Search results

  1. dphome

    Help high fps without speed / swimming bug

    "You probably know that when you have high FPS in GTA:SA, swimming becomes almost impossible — the ped swims very slowly. With this plugin, you won't have this issue anymore; the ped will swim normally regardless of the FPS. Author: junior_djjr."
  2. dphome

    CLEO Help NR reverse timer - change "wait 1000" with something more efficient

    Try it like with 33@ using the example code below. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: 33@ = 0 WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF AND 0AB0: key_pressed 18 // ALT 0AB0: key_pressed 50 // 2 THEN 0B12: 30@ = 30@ XOR 1 WAIT 1000 END IF 30@ == TRUE THEN...
  3. dphome

    Help to fix this code

    If something isn't working, try taking more screenshots of the text. In theory, it should work. Experiment with these two functions: 0AB1: @GetLastCharacters 2 String 6@ Characters 57 rnt 7@ // Modify the value to 57 0AB1: @DeleteLastChars 2 7@ 49 // Modify the value to 49...
  4. dphome

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    I am not responsible for the situation; I was merely a frustrated player. The server has been shut down, so my actions were in vain. If anyone has knowledge about this issue and ways to protect against it, I kindly ask you to share your insights. (y)
  5. dphome

    Help to fix this code

    If you want to have text displayed in the center of the screen, follow the instructions below: 0AB1: @process_chat_input 2 SampVersionID 1 InputText 8@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 8@ to 0AD1: "%s" 5000 8@ //0AC9: free_allocated_memory 8@
  6. dphome

    Help to fix this code

    Activation: GO {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "GO" THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 31@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: "on" 1337 ELSE 0AD1: "off" 1337 END END IF 31@ == 1 THEN 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AC8: 1@ =...
  7. dphome

    Help to fix this code

    Send a screenshot of what this message looks like. (y)
  8. dphome

    Help to fix this code

    What do you need? Write it step by step along with SA:MP version. Send a screenshot of what this message looks like.
  9. dphome

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    There is some movement from the creator of, we're waiting. I have nothing to cheat in the game, but in this case, the problem is more advanced than you think.
  10. dphome


    key: X
  11. dphome

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    I'm looking for a solution that will help me protect against these attacks, either on the client or server side. Apologies if I didn't specify that clearly.
  12. dphome

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    I’m not a developer, just a regular player. The author, AlexDrift, provided open-source code for a cheat and protection against it, but it’s likely not what I’m looking for. Does anyone have knowledge on how to protect against this either as a player or on a server level? Please respond to this...
  13. dphome

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    @SobFoX u like it! I know, I know...
  14. dphome

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    I have made significant progress in analyzing the issue, which I have temporarily called the 'exploit.' I am currently testing its functionality and, furthermore, have discovered a safeguard against it implemented by the author. I will share more details soon...
  15. dphome

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    I would like to emphasize that this is not about me, but about an existing issue. Players are still interested in the gameplay, so I am trying to ensure that the matter is not overlooked. (y)
  16. dphome

    CLEO Help Encrypt Cleo file

    Send file.
  17. dphome

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    On the server, I am a player, not an owner or developer. If the attack is linked to my IP address, is there a way I can block it? I have tried using the RCE Fix plugin (MiTurboFix and adding entries to the Windows Firewall (netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block ICMP"...
  18. dphome

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    I haven’t contacted you. I don’t fully understand how this works because even with a VPN, they probably attack through the IP. I’ve tried various RCE fixes from, and none of them work.
  19. dphome

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    Hi, there’s a way to attack servers by sending fake packets. I don’t know how it works, but messages from the attacker appear in the chat, text shows up in the middle of the screen, and other weird things happen. Any solutions?
  20. dphome

    Help How to evade ban?

    GPCI Unbanner.cs + VPN (like windscribe, cyberghost)
  21. dphome

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    Try on clean GTA. (without III.VC.SA.WindowedMode.asi) ------- Fixes.asi for window mode. MixSets.asi for lock mouse on window.
  22. dphome

    Help [HELP] Remove text when activated.

