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  1. P

    CLEO Help Ahk to Cleo

    It's working. Thank you.
  2. P

    CLEO Help Ahk to Cleo

    #IfWinActive, GTA:SA:MP CAPSLOCK:: Loop { if not GetKeyState("CAPSLOCK", "P") break Sleep 20 Send {space down} Sleep 20 Send {space up} } Return = 1 Return
  3. P

    CLEO Help Ahk to Cleo

    I have a sprintbind using AHK, but I want to make a sprintbind using Capslock but as .cs. I didn't want to post a thread in requests because people are just ''do it yourself''. Can anyone tell me how to change the AHK script to cleo?
  4. P

    CLEO Help Serial No.

    So, it's not something related to my computer? hardware/software? What files are being changed? What numbers? Numbers of what?
  5. P

    CLEO Help Serial No.

    So, there was a cleo called gpci I think. It changes your serial number so if your ip is caught, you can slide away with it. I just wanna know what serial number is being changed? That one placed on a sticker on your laptop/desktop computer or kind of a software serial number? Where do I find...
  6. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    Well, I made it. Thanks to everyone who contributed here.
  7. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    Do you have discord?
  8. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    As I see here, 2 coordinates in Corner A, 2 in corner B. Is that for X or Y? What about height? Z? Edit: I tried and this is the final script and it's not working ffs.
  9. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    Well, even if it's not and I was dumb to think that you put mine in it. The coordinates of the other guy didn't work.
  10. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    I found problems on the way which led to me putting SB_data, a folder in into my sanny builder's folder. I managed to change the delay of the file attached, but I tried putting your coordinates and the other guy's coordinates and none of them worked. My compiled file is attached...
  11. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    I appreciate you trying to make me learn, but I came here to request something and sadly it took so long while it's easy. I will try to do what you said though. How is there's no ''wait'' after the say function when in-game the cmd repeats itself every 2 seconds?
  12. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    Well, I'm sure after ''end'', there's ''wait'' and that's the one that should be edited to repeat right? Well, it crashes the game anyways. There's also one after the line thread 'BoatGM' and I edited it. It was 5000 milliseconds which is 5 seconds which I'm sure not the amount of time I get...
  13. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    Okay so... I opened the last cleo I sent, removed all the coordinates and put that one you gave me. BUT!!! when I changed the number next to ''wait'' and I HAVE DONE this before on other cleos, the game crashes after the bar loads and I know it's because of that. PRETTY sure it is and THATS WHY...
  14. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    Look, can you put the coordinates I asked for, forming a rectangular instead of the coordinates in the file attached. Also, make me a file to set the delay and that would be absolutely fine.
  15. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    So the current delay is 1000 milliseconds? Edit: I tried it and it's buggy. It doesn't always type and why it's restricted to me being in a vehicle? The first one was perfect can I use the first one with the .ini file?
  16. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    Well, I know I asked for the smallest time possible, but this gets me muted for spam. Please lower the time between the commands not a little bit. Just try 0.5 seconds between each. Also, would be nice if you added /solo as an activation/deactivation cmd.
  17. P

    Auto /getmats entering a specific zone

    I need a cleo that when I enter a specific zone, it types /getmats automatically. I also want the time difference between /getmats cmd to be as small as possible, like when you type in your cleo script ''wait number''. The specific zone should look like the attached picture but in a rectangular...