Search results

  1. SobFoX

    CPP RELEASE imrp.dll launcher bypass screenshot

    You will have to make a hook for both functions, take the parameters that enter the function, save them and call them whenever you see that they will take a picture of your screen, you can also send any picture you want that way, it's very funny int __fastcall sub_10006E80(int a1, int a2)...
  2. SobFoX

    WARNING SA-MP - stealing/keyloggers - mainly to CLEO users

    I recently discovered that computers infected with SAMP's DIALOG "thief" in ASI, CS, SF, LUA Doing something else besides stealing users... It turns out that they create an additional process for you on the computer that they load in several methods through FONTS files of weapons and more in...
  3. SobFoX


    SobFoX submitted a new resource: MTA CHEATS SOBFOX PROJECT - SOBFOX Read more about this resource...
  4. SobFoX


  5. SobFoX

    gta-chronicles map release

    MAP 2023 ServerIP: or Version: 0.3.DL info: How to install? You need to know this, in addition I added the code of the model files also in the txt file that contains the object, vehicle..etc And also in the artconfig.txt file In the models folder...
  6. SobFoX

    FiveM Release TriggerBot GTAV/FiveM/RageMP/AltV v1.3

    works automatically If you are playing on a server with an unsupported version, drop here the game building for example "FiveM_b2802_GTAProcess.exe" These versions are in this folder on the computer: "C:\Users\fenvi\AppData\Local\FiveM\\data\cache\subprocess"
  7. SobFoX

    Trailer Project SobFoX v5 MTA/PWAC/NAC/SAMP/CRMP

  8. SobFoX

    [MTA]Cheats free for MTA Trailler tomorrow

  9. SobFoX

    TriggerBot for FiveM Beta v1.1

    I built an external triggerbot for fivem Run after a game is running. have fun update v1.1 - More difficult to block RedArmy: Я построил внешний триггербот для Fivem Запуск после запуска игры. развлекайся
  10. SobFoX

    Happy Hanukkah 2022

  11. SobFoX

    [SAMP]Skid boys, skid boys whatcha gonna do?[Patched]

    I made corrections to all the viruses they try to post here too..
  12. SobFoX

    Two old school videos released

  13. SobFoX

    SobFoX Project v5 very soon!

  14. SobFoX

    Untagged Release FakeMobile

    SobFoX submitted a new resource: FakeMobile - SOBFOX Read more about this resource...
  15. SobFoX

    Untagged Release Fast Connect

    SobFoX submitted a new resource: FAST CONNECT FOR SAMP/CRMP 0.3.7 R1,R2,R3,R4,R4-2,0.3.DL - SOBFOX Read more about this resource...
  16. SobFoX

    avocados 🥑 from mexico 🇲🇽 ?

  17. SobFoX

    Untagged Release MultiSAMPFUNCS R1 & R3 & DL

    SobFoX submitted a new resource: MultiSAMPFUNCS R1 &R3 & DL - MultiSAMPFUNCS R1 &R3 & DL Read more about this resource...
  18. SobFoX

    Untagged Release SAMP Green Health Bar

    SobFoX submitted a new resource: SAMP GREEN HEALTH BAR - Support for all SAMP / CRMP versions - SAMP GREEN HEALTH BAR - Support for all SAMP / CRMP versions Read more about this resource...
  19. SobFoX

    OP-HaX - legit MultiHack FIX - SAMP 0.3.7 R1/R3/0.3.DL

    This is a fix for this version of OPHAX: After it stopped working
  20. SobFoX

    Untagged Release Rina RP AC patched

    SobFoX submitted a new resource: Rina RP AC patched - Patch Read more about this resource...
  21. SobFoX

    [SAMP]SobFoX Project Supreme v5[Last trailer]

  22. SobFoX

    Moonloader,CLEO survey support all samp 0.3.7+

    Hello I have a question for all the scripts here, would you like us to build you a plugin (similar to sampfuncs) that gives you programming with raknet options and almost complete control over all samp.dll. Would you use this plugin? And what would you prefer more lua / cleo?
  23. SobFoX

    Crab Game Cheats !

