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  1. M

    CLEO Help (Help) about how to use HxD

    i'm open samp.dll by HxD ( Hex Editor) but i cant understand anything from there. those offsets, bla...bla... so anyone know how to use it, can explain details for me.... thank you :me_gusta:
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    [REQUEST] Self Kill

    credits to D.Kay. and next time, write requests mod like this.!/ active : L+P. :urtheman:
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    Need y0u guys !!!

    stop fucking spam :yuno:
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    [REQ] mgfuncs for 0.3.7

    if you have sampfuncs 5.2.1 then no need mgfuncs :excited_troll:
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    CLEO Help Help me, about offset.

    I'm have ask about how to find offset already. so yes, good news is i'm already know how to find it. but it's have problem again.... i dont know what means of these offset. (some language in Hex Editor i cant understand)..... so can someone explain about this, thank you. this is topic i'm ask...
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    CLEO Help Help. about samp.dll

    so how to use it? install which one @@?
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    CLEO Help Help. about samp.dll

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    CLEO Help Help. about samp.dll

    I'm use Hex Editor to open samp.dll. To find these number SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(78752, 50064, 2)<------in here.  but it's so hard to use it. Anyone know how to use this, please help me. Here is picture
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    CLEO Help Need help, about keywords and Opcodes.

    springfield  help me, please :yesyes:
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    CLEO Help Need help, about keywords and Opcodes.

    WriteSAMPMemory(77152, 50064, 2)<------ i want to know, what is this number. and how to find it.
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    CLEO Help Need help, about keywords and Opcodes.

    means 'offsets/memory addresses' , sorry i'm not good at english much. @@
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    CLEO Help Need help, about keywords and Opcodes.

    yes, thank god you understand what i said  :oh_stop_it_u:
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    CLEO Help Need help, about keywords and Opcodes.

    teach me how to find those number....
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    CLEO Help Need help, about keywords and Opcodes.

    so where i get these number? and how...
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    CLEO Help Need help, about keywords and Opcodes.

    i'm sorry for disturb you, but some questions too.... what is interger,global var, int,local var . when i'm press" SAMP.WriteSAMPmemory, etc... , it's ask to put some thing like interger in there. but i dont know what is it.... and where to get those value number of interger,int,local var...
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    CLEO Help Need help, about keywords and Opcodes.

    i have some questions about keywords, and some Opcodes too. hope you guys can explain, thank you very much 1. what is jump_to_false (jf), how it work. and another keywords like else jump,goto,return,etc.... 2. what id ReadSAMPMemory, and WriteSAMpmemory. how it work, too. :okey: Just learn how...
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    CLEO Help Cleo anti spec ?

    yes it's have anti spec cleo men, but it's only for sale, wait, my friend buy this cleo from someone, it's asually work :ohgodwhy:
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    CLEO Release [REL] Teleport PRO.cs The ultimate money farming tool!

    delay times so shorts, it's still can be detected by times, it's better way if you creat one INI file so other player can set time delay.
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    Untagged Release [RELEASE] intocar.cs/jack.cs | Enter any restricted cars that you like!

    if i'm not wrong, this cleo just like the cleo name "jack.cs" even the activated "kk" is the same too. anyway, yeah, on RP sever, you get on faction cars, its have warning on admin site, and you will get kick. good luck :somuchwin:
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    CLEO Release suck hole lol - rebuild/developed

    can anyone change activiton keys to F3?
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    CLEO Release [REL] Adjustable rapid fire. (9 levels!) [UPDATE - 1.1]

    Re: [REL] Adjustable rapid fire. (6 levels!) i'm using your firespeed here with keys ";", it work perfect, but it's seem not work with sniper =.=
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    CLEO Release SPRUNK.cs - drink sprunk anywhere

    and key to active it? :me_gusta:
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    Help My samp crashes when joining an server and it's crashes when 1-30 seconds

    maybe some mod, or cleo make you crash, (some cleo must have SF and MGF to work)
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    onfoot /weapon .dat etc

    i have try to do it before, when you disable onfoot data, another people just see you AFK, so you can hack weapons without get auto banned, but when you turn off it, system will banned you anyway, it just a simple weapons hack, so its imposible. :ohgodwhy:
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    Untagged Release [RELEASE] intocar.cs/jack.cs | Enter any restricted cars that you like!

    have one problem, when get in faction cars on RP severs, its auto disconect ( not crash, just dis out) :yesyes:
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    Help [Help] mgfuncs

    Just copy megafuncs.cleo bla bla and paste to CLeo folder, done. :urtheman:
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    i....was....cry :bawww:
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    CLEO Release [REL] D-Warp.cs | Warp, Warp and Warp | {{D.Kay}}

    so if want teleport to players, press /pgoto id, right?
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    CLEO Release [RELEASE]-Master Car.

    its just have a small problem is, when you get in car for faction on RP severs, its auto kicked after  4 second :bawww:
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    CLEO Release -

    Some RP severs add warning when you use teleport hack to farming pizza,mats,or truck, so this cleo may not work perfect much. sad. :bawww:
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    CLEO Release [RELEASE]-Master Car.

    so Sampfuncs what version 3.1.1 or 3.1.2 ~.~
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    CLEO Release SilentAim.cs [0.3z]

    Re: [CLEO] SilentAim.cs [0.3z] Sampfuncs v3.1.1 can use this slient aim,  too? :yesyes: and MGF , what version can use this?
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    CLEO Help [HELP CLEO] about slient aim and sampfuncs.

    [HELP Cleo] 1. i need help about a slient aimbot. when put in cleo then im come in a game. its crashed. 2. can anyone have video how to install sampfuncs v3.1.1 , because im see someone said , if want use slient aimbot must have sampfuncs.....