Search results

  1. N

    Tree of savior silver exploit

    just hacks or exploits if someone knew some..
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    Tree of savior silver exploit

    Anyone know the silver bug ko warp bug?
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    CS:GO Exploits or Hacks.

    :yesyes: Can someone share their CSGO hacks that are not banable, wall hack or something like that?
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    Anyone knows any bugs, exploits, hacks in that game? please opst them here or any private forums that hacks the game.. ty  :urtheman:
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    Untagged Release [Release] How to Exploit Gold VIP in NGRP - Next Generation Gaming

    lol there's an easy way, i had like 1m in 15minutes. well thats good for an amateur
  6. N

    CLEO Release Skin-Aimbot.cs - without 180° spin

    This shit is detected like in NGRP?
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    [REQ] This handling mod that changes a vehicle's handling.

    There might be a CLEO for changing a SuperGT's handling to Sultan's or that handling cfg's but it doesn't work on RP Servers.
  8. N

    Untagged Release Handling Editor + Ammunation Editor

    Wait how? is this the one you can change a specific vehicle's handling to another car's handling for example, I want to change my buffalo handling by Sultan handling is that how it works? if it does, can you make a lil bit tutorial or follow up steps on how to do it. cause i tried alot of this...
  9. N

    Untagged Release RP MINIGUN DRIVEY TRICK WITHOUT ADMINS WARNING [NGRP] still work (09/2014)

    Re: RP MINIGUN DRIVEY TRICK WITHOUT ADMINS WARNING [NGRP] :youdontsay: fuck it dude your words are not even trusted 
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    [REQ] This handling mod that changes a vehicle's handling.

    Do you like press or tyype something to activate or its active as you install it?
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    Untagged Release [Handling Editor] Old but Gold for SAMP All Version.

    Yo can I change the handling line and paste it on my desire vehicle of choice like paste the two files. So here's the method I know, I paste the GTA file on directory and open the handling cfg and change the vehicle's handling and paste the line youg gave us is that how it works?
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    [REQ] This handling mod that changes a vehicle's handling.

    I just wanted to change BUffalo's handling by Sultan's handling.
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    [REQ] This handling mod that changes a vehicle's handling.

    mhmm does it makes other cars to not oversteer? like the cars I mentioned above?
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    [REQ] This handling mod that changes a vehicle's handling.

    :angry: i rlllyyy want dzzzz I know there's alot of this mod like perfect handling and stuff but I have no idea on how to use them, I'm looking to this mod that can turn your specific vehicle and change it's handling by a different vehicle's handling. Ex: You have a Super GT/ZR350 which are hand...
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    :kidding: I'm not really sure about this, fiI got question anyway. Can this be detected on mostly RP servers mostly NGRP? and does this thing really works?
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    Untagged Release [Handling Editor] Old but Gold for SAMP All Version.

    How does this thing work?  :celeral_guy:
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    CLEO Release Trace Bullet.cs

    This awesomeness is like matrix
  18. N

    Untagged Release ]2014[ Nametag Distance & LoS [0.3Z]
