Search results

  1. Parazitas

    CLEO Help How to get actor id by actor name?

    :getPlayerIdByName for 1@ = 0 to 1000 if SAMP.IsPlayerConnected(1@) then 2@ = SAMP.GetPlayerNickname(1@) if 0C14: strcmp string1 0@ string2 2@ then break end end end 0ab2: 1 1@
  2. Parazitas

    [HELP] Need 0.3.DL Offsets

    I can get hook close dialog I worked with 0.3.DL and recorded videos, check channel for more video. I'm active 3pm between 8pm - UK Time zone. Discord: Parazitas#0398 Here you find tutorials how to get samp pointers.:
  3. Parazitas

    CLEO Help red checkpoint detector
  4. Parazitas

    CLEO Help red checkpoint detector

    samp ver?
  5. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Putting weird simbols into chat.

    @monday I think you know better about this question.
  6. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Putting weird simbols into chat.

    Ohh, just do it...
  7. Parazitas

    CLEO Help [REQ] Auto Keybind 0.3DL

    This is not request section
  8. Parazitas

    CLEO Release Auto KeyBind

    I can make it for 0.3.DL
  9. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Auto Getmats 0.3DL

    I can find it, i think.
  10. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Putting weird simbols into chat.

    You mean if you press " L " then show " • "
  11. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Disabling mouse pointer.

    While wait o Set curor mode [Number] End
  12. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Auto helmet

    You can easy make it
  13. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Auto /repair

    I need sun flower hack as well, please
  14. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Slapper and problem

    Just delete that part of code
  15. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Cleo mod working on a specified server

  16. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Cleo mod working on a specified server

    Just read from chat , every time when you connecting to server you get chatmsg...
  17. Parazitas


    I just combine your code and old other code , so now working good. Without sampfuncs. :DRAW_LINE //0AB1: call_scm_func @DRAW_LINE 9 POS 7@ 8@ _TO_ 9@ 10@ THICKNESS 2.0 RGBA 255 0 0 255 0509: 9@ = distance_between_XY 0@ 1@ and_XY 2@ 3@ 0063: 2@ -= 0@ 0063: 3@ -= 1@ 0604: get_Z_angle_for_point...
  18. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Cleo mod working on a specified server

    Just check server ip and port every time when samp is loaded.
  19. Parazitas

    [C++] Simple command system (0.3.7R1)

    Nice Tut / snippet
  20. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Get character pos

    0AB1: @GetCharPos 2 string 0@ pos 1@ to 2@ :GetCharPos 0C17: 8@ = 0@ if 801D: 1@ > 8@ then 9@ = 0 while 001D: 1@ > 9@ inc(0@) 9@+=1 end 0C2D: strrev in 0@ out 0@ 0062: 8@ -= 1@ 9@ = 0 8@ -= 1 while 001D: 8@ > 9@ inc(0@) 9@+=1...
  21. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Skip first characters

    100% - Working without SAMPFUNCS Example 0AD3: 0@ = format "xxString" You wanna cut "xx" 0AB1: @SkipFirstCharacters 2 String 0@ Characters 2 rnt 1@ Snippet :SkipFirstCharacters 005A: 0@ += 1@ 0AB2: ret 1 0@
  22. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Get last characters

    100% - Working without SAMPFUNCS Example 0AD3: 0@ = format "Hello World" You wanna get "World" 0AB1: @GetLastCharacters 2 String 0@ Characters 5 rnt 1@ Snippet :GetLastCharacters { 0AB1: @GetLastCharacters 2 String 0@ Characters 5 rnt 1@ } 0AB1: @strlen 1 String 0@ Lenght 2@ 0062: 2@ -=...
  23. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Copy a String

    100% working without SAMPFUNCS :copy_string { 0AB1: call @copy_string 4 text 0@ start 0 end 9 to_buffer 1@ } var 1@: int 2@: int 4@: int 5@: int end if 1@ < 0 then 059A: return_false 0AB2: ret 0 end 0AB1: @strlen 1 string 0@ rtn 5@ if 2@ > 5@ then 2@ = 5@ end if...
  24. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Search text in text

    100% working without SAMPFUNCS :search_text_in_the_text { Example: 0AB1: call @search_text_in_the_text 2 String1 0@ String2 1@ In: 0@ - text; 1@ - string; Out: True or False; } var 2@:int 3@:int 4@:int 5@:int 7@:int 8@:int end 7@ = 0 0AB1: @strlen 1 string...
  25. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Remove last character string

    100 % working without SAMPFUNCS :DeleteLastChars { 0AB1: @delete_last_chars_from_string 2 6@ 2 } var 0@: int 1@: int 2@: int end 0AB1: @strlen 1 string 0@ rtn 2@ 2@ -= 1@ 0@ += 2@ 0AB1: @memset 3 destination 0@ value 0 size 1@ 0AB2: ret 0 :strlen { Example: 0AB1: @strlen 1 string 1@...
  26. Parazitas

