So for those of you who have been hacking crazy enough to actually get that ban, you may know about flapjack's GPCI unban cleo or made a new windows user account.
There's a nice program called Hard Disk Serial Changer where all you have to do is change the serial key from the disk where your...
Sadly didn't work. I tried the Invisible one and got banned instantly, there's another that "removes you from the world map" but Server closed connection after 2-3 seconds lol. Maybe the guy I saw made his own hack, but it would be a pretty awesome one to have if someone here could create one...
So I was playing on Crazybob's CnR today and was going after a player when he suddenly used some hack (not sure if cleo, s0beit or something else) that made him not just invisible, but removed him from the map. His location was still at Ganton, I found him through the /locate command and it says...
So, this is a cleo from around last year and it's amazing since it allows you to fake/spoof kill somebody even if they won't punch you first. It does this by somehow making the victim get into the fighting animation and suddenly punch you. I'm trying to get into scripting and I'd love to know if...
I've been here every once in a while since late 2016 (I was a little more active around 2013-2014) and just noticed that you can't request anything at all. Is it taking up too much space or something?
Thanks in advance.
So for those of you who have been hacking crazy enough to actually get that ban, you may know about flapjack's GPCI unban cleo or made a new windows user account.
There's a nice program called Hard Disk Serial Changer where all you have to do is change the serial key from the disk where your...
It's Flapjack92's invincibility cleo. I got a mouse that has 2 extra buttons on the left side and it would be awesome if someone could change the activation key to one of them.
Thanks in advance.
I think the question is not whether God really exists but accepting that he's not going to interfere with our life. There's this belief called "Deism" which basically states that God created the universe and our planet but stopped doing anything after, which sounds pretty logical to me. You...
Just wanted to bump this again to ask the creator for just a slight modification. I used it on a CnR server and it was hilarious killing several people at once but it only worked easier because there were a bunch of cars next to me. The problem is that this cleo only warps any RANDOM vehicle...
I guess now that I try to think about ways to get the AC triggered, it seems like you couldn't get others banned for that. The server I play on, Crazybob's Cnr, only really detects cheating if it's something like unlimited ammo, s0beit fake kill and few others which I guess you can't use to get...
I actually do that too sometimes on CnR lol. However, the problem is that when you spoof/fake kill someone, they only get kicked for excessive innocent DM but never actually banned. Now, if there was some way to not get someone kicked but actually have the AC ban him where it says the whole...
So, I know that there are some cheats that can get you kicked from the server even if you aren't cheating yourself, like for example surfing on a car while someone is airbreaking hard.
What if there was a cheat, no matter what it does, that makes the server think the victim is the one cheating...
I'm talking about the /skr function, not the /sky one. If the exploding car you teleport to a player would be the car closest to you instead of a random one, then that would be great. Like, I was testing it outside the LS Rodeo bank and since it chooses vehicles randomly, it might sometimes...
Holy shit, this works well but one question. Is there a way to prevent having a random car teleport to the victim but instead teleport the closest car to you to the victim? I play on a server where I sometimes get kicked using this because it teleports a vehicle that's too far away to the victim.
So, I'm using s0beit Blue Eclipse and am really enjoying it but there's just one question.
When you add an admin to the admins config file, apparently you need to write the name exactly the way it is on the server.
Like, if there's an admin called for example "UgBase" then you have to write it...
Hey man I appreciate that but sadly already use a different cleo which activation key is F11.
Do you think you might be able to do it for number pad 0? That would be amazing. Thank you.
I know I'd usually post this in the Request section but it seems like an admin messed around with the settings and now you can't create a thread there right now.
The activation key is [ but I would prefer it if someone could change it to something like CTRL + G.
Thanks in advance.
Might work on some servers but the one I'm playing at must have fixed this because the only thing that happens is the car teleporting next to a player, without shooting him in the air, and then I suddenly die lol.
Re: Cleo Free Score - Automatic fakekill
Sadly have to change my mind. I tried it on Crazybob's CnR and the thing that happens is weird. It shows that I died on the death list but only by myself (like if you fall of a building for example) and I was still able to walk around. It worked on a...
Re: Cleo Free Score - Automatic fakekill
Okay, I didn't know that "reason" stands for the weapon ID one uses to kill you. I tried it again and it works perfectly! Thank you.
It's good to see an update but I think you should really include an option to only show the pickups one is looking for. Like "/spshow [pickup ID]". I think the reason why this thread isn't getting much attention is because, like I said, some servers have houses etc., which means as soon as you...
If this is the one made by Flapjack for his old "drive by shotgun hack" then I can guarantee you will be banned as soon as you start shooting lol
Admins fixed that about a year ago so you would have to play on a small server with a shitty Anti-Cheat client for this to still work.
