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  1. J

    CLEO Help Need someone to upload his SAMPFUNCS folder with SAMPFUNCS_SETTINGS.INI

    SAMPFUNCS 5.2.2 is working fine but i can't change the console to false cause i don't have the folder, i tried to create the folder and start game so it auto adds the SAMPFUNCS_SETTINGS.INI but it't not working in anyways can someone upload the folder?.
  2. J


    USA made it and USA will end it the way they like.
  3. J

    Untagged Release Speedy [Auto-(motor)bike Acceleration Program]

    Re: Speedy [Auto NRG/BMX Sprint] Detectable?
  4. J

    Free car tunnings

    Iam playing on a rp server and i noticed that when i tune my car server gives back my money after like 30 seconds of tunning i was wondering if there is something i can do by this to get money like bug or glitch or something i know money hacks is imposible cause its server sided but i was...
  5. J

    [REQ]SuperPunch.cs SA-MP 0.3.7

    Can you make this mod?
  6. J


    Re: New Proxy VPN This topic cant be more stupid
  7. J

    m0d_sa Release [m0d_sa] [SA-MP 0.3.7] Slono Boyko Project

    Does this really have keylogging shit to steal passwords?
  8. J

    Untagged Release Damage.cs [FIXED]

    Can this work for punch also?