    Send original .cs file.
  23. dphome

    Help Read String which shows in game

    screen not working
  24. dphome

    CLEO Help Cleo Repair HELP

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF AND 0AB0: key_pressed 16 // LShift 0AB0: key_pressed 71 // G THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving THEN 03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car 0A30...
  25. dphome

    Help Cleo expired??

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "5" THEN 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 256 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 256 0AB1: @GetLocalTime 0 wYear 0@ wMonth 1@ wDayOfWeek $NOT_USED wDay $NOT_USED wHour $NOT_USED wMinute $NOT_USED wSeconds...
  26. dphome

    Decrypt ? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "{ff0000}L PROJECT By {00FF7F}Lucifer.{ff0000} Use {ffffff}/lhelp {3480C7}to see commands" -1 0B34: "lmenu" @Show 0B34...
  27. dphome

    Help Help sobeit

    It looks like a modification of Mobile HUD combined with HUD Colors Changer.
  28. dphome

    Help Ahk Get Text From Samp

    Numpad0:: { if(RegExMatch(getChatLineEx(), "Air support Now is avaible")) { SendChat("bla bla") } } return getChatLineEx(line := 0) { ; 0x152 - offset for first message ; 0xFC - size of a message ; 99 - max count of a messages if(!checkHandles())...
  29. dphome

    Help NOP Dialog Box

    Video or screenshots.
  30. dphome

    Help Looking for Auto Accept GUI

    1. SA:MP Version 2. Title and left button text.
  31. dphome

    is is possible to copy server script ?

    Abstract idea to which the answer is NO.
  32. dphome

    Help Chat Verify Bot

    Fixed example by @Opcode.eXe , thx. {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "1" THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 31@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: "~g~Script has been~n~turned on" 1000 ELSE 0AD1: "~r~Script has been~n~turned off" 1000 END...
  33. dphome

    Help Chat Verify Bot

    Probably yes. If you want, you can design a correct example, then I will learn a bit too, because at the moment it works, but it's not fully stable. (Prawdopodobnie tak. Jeśli chcesz możesz zaprojektować poprawny przykład, wtedy i ja się troszkę nauczę, bo w tej chwili to działa, ale nie jest w...
  34. dphome

    Help Chat Verify Bot

    Script.cs {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "1" THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 31@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: "~g~Script has been~n~turned on" 1000 ELSE 0AD1: "~r~Script has been~n~turned off" 1000 END END IF 31@ == 1 THEN...
  35. dphome

    Handcuff animation CLEO

    0.3.7-R1 + SAMPFUNCS.asi. /cuffme or CUFFME (like on single player cheat)
  36. dphome

    Help server detecting every VPN

    Connect the phone to the PC via USB and try USB Tethering.
  37. dphome

    CLEO Help only head aimbot problems 0006: 31@ = 8 // Bone ID - 8: BONE_HEAD
  38. dphome

    m0d_sa How to code SAMP mods in C++

    AHK - AutoHotkey is simple with libary for SA:MP Example: #SingleInstance Force #NoEnv #Include SAMP.ahk #IfWinActive GTA:SA:MP SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% SetBatchLines -1 SendMode Input 1:: { count++ settimer...
  39. dphome

    CLEO Help help with mod crash

    My version of DigiInfo.cs is without encryption and should work without any issues. There seems to be something wrong with your game installation. It's best to install a clean full version of the game, add SA:MP, CLEO, and try running the game.
  40. dphome

    find healthack hehe

    Maybe like this? Press B. {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "B" THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 31@ == 0 THEN 0AD1: "~n~~n~~w~God ~r~wylaczony" 1000 END END IF 31@ == 1 THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined...
  41. dphome

    CLEO Help Samp fpslimit for swimming

    Done - look at code. )) {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: key_pressed 106 // * (numpad) THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID 0@ 0B12: 30@ = 30@ XOR 1...
  42. dphome

