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    Looking for someone who can make an AutoSigncheck cleo for HZRP willing to pay for it thanks
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    CLEO Help looking for someone who can maker autosigncheck cleo

    anyone of you able to do it then?
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    CLEO Help looking for someone who can maker autosigncheck cleo

    looking for someone who can maker autosigncheck cleo i need someone who can script a cleo that can type /signcheck as soon as it comes up and can automatically type the code in. Thank you! Also ill be paying the person via paypal who can make a successful one for me
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    CLEO Release [FIND]

    Looking for someone who can make an AutoSigncheck cleo for HZRP willing to pay for it thanks
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    CLEO Help help

    thanks buddy
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    CLEO Help help

    can someone make it so the bratvaguard cleo does the command /guard %i 200 and the other one /accept bodyguard thanks
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    CLEO Help vesting cleo

    It had worked before, I had to changed the command to something else and it just stopped working after that [hr] Also, when I run my game on HZRP it just runs my game into singleplayer, my screen starts flashing black and then I spawn with the CJ skin but it still says im in the server
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    CLEO Help vesting cleo

    so I have this cleo that types a command when you hold right mouse at a player and press b, it types '/guard (playerid that you're aiming towards) 200' it says unknown command even tho its right, help me.   ¤ ChaosGuard dú M ðÿÿÿ  Ö  Ò    M —ÿÿÿ+    Ö  ° BM —ÿÿÿù /sellvest %i...