Hey guys!
I wanted to know what are the common hacks that we can use in a lagcomp on RP server. I also want some tricks so that I dont get busted.
Some hacks which I know:
I want to know the hacks name and more importantly, some ways so that those pesky admins do not...
Sadly the anim is too fast and easily bustable in my server. Can you make it a tad slower so that it is faster than normal but still the anim of door closing is there. Really appreciate it though.
Re: Want Money Hack or Any other Hack or Bot of Big Servers
What does it do?
I play in LawlessRP and they have a /dicebet command to gamble. Anyone can help me make cash using it?
Re: [REL]Cleo Hack Pack for RP servers
Well using this awesome cleo, you wouldn't need to type /getmats at Material Pickup, just stay at the position for 2 seconds and off you go! Use this with carrec.cs and you have a matbot ready to go!
Re: [REL]Cleo Hack Pack for RP servers
What does aimer.cs ,super aimer.cs and these Policeview.cs, bindrob, brindtazer.cs do? routesave.cs is like that PathCreator ,PathDriver thing? Lastly autojob does what?
P.S BorgHac.exe or winexplode.exe which is better for lag servers?
Nice list...
If I do that then it will automatically write a /me?? Also can you make one that when keeping a gun back it also writes a me keeps it back? Thanks.. :urtheman: :ugbase:
Re: [REL]Cleo Hack Pack for RP servers
Is AntiFall same as Anti Caduta?
What does Car Freeze and Collison and unfreeze.en.cs do? Does Inviz.cs hide my name too?
Nice list man!
Can you link the fast enter exit vehicle. It annoying to wait for the camera angle to fix before walking...((died MANY MANY times due to slow exit)) Help!! :urtheman: :ugbase:
I am a bit confused...
Is the wdata.cs the NOP and givemyweaponsafterdeath.rar the file to get the weapons? Please clarify and help this noob :urtheman:
@ skadoodle4
Go to the location and /save there. Then you must edit the cleo file and fill your location.
The one he made for me is the one in Idlewood.(mp2)
When I go to the Material Pickup point a a warning code appears in my screen. My game does not crash but the message that I have bought these mats doesn't come
Here is the SS ((Sean Wazowski is the guy infront of me))
Fu$10N I got now anticrash by fyp and SF 5.0.....
I removed the crashes.cfg..((there was no crashes.asi))....But I am still crashing at the material pickup point... A jumble of codes start coming and I crash..same as before. Please help. Is there any other files I should add/remove pls tell...
Fu$10N Well I tried this. When I stand there on foot then no command comes but as soon as I sit in a vehicle and go to the /getmats area a series of codes come. What should I do?
These were my saved positions
AddStaticVehicle(521,2390.6292,-2008.3486,13.1231,263.9815,0,15); //...
So basically everytime I must get off my vehicle and then sit again...What I wanted was that instead of using binds I just drive-by the area so as to not stop.
Anyway please make a one for my PlayerClass...Thank you.
AddStaticVehicle(521,2390.6292,-2008.3486,13.1231,263.9815,0,15); //
AddPlayerClass(115,2390.0354,-2008.2885,13.5537,71.3868,0,0,0,0,0,0); //
Can you make it for staticvehicles..so i can use it in a vehicle?
Can you add the link for anticrasher by fyp.
Ill re-install everything and get back to you but I need the anti crasher link.
Thanks, I really appreciate you spending your time trying to help me!
I have SF 4.0 , samp 0.3z r1. I downloaded this gta crack v 1.0 us from http://turbobit.net/download/free/gapcdt3o0wvn# and it causes my game to not even start. Help please
It doesnt work for me. Could you make it into a cheatcode or something ( i use a laptop) I have sampfuncs v2.6 and all...Thanks in advance!
((I have samp .3z)
Could you make it for me...I tried /save at that position and it came saved on-foot positions
Here is the savedpositin.txd
AddPlayerClass(115,2390.4351,-2008.2819,13.5537,301.1719,0,0,0,0,0,0); //
Thanks in advance!
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