    Activate the cheat only after you open the game! Do not be in full screen!
  24. SobFoX

    Meme Yo

    admin asked me who I was after I knocked out his server Through his NICKNAME
  25. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    Here you can send files and they will be decrypted(cleo/lua/ahk) ! CLEO / LUA / AHK files can have their encryption removed In full / in part The SF / ASI / DLL file will be mainly tested It is not possible to extract code in an orderly manner from files programmed in C ++ Here you will find...
  26. SobFoX

    [SAMP]Brasil Play Stars R.I.P By Roxo[Project SobFoX]

  27. SobFoX

    SAMP HZRP Trolling :P

  28. SobFoX

    Untagged Release RinaRP AntiCheatSide Patched - Updated 19/2/22

    For all Players RINARP rina-rp Up to now there has been protection against wallhack.cs And now you can use Come Again, enjoy ;P Updated 19/2/22 The issues have been fixed and updated to a new version
  29. SobFoX

    Untagged Release Custom Name Tags 2.0 [FPS UP]

    Description: The modification replaces the standard nicknames of the players with custom ones. Due to this, the FPS is significantly increased and the possibility of modification appears. This is a replacement for the first version - the LUA script, in contrast to it, the plugin is executed...
  30. SobFoX

    LUA Release APP LUA MOONLOADER - WTLS Auto Farmer + Activity Check Pass

    AutoFarmer.lua + ActivityCheckPass.lua What do you need for this? ASI Loader ASI Loader: CLEO CLEO: SAMPFUNCS SAMPFUNCS: MoonLoader MoonLoader...
  31. SobFoX

    Untagged Release LUA MOONLOADER - Radar Revealer

    Radar-Revealer.lua What do you need for this? ASI Loader ASI Loader: CLEO CLEO: SAMPFUNCS SAMPFUNCS: MoonLoader MoonLoader: Virus Scans...
  32. SobFoX

    Untagged Release Fake-G-AC PluginASI(Irrelevant )

    Fake-G-AC.ASI Fakes use of fake-g-ac.ASI What do you need for this? ASI Loader ASI Loader: Virus Scans: Virus Total: Jotti...
  33. SobFoX

    Untagged Release FakeSAMPCAC PluginSF + FakeFile and text 0.3.7-R1

    FakeSAMPCAC.SF Fakes use of SAMPCAC.ASI What do you need for this? CLEO + SAMPFUNCS (always to the most up to date) CLEO: SAMPFUNCS: And of course SAMP 0.3.7 first version SAMP: Virus Scans: Virus...
  34. SobFoX

    SA:MP 0.3.7 R4 OnFoot Crasher

  35. SobFoX

    testing :D

    ooooooooooooooo yessssssssssssssssss
  36. SobFoX

    [SAMP] Johny Project AutoCBUG SilentAim Noreload MonserDM [Testing]

  37. SobFoX

    Untagged Release RakSAMP [v0.8.6-0.3.7-R3]

    Hey, i've updated RakSAMP to 0.3.7 Server R3. RakSAMP is a fake client and server for SA-MP. Commands: !exit or !quit: exits client. !reconnect: reconnects the server. !reload: reloads settings. !runmode: sets current runmode. !stats: shows raknet statistics. !players: shows list of players...
  38. SobFoX

    Throw in your SAMP (F8) photo folder here :D

    OOOOOOOO YES Also, always fun to share
  39. SobFoX

    Johny Project FakeMaster // Weapons,teleport,aimbot,aimz,etc
  40. SobFoX


    Written by a stupid man Not worth messing with me, ^^
  41. SobFoX

    Untagged Release Fake version SA:MP 0.3.7-R4 for 0.3.7 sampfuncs plugin!

