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  1. liltien

    Help need help with cleo auto read chat and send /ataxi command

    i need help with this cleo, i need it to work, more specifically i need it when there is a notification on chat sent to "Playername (id) dang can taxi tai" then cleo must automatically /ataxi id from chatlog above or /ataxi Playername. if possible i need help doing it completely because i don't...
  2. liltien

    CLEO Help i need help on how to use it or another cleo that has similar functionality.

    i am a newbie so i need everyone's help on this. i currently don't know how to use it, roughly when the chat bar shows the text "[nameplayer] (id) dang o (player position)" then i will /ataxi (id). i really need help and i don't know if the code i gave can work or not, if it can't work please...