    SAMPFUNCS,go wrong

    Here take my gta.
  27. Parazitas

    SAMPFUNCS,go wrong

  28. Parazitas

    SAMPFUNCS,go wrong

    which samp version you use?
  29. Parazitas

    SAMPFUNCS,go wrong

    we have google
  30. Parazitas

    SAMPFUNCS,go wrong

  31. Parazitas

    Multi Greeting Problem

  32. Parazitas

    CLEO Release Auto KeyBind

  33. Parazitas

    CLEO Help What's wrong with the Script?

    I stoped use SAMPFUNCS , so i can't test , but should work. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: is_samp_available WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned THEN 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AC8: 2@ = allocate_memory_size 260...
  34. Parazitas

    Multi Greeting Problem

    From old Request {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP 0662: "Salut all by dawidov." Thread "Salut all by dawidov. For Nephrite" wait 10000 0B34: samp register_client_command "salutall" to_label @cmd chatmsg "{FF3C00}Salut {FF3C00}All {FF3C00}By {FF3C00}dawidov. {FF3C00}for {FF3C00}" -1...
  35. Parazitas

    CLEO Help What's wrong with the Script?

    1. Format - Name: %s 2.: If local player spawned Then Alloc 1@ 260 Alloc 2@ 260 SAMP.GetChatString(99, 1@, 2@, 3@, 4@) // Do stuff... End
  36. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Text draw teleporter.

    {$CLEO} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 100 UNTIL 0AFA: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 for 0@ = 0 to 2048 if 0B46: samp 3d_text 0@ defined then 0C46: samp get_3d_text_info_by_id 0@ string_ptr 1@ color 2@ position 3@ 4@ 5@ view_distance 6@ show_behind_walls 7@ attached_to_player 8@ attached_to_vehicle...
  37. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C5D without SAMPFUNCS

    Take pic from your gta directory
  38. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Text draw teleporter.
  39. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C5D without SAMPFUNCS

    I know -_-
  40. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C5D without SAMPFUNCS

    Ugbase Use samp r2 ..., you wasted my time... Because you said it's R1, i was looking mem from r1 server ..........
  41. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C5D without SAMPFUNCS

    Server ip?
  42. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C5D without SAMPFUNCS

    Your gta clean? R1
  43. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C5D without SAMPFUNCS

    Just replace pointer ! From.: 0x26E97C To: 0x21A194
  44. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C5D without SAMPFUNCS

    Ohhh , ok , i find it.
  45. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C5D without SAMPFUNCS

    0.3.7 Have sampfuncs
  46. Parazitas

    Untagged Release Bike / Motorcycle speed up

    Added! Works Perfect , tested - works any samp.
  47. Parazitas

    Untagged Release Bike / Motorcycle speed up

    It's gta sa andreas static mem adr...
  48. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C5D without SAMPFUNCS

    Good luck
  49. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C5D without SAMPFUNCS

    Wich textdraw u wanna check? Take pic.
  50. Parazitas

    Samp Send Key Press

    I'm from lithuania , but I don't live in lithuania.
  51. Parazitas

    Samp Send Key Press

    You think i write my real location ? xD
  52. Parazitas

    Samp Send Key Press

    I give you mem adr .... , just put it in c++ code -_-
  53. Parazitas

    Samp Send Key Press
  54. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] GetChatEntryText (without SF)

    0.3.7 - R3 :getChatEntryText { 0.3.7 - R3 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AB1: @getChatEntryText 1 ChatID 99 _Returned: Text 0@ } IF 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" THEN 1@ += 0x26E8C8 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x132 0@ *= 0xFC 005A: 1@ += 0@ 1@ +=...
  55. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Dialog button text

    :_get_button_text // 0AB1: @_get_button_text 1 left_or_right 0 output 1@ { 0.3.7 - R3 left = 0 right = 1 } 0AA2: 13@ = load_library "samp.dll" 13@ += 0x26E97C 0A8D: 13@ = 13@ 4 0 13@ += 0x20 0A8D: 13@ = 13@ 4 0 0@ *= 0x160 0@ += 0x1AD 005A: 13@ += 0@ ret 1 13@
  56. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Activation key on OP-Hax

  57. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about 0C11

    Okay i try it , thx.
  58. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about 0C11

    Here is any way do this opcode without sampfuncs? 0C11: memset destination 0@ value 1@ size 0x4 @springfield @supahdupahnubah @monday etc..
  59. Parazitas

    Now we Can take easy - Clean Screen Shot without Sampfuncs...

