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  1. V

    Ping Shower.cs

    [center:23d0xwrk]CLEO PING SHOWER![/center:23d0xwrk] Hello everyone, I was looking for a CLEO file which will show you the PING, HP and ARMOR of someone, you need to activate it by pressing ALT + F10. Here is a screenshot of the mod in action! How to install? 1. Uninstall your current...
  2. V

    CLEO Release 1

    After various test, I came to the conclusion you can actually get busted. When you run, you will normal on your screen, but for others you will be stunned (walking against a wall). Be carefull with using it! Note: I still use it!
  3. V

    CLEO Release 1

    Ahh yeah, but it doesnt work on poles - I tested it first out on poles! It works on other players, great job man!
  4. V

    CLEO Release 1

    Yeah I tried buddy, didnt work for me, sprunks were blocking it for me.
  5. V

    CLEO Release 1

    Also, you cannot shoot yourself, which makes it pretty useless as the bullets you shoot gets blocked by the sprunk machine, I suggest you to remove the one in front of the character, so people can actually shoot again. I would place the sprunks like this ./ The . is the character the lines...
  6. V

    CLEO Release 1

    This sounds epic, looking forward to the update. If you need some testers, contact me.
  7. V

    CLEO Release 1

    Could you change the hotkey? To; numpad 8 & 9 activate and deactivate. Perhaps you could use anotther object in stead of the sprunkmachine
  8. V

    Thank You :)

    Yeah he is right, you guys deserve my nudes :) :):)
  9. V

    CLEO Release 1

    Lol, sends me a PM, and releases it himself :/
  10. V

    +1 and -1 buttons.

    Sweet, if you need some help, PM me :D :D:D . Maybe you guys should make a board called "Suggestions", where people can actually suggest things regarding this forum.
  11. V

    +1 and -1 buttons.

    Maybe we could use a captcha, or an ammount of time before you can post again (30 secs.)
  12. V

    CLEO Release Ping Shower.cs

    A few people asked me to remove it, that's why I made it on request.
  13. V

    +1 and -1 buttons.

    And we also should get rid of the moderators reviewing every post before it gets displayed.
  14. V

    +1 and -1 buttons.

    Yeah I agree, and when you reach a certain amount of "Likes" you get a forum tag? Or something like that :) :):)
  15. V

    CLEO Release ~Infinite Run~ SA-MP

    Sweet, works. But it doesnt show cheat activated or something like that.
  16. V

    CLEO Release Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x]

    Re: {$CLEO Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x] Same, we really need it!
  17. V

    CLEO Release 1

    Works for me!
  18. V

    Untagged Release RakSAMP 0.3x R1-2

    What does this do?
  19. V

    CLEO Release Ping Shower.cs

    [center:23d0xwrk]CLEO PING SHOWER![/center:23d0xwrk] Hello everyone, I was looking for a CLEO file which will show you the PING, HP and ARMOR of someone, you need to activate it by pressing ALT + F10. Here is a screenshot of the mod in action! How to install? 1. Uninstall your current...
  20. V

    CLEO Release Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x]

    Re: {$CLEO Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x] Did this work for you?
  21. V

    Sluts do the Harlem Shake.

    Aww man, youtube removed it:(
  22. V

    Untagged Release [SAMP]Rcon Hacks/Brute 0.3x 100 % Working

    I get this error, and somehow it makes my net go laggy; Lost connection, retrying the same charcter If your connection is good , check the server IP:PORT for possible typos, or if everything is okay, server may ignore queries.
  23. V

    CLEO Release Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x]

    Re: {$CLEO Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x] This is an awesome idea!
  24. V

    CLEO Release Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x]

    Re: {$CLEO Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x] It didn't work for me, check out my video. That is what happens for me, sadly enough :( :(:( .
  25. V

    CLEO Release 1

    Yeah, what's the password.
  26. V

    reconnect.asi 0.3x

    What does this mod do?
  27. V

    CLEO Release 1

    Not sure, I guess so. Don't use it in RP servers.