAIT 8500 WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\FpsLimiter.ini" THEN 0AF0: 0@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\FpsLimiter.ini" section "Settings" key "FpsLimit" 0AB1: @FPS_UNLOCK 0 0AB1...
  88. Parazitas

    CLEO Help How I Can Fps Limit With Ini For Samp 0.3.DL

    :FPSUNLOCK { 0.3.DL 0AB1: @FPSUNLOCK 0 } IF 0AA2: 31@ = "samp.dll" THEN 31@ += 0xA2400 0A8D: 30@ = read_memory 31@ size 4 virtual_protect 1 IF NOT 30@ == 0x5051FF15 THEN 0A8C: write_memory 31@ size 4 value 0x5051FF15 virtual_protect 1 END END 0AB2: ret 0
  89. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Cleo encryptor

    We are not allowed to share things like .exe here
  90. Parazitas

    SAMP 0.3.DL Crash

    Maybe you missing some .dll files
  91. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Say a different message depending on the server hour

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 8500 while true wait 0 if 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined then for 0@ = 0 to 2048 // 2048 = max TextDraw ID in decimal if 0AB1: @IsSampTextDrawExist 1 TextDrawID 0@ then 0AB1: @GetTextDrawText 1 TextDrawID 0@ _Returned: Text 1@...