Hello guys.
I'm asking for a aimbot (lag shooting).
The aimbot must be like the silent aimbot or something that I can hit players shooting at their skins.
Thank you :)
I need some aimbot source or a tutorial to uncode some aimbot. :urtheman:
I will make an public version of aimbot (This will work on SAMP AC).
if some one can give me an aimbot source, i will be very gratz!
Hello guys,
I'm not sure of im posting in the correct local but lets go.
I was watching a fragmovie video of a boy from Argentina 'Capo'.
And i see that this guy all times shoot on skins in Lagshoot server and 200ping+
I want know HOW DO IT? i know that him use any cheat But I do not know what...
Scren shoot: http://i.imgur.com/0vQigRc.png
Note: if i minime to gta sa i got this crash:
SA-MP 0.3z
Exception At Address: 0x03BA4BC0
Base: 0x03500000
EAX: 0x00000000 EBX: 0x0048D200 ECX: 0x3C446862 EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x09D60000 EDI: 0x00000000 EBP: 0x0533B180 ESP: 0x0022FAEC...
I have a lag.exe that i received from a friend, but when i open this program my game get crash.
I know than this program is not a troll.. so some one can help me?
This is much like what happens when I use some cores .. the game crash
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