    Use samp version 0.3.7 + cleo + sampfuncs Throw the file in the folder of sampfuncs
  42. SobFoX

    Gtav fiveM server mod PlayIL

    Forum: PlayIL Ip:
  43. SobFoX

    Troll HZRP Hahahahaha 0x32789

  44. SobFoX

    A wonderful day to play Dayz

  45. SobFoX

    Untagged Release Perfect Invisible v2

    - Perfect Inv - SAMP 0.3.7 R1 =====================Requires===================== - Cleo - Samp Funcs =====================Tutorial===================== - Put the SF file into the samp funcs folder - Enter the game - On/Off Command : "/.ik" The point of this plugin is to make you...
  46. SobFoX

    samp share some troll video That you love

  47. SobFoX

    SF Plugin Release [SAMP]PickUP other players + Bike InvisibleSF - Trolling !

    All rights to PICKUP Reserved to OPCODEXE invisible bike -> /.ib on/off download
  48. SobFoX

    Arab Pokemon :D
  49. SobFoX

    SobFoX Waken Demon The Private Version English: First of all, the things that you see in the video was supposed to be published with the new version. Afterwards when I gained more power in this game I was in a position where I could destroy every server that I wanted, by using my new...
  50. SobFoX

    ~!~ BKabKabKa ~!~

    http:// #SAMPILRIP
  51. SobFoX

  52. SobFoX

    [NG-RP]Hacking, A quick preview
  53. SobFoX

    Welcome to NGG
  54. SobFoX


  55. SobFoX

    attack SAMP IL

    External and internal attacks http://
  56. SobFoX

    Find Me

    Find Me :sadpepe:
  57. SobFoX

    Untagged Release SobFoX Project v0.0.0.4

    Description: v0.0.0.4 Bypass the Anti-S0beit Script! GPCI Unbanner Weapon Cheat Is Now Undetected! For the hidden and secret functions within the s0beit type in chat the command "/.cmds"! Special Thanks to NIEX, Krakazabra and ]]=Yakir=[[! Functions List: -=> [ Player Modz ] <=- [-] Fuck...
  58. SobFoX

    DLL injection

    Hello. Since there are some servers with Anti-S0beit, and I tried to find a bypass unsuccessfully, I'm asking for your help. One way to bypass the Anti-S0beit detection is to inject to s0beit after the check, which is after the login and spawn of the player. My goal is to make my s0beit to...
  59. SobFoX

    ProjecT SobFoX :ugbase: :ugbase: :ugbase: :ugbase: :ugbase: :ugbase: :ugbase: :ugbase: :ugbase:
  60. SobFoX

    [SAMP]Headway DeathMatch[Troll]

    :ppffh: :ppffh: :ppffh: :ppffh: :ppffh: :ppffh: :ppffh: :ppffh: :ppffh: :trollface: :trollface: :trollface: :trollface: :trollface: :trollface: :trollface: :trollface:
  61. SobFoX

    CLEO Release Slapper Player [CLEO]

    I think I said this when Hon Riaso and now: D activation:AIM+X/Alt+X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project SobFoX Go!
  62. SobFoX

    Pulse code published for S0beit

    I post this because nobody publishes s0beit then add code and new code to anyone who wants it his personal s0beit pulse code per familiar Sorry for my English, I use Google dumb_meun.cpp After you add #define ID CHEAT_MODS 40 Next #define ID_CHEAT_PULSATOR 42 dumb_meun.cpp Then after...
  63. SobFoX

    CLEO Help WOW! Slapper CLEO?!??!

  64. SobFoX

    CLEO Release [SA:MP 0.3.7] Kill All

    Description: A Cleo used for easy killing. Cleo is functional on servers that has Lag Comp ON. Video: Installation: Drop the file in the CLEO folder. Activation: Type in chat "/KillAll"
  65. SobFoX

    Find Me

    Find Me :sadpepe: