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  1. J


  2. J


    If you help me I can pay you, I'm Brazilian. I pay via the game or something like that, I can pay something on some server for you.
  3. J


     Will it work 100% ?, I need to edit the code and do a check to see if Team Viwer is open and if you send an error message when it opens!
  4. J


    I want to decompile the springfield wallhack, will it work?
  5. J

    [REQ] C++ Wallhack

  6. J


    I need a decompiler to get the source code of a hack.exe called renko
  7. J

    [REQ] NameTagHack.exe Camouflaged

    It works, yes, I just tried!
  8. J

    Could someone help me solve this error?

    C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Admin10466.c [Error] Windows: No such file or directory now he's giving this error
  9. J

    Could someone help me solve this error?

    74 0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\windows.h In file included from C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/windows.h
  10. J

    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7 / 0.3.DL [CLEO/EXE/ASI]

    RE: NameTagHack 0.3.7 [CLEO/EXE/ASI] Como posso descompilar o arquivo exe?
  11. J

    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7 / 0.3.DL [CLEO/EXE/ASI]

    RE: NameTagHack 0.3.7 [CLEO/EXE/ASI] You can't release the code?, the exe? because I want to study! If it is possible. :D :PPFFH: