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  1. ΆλφA

    Untagged Release [PRIVATE] Vehicle Path Recording RELEASE

    Nice work, i did a similar with AHK. :dont_care:
  2. ΆλφA

    ESP Box Code?

    1. Die Positionen aller Spieler auslesen. 2. Ausrechnen wo die jeweiligen Positionen auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt werden. 3. An jede dieser Positionen irgendwas drawen, je nach dem wie der ESP aussehen soll.
  3. ΆλφA

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Re: [AHK] samp UdfEx (0.3.7) Can you include that in your API? 0x56BA00 : GetCollisionBetweenPoints(float *vecOrigin, float *vecTarget, float *vecPoint, DWORD *dwEntity, bool bSolid, bool bCar, bool bActor, bool bObject, bool bParticle, bool bIgnoreSeeThroughStuff, bool...
  4. ΆλφA

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    Can you tell wich adress you NOPed?
  5. ΆλφA

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    Does it change the Nametag distance of the SAMP process or draws it the names by itself?
  6. ΆλφA

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Re: [AHK] samp udfEx [Push]