Search results

  1. E

    [Release] s0nicTz project 0.37 (Beta v0.2)

    Re: [Release] s0nicTz project 0.37 (Beta v0.1) When I drag these files into my GTA directory and click the button to join a server my screen flashes black for a few minutes, and then I get this blue screen talking about an error. Please help. Windows Vista SP2
  2. E

    Small & short questions

    Why is it that the "wpm" cleo gives me perfectly functioning weapons but the "Dgun" cleo gives me an invisible one that gives me opcodes when i try to shoot it.
  3. E

    CLEO Release Checkpoint teleport

    where is the download link?
  4. E

    CLEO Release Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x]

    Re: {$CLEO Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x] it work on 3x?
  5. E

    CLEO Release [CLEO]FakePing

    will it set it ridiculously high?
  6. E

    CLEO Release 1

    Thanks been looking for seomthing like this
  7. E

    CLEO Release 1

    nice find