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  1. 0

    Offsets for player moving (key presses)

    Does anyone know the offsets for pressing keys inside the game? Without windows functions. For example: (some_address) + (some_offset) = 255 - press "W" (some_address) + (some_offset) = 0 - release"W"
  2. 0

    Camera to Z-player position

    Thanks for your wonderful formula, I think it will be useful somewhere else. But I wanted to find the OFFSET Z-camera position :D Ie where the player's camera is looking
  3. 0

    Camera to Z-player position

    Hello everybody. I continue to do Aim for GTA sa. Faced such a problem: I found the coordinates X and Y, which need to be guided. But how to point the camera at the Z coordinate of another character?
  4. 0

    Offset to View Matrix

    Thank you guys!
  5. 0

    Offset to View Matrix

    Help, I try to make ESP, I looked at the sources on Lua - everyone uses convert3DCoordsToScreen. How does this feature work? I saw that, for example, in CS - it uses the View Matrix. What is the offset for View Matrix?
  6. 0

    Screen freezes

    you can install SAMP Addon. It defrosts the GTA, even if you hit alt + tab or just hit the win. (Russian soft) Link: Press "СКАЧАТЬ (download)".
  7. 0

    Teleport player to vehicle by her pointer

    Hello! Yes, it's me again, with a new question :) Is there an address in GTA to move a player to the car as driver / passenger if a pointer to the car and the character is known?
  8. 0

    Get all vehicle from vehicle pool

    It really works! Thank you very much, you helped me a lot!
  9. 0

    Get all vehicle from vehicle pool

    i uploaded simple version of my project
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    Get all vehicle from vehicle pool

    One minute..
  11. 0

    Get all vehicle from vehicle pool

    code already injected into gta_sa, in other code block [hr] Other code, for example: public bool SetEngineOn(){ int num = mem.ReadInt(12196092); mem.WriteByte(num + 1064, 16); return true; } is working :(
  12. 0

    Get all vehicle from vehicle pool

    Yes, this is C# :D public void GetAllVehiclePointers() { int gtaVehBase = 0xB74494; int byteMap = mem.ReadInt(gtaVehBase + 4); int numberOfMaxVehs = mem.ReadInt(gtaVehBase + 8); int numberOfActiveVehs = mem.ReadInt(gtaVehBase +...
  13. 0

    Get all vehicle from vehicle pool

    is'nt working :c I got:
  14. 0

    Get all vehicle from vehicle pool

    Hello. I'm trying to understand how you can get a pointer to each element in the transport pool. I climbed the sites, I found this: 0xB6F980 - Pointer to the beginning of the transport pool (CVehicle) CVehicle Each transport as an object is equal to 2584 (0xA18) bytes and starts with...
  15. 0

    Get vehicle pointer

    I found only this: CPed +0x58C = [dword] The last or current car you drove (CarPointer) and  CPed +0x568 = [dword] Current car But if i touch any door of the car - car pointer is not changed: c
  16. 0

    Get vehicle pointer

    Hello! There is such a question: How can I get a pointer to a machine whose door is pulled by a player? For example, there is a car, it is closed. When we approach it and try to press G / just to get into the car - it just pulls the handle and can not sit in it. Here you need to get a pointer...
  17. 0

    Offset for find X, Y, Z and RGB server marker?

    How i can did this? Trought cheat engine, for example? Maybe have some addresses? How i can got RGB? :D And yet one a question: Where you found those addresses? Just I've been looking for a long time and cannot find even those addresses..
  18. 0

    Offset for find X, Y, Z and RGB server marker?

    Hello anyone there! I had such a question: how to find the coordinates of the X, Y, Z marker on the radar and their color, which the server is putting? I do not know how on English servers, but on Russian servers - when you write out / gps and choose a place there - a mark is placed on the...
  19. 0

    Offset for change vehicle handling?

    Thank you! It Really working!
  20. 0

    Offset for change vehicle handling?

    Okay, I found in Google that 562 is 0x232. Now I try this: 0xE0*0x232+0xC2B9DC+0x4 And got this: Why? sorry for my stupidity)
  21. 0

    Offset for change vehicle handling?

    Hmm ... Somehow it does not work. I tried this:            //elegy model ID 0xE0 * 562 + 0xC2B9DC + 4 And it gave out just 0. Why? :c
  22. 0

    Offset for change vehicle handling?

    Wow! Really working. Sorry, but where you get this addresses? (8C and BA18FC) [hr] Ohh... This only works for the mass of the car. Can I somehow change, for example, the angle of rotation of the wheels? Or change the drive from the rear to the front
  23. 0

    Offset for change vehicle handling?

    Hello! I'm trying to change at least one of the characteristics of the car.  I found this offset: 0xC2B9DC - The beginning of the Handling block. Each slot has 224 bytes of data. +0x0 = [dword] Index / Identifier +0x4 = fMass +0x8 = 1.0 / fMass +0xC = fTurnMass +0x10 = fDragMult +0x14 =...
  24. 0

    Get vehicle speed by some offset

    Hello everyone! I'm trying to get seed current vehicle.  I can't use script simillar "Sampfuncs" and so on. Bellow my code: Console.WriteLine(mem.ReadByte(0xC502AA0+0x64)); But he is not working. You can help me? I need exactly offset. Please.