    Now we Can take easy - Clean Screen Shot without Sampfuncs.
  60. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] SAMP TakeScreen & CleanScreens

    100% - Working without SAMPFUNCS Example - 0.3.7 R3 Explain.: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 10000 while true wait 0 IF 0AB0: 119 then 0AB1: @CleanScreens 0 end end :CleanScreens 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x26E894 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 0A8C: writeMem 1@ sz 4 vl 1 vp 0 0A8E...
  61. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] SAMP TakeScreen & CleanScreens

    Good job boys
  62. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Set Virtual or Game Key

    Added game key snippet.
  63. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C17: 31@ = strlen 0@

    How to make opcode 0C17: 31@ = strlen 0@ work without SAMPFUNCS?
  64. Parazitas


  65. Parazitas

    CLEO Help help with sanny builder

    Now u can edit it yourself {CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP wait 2000 thread "SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE" 03F0: enable_text_draw 1 31@ = 0 :SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_41 wait 0 if 0AB0: key_pressed 4 else_jump @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_160 if 31@ == 0 else_jump...
  66. Parazitas

    CLEO Help help with sanny builder

    What u mean mouse(4) ??
  67. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Set Virtual or Game Key

    Added virtual game key snippets.: 1. Possibility set time. 2. Possibility set random time.
  68. Parazitas

    [SOLVED MYSELF]when open Multihack cursor not showing run addon

    You can open chat and get cursor
  69. Parazitas

    how to create Teleport Menu Dialog

    Just watch video and do same ... {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY 0B34: "Dialog" @Show WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 23@ == TRUE THEN 0AC6: 16@ = label @TEXT offset 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1000 caption "Servers" text 16@ button_1 "OK" button_2 "CLOSE"...
  70. Parazitas

    CLEO Help How to get nametag color?

    Nick name color?
  71. Parazitas

    CLEO Help How to get nametag color?

    which samp version you need to get WH colors?
  72. Parazitas

    CLEO Help How to leap on alternative registered command while on loop?

    Should work. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: repeat wait 0 until 0afa: 0B34: samp register_client_command "abc" to_label @abc 0B34: samp register_client_command "dis" to_label @dis 32@ = 0 // keep while timer :blank wait 0 if and 0@ == true 32@ > 18000 then say "/find 22" 32@ = 0 end jump...
  73. Parazitas

    CLEO Help command like /ant

    Use Search next time... {$CLEO .cs} 0000: thread "TehArgis" 0B34: samp register_client_command ".e" to_label @CMD 0@ = 0 :MAIN wait 0 if 0@ == 1 then if and not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) SAMP.IsPlayerConnected(3@) 056D: actor 4@ defined Actor.Driving(4@) then...
  74. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Screen text

    good luck
  75. Parazitas

    [Req] OpcodeXe Song Video

  76. Parazitas

    CLEO Help command like /ant

    Do it your self maybe??? P.S. possible.
  77. Parazitas

    [CLOSED][CLEO] Accepting request

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 if 0B4C: samp is_dialog_active -1 then alloc 0@ 260 0BD8: samp get_dialog_caption 0@ if 0C29: $NOT_USED = stristr string1 0@ string2 "Dealership:" // check dialog caption then...
  78. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Input text

    Fuck this , i'm not google...
  79. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Input text

    Him Edited again msg, so now not looks like selfish
  80. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about Motorcycle

    Tested, thx.
  81. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Input text

    Looks like you are selfish
  82. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about Motorcycle

    @Opcode.eXe Is there any way make it smooth then looks more legit? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 10000 while true wait 0 if or 00DD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model 581 // BF-400 00DD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model 462 // Faggio 00DD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR...
  83. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about Motorcycle

    Thx, i try make it.
  84. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Input text

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 if 0B4C: samp is_dialog_active -1 then alloc 0@ 260 0BD8: samp get_dialog_caption 0@ if 0C29: $NOT_USED = stristr string1 0@ string2 "Dealership:" // check dialog caption then...
  85. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about Motorcycle

    I wanna make auto drive on one wheel , but i don't know what i must search
  86. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about Motorcycle

    What change when we travelling with Motorcycle on one wheel? Z pos???
  87. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Input text

    Take pic from your verification dialog
  88. Parazitas

    Untagged Release Bike / Motorcycle speed up

    . MotorcycleAndBikeSpeedUP v4 - Press continuously UP ARROW if you start drive Motorcycle also press continuously W KEY if you start drive Bike. Working with gta sa andreas or any samp!
  89. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Game speed less than 0.

    You need use sampfuncs !!
  90. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Game speed less than 0.

    {$CLEO .cs} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: NOP REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY 0BE2: setup_outcoming_packet_hook @CarHook WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: 90 // Z THEN REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 8AB0: 90 // Z 0B12: 0@ = 0@ XOR TRUE END IF...