Yeah, I looked it up and seems like each interior has an ID on it's own which means you'd have to spend a lot of time trying to remove them all lol.
Isn't it possible to kinda redo this cleo but only adding the objects for weapons, moneybags and maybe the 2 objects the guy above below my first...
The cleo works but the problem is that it also detects houses and shop interiors (the yellow arrow before the door might be the object that triggers this) which instantly loads more than 33 objects and therefore crashed the game.
Would be amazing if you (or anyone who knows coding) is able to...
I see, I will do that later.
One last question: Do I need Sampfuncs or anything? I haven't downloaded the latest version yet because I stopped cheating for a while to enjoy some servers.
Edit: I've discovered that you only need Cleo 4.1, and it works perfectly! Thank you.
Haven't used this forum in a while, I have only one question.
Do I need a new cleo version for 0.3.7. or do the older ones still work? I usually used Cleo 4.1 but I remember when 0.3.7. was still in beta, my game would crash before the loading screen.
I had the same problem. You have to deactivate it before you try to enter a building. Don't know what other people are complaining about, it works perfectly for me. Only little problem I have is that sometimes I try to aim at a car close to me but probably aim a bit too high which teleports me...
Damn, I didn't see the first one, only the second. I thought that the second one wasn't really putting much pressure on the drive by hack being used by itself, so I wanted to make a thread about it. Anyway, this thread here can be locked.
I just posted a fun drive-by hack in case people don't know it (It was made by Flapjack92, but he only made it for his shotty-noban hack which includes rapid fire and unlimited ammo, something that doesn't work well in servers anymore). Thermal's page says that he doesn't want people to ask...
After thinking about it for a minute I agree with you. That kind of overexposure would definitely ruin the fun of it, considering that I'm playing without hacks more often than with any. I'll have to apologize again, you're a good guy.
Well, at least you responded and proved your maturity. I guess I overreacted a little bit when it wasn't worthy. I still don't get what kind of defense "I'm not releasing it because it's too powerful" is. You mean you'd rather plan on selling it or that you just feel too egoistic about your own...
I'm not jealous you 12 year old kid. It's just stupid that a forum like this one, known for having great coders, would have members who behave like little 10 year old girls by messing around like that. It's not so much about this particular aimbot, but just the general idea of having mods treat...
Reminder that this Thermal guy is a moderator on the Cleo section, on a forum made for sharing hacks and creating new ones.
A mod.
On a forum about Hacks.
Who acts all "lol, fuck u, u wont get it"
This is just childish and retarded.
Can someone try the mod on this server?
It's the Crazybob's Cops and Robbers one, and I'm afraid they may ban me while I'm on a static IP at this moment.
Alright, I'll give it another try later.
Edit: Ok I just tried it again on 2 people and you were right hahaha. It's perfect, no warnings, no errors, no crash - Very good cleo file, good job
I guess I phrased my comments a bit weirdly. What I mean is that I did enter as passenger (pressing G) and then pressed 8 and just like in your video the driver is suddenly outside of the car, even though that's just from my view like that and he just sees me as passenger right? That's not what...
Hmm, how does this work at all? I just tried it and I managed to steal his car like that but he wasn't inside anymore so it's like I simply jacked it from the passenger spot and ejected him.
Re: [REL] Absolute Godmode 0.3z by Mr.Ze [PUBLIC]
Instant crash right after the loading screen. I have Cleo 4.1.
Do I need any additional program such as Sampfuncs or anything?
Hmm, seems like it's not working properly anymore. I'm using the older Cleo 4.1 and just tried it on a few servers (not just Crazybob's but others) and it shows the super fast gun shots but it doesn't do the same extreme damage. Tested it with a deagle for example and it only does the same...
Ahahahaha, this is fucking awesome. I've been looking for a good spoof kill in a while now but never found one. Thank you very much for making this!
Just one thing, when I use it I can't actually turn it off. I automatically die again a few seconds after I die the first time. Any way to fix that?
Re: [CLEO] Drive-By Passenger Rapid-Fire + Rapid-Fire Complete
Just wanted to say that Crazybob sadly worked on his anti-cheat protection system which manages to detect it now. The server simply closed it's connection last night, but now you actually get banned after firing a few bullets...
Re: [CLEO] Drive-By Passenger Rapid-Fire + Rapid-Fire Complete
Yeah, I eventually figured that out haha. Awesome hack, works very well on Crazybobs CNR server lol. Thanks for making this.
Edit: One thing I wanted to add: This works very damn well with a sniper rifle Hahaha.
Re: [CLEO] Drive-By Passenger Rapid-Fire + Rapid-Fire Complete
Hey, I only tried the Rapid Fire one on foot and it works really well, however other people shoot equally fast as I do, though not as powerful. Is that supposed to be that way, that it just looks like they fire as fast as I do but...
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