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  1. X

    CLEO Help Anti afk (sendkey) I tried to decompile it, because I want to change activation key. I couldn't compile, bacause "$", so I deleted all dollars, changed activation key and it compiled fine. Unluckly it dosen't working...
  2. X

    silent aimbot

    it's just SilentAim by Opcoder, nothing new.
  3. X

    CLEO Release Best and simplest anti-afk bot

    Yes, it is.
  4. X


    Please, delete this thread. I solved the problem ;))))
  5. X

    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7 / 0.3.DL [CLEO/EXE/ASI]

    RE: NameTagHack 0.3.7 [CLEO/EXE/ASI] It doesn't work. i've got "MSVCP120.dll" not found error I downloaded this file and it is still not working Sr for my bad english ;d