    Delete file

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE file} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "K" THEN IF 0AE4: does_directory_exist "modloader\vehicle\elegy" THEN 0B01: delete_directory "modloader\vehicle\elegy" include_subdirs 1 0AD1: "~g~Success!" 3000 ELSE 0AD1...
  43. dphome

    CLEO Help help with mod crash

  44. dphome

    CLEO Divide long string into 2 parts

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "K" THEN 0B12: 30@ = 30@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 30@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: "~w~Script ~g~Enable" 1000 ELSE 0AD1: "~w~Script ~r~Disable" 1000 END END IF 30@ == 1 THEN 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size...
  45. dphome

    CLEO Help help with mod crash

    Delete post before. Done. :STATUS_INDICATORS_242 0226: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health 03F0: enable_text_draw 1 0349: set_text_draw_font 3 03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 1 033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.3 1.1 0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 180 25 29 255 081C: draw_text_outline 1 RGBA 0 0 0...
  46. dphome

    CLEO Help help with mod crash

    I checked it and it works great, no crashes. The problem is something in your GTA folder.
  47. dphome

    CLEO Help I want HTTP Cleo

    You can find my solution here.
  48. dphome

    HTTP requests (without sampfuncs)

    Great. It works wonderfully. I tested it on 0.3.DL-R1. add.php, config.ini to and chmod 777 Script.cs to GTA\CLEO. Script.cs {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "1" THEN 0AC8: 30@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AD3: 30@ = format...
  49. dphome

    [HELP] Need 0.3.DL Offsets

    samp.h extern struct stScoreboardInfo *g_Scoreboard; extern struct stDialogInfo *g_Dialog; samp.cpp stScoreboardInfo *g_Scoreboard = nullptr; stDialogInfo *g_Dialog = nullptr; proxyIDirect3DDevice9.cpp g_Scoreboard...
  50. dphome

    [HELP] Need 0.3.DL Offsets

    #define SAMP_DIALOG_INFO_OFFSET 0x2AC9E0 #define SAMP_DIALOG_CLOSE 0x700D0 void CloseCurrentDialogWithButton(int Button) { if (g_SAMP && g_Dialog && g_Dialog->iIsActive) { void* dialogObj = *(void **)(g_dwSAMP_Addr +...
  51. dphome

    CLEO Help Samp fpslimit for swimming

    ... IF 0AB0: key_pressed 1 // Left mouse button THEN ...
  52. dphome

    CLEO Help help with mod crash

    1. Simply rename DigiInfo.cs/.ini to AnyName.cs/.ini, then open the script in Sanny Builder and replace "cleo\DigiInfo.ini" with "cleo\YourName.ini". 2. The script doesn't require activation... It runs automatically.
  53. dphome

    CLEO Help Samp fpslimit for swimming

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF AND 0AB0: key_pressed 1 // Left mouse button 0AB0: key_pressed 32 // Spacebar THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID 0@ 0B12...
  54. dphome

    Cleo Scripting Key Binder/Macro Help

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF AND 0AB0: key_pressed 1 // Left mouse button 0AB0: key_pressed 32 // Spacebar THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 0AB1: @is_actor_in_driver_seat 1 CheckingState TRUE THEN //...
  55. dphome

    find wallhack
  56. dphome

    Put AHK into CLEO

    Any SA:MP Version. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF AND 0AB0: is_key_pressed 18 // Left Alt 0AB0: is_key_pressed 192 // ` THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID 0@ 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size...
  57. dphome

    [CLEO]Autoscroll for all weapons[Samp Version: Any(maybe)]

    Script is better optimized. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: is_key_pressed 2 // Right Mouse Button THEN WHILE 0AB0: is_key_pressed 2 // Right Mouse Button WAIT 0 END IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF AND...
  58. dphome

    Hide NameTag [Anti Wallhack]

    glance_mod s0beit, ultrawh.asi.
  59. dphome

    Anti reset gun

    Try with: // 0@ += 1
  60. dphome

    Anti reset gun

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 82D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 0 THEN 0470: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon 041A: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 1@ ammo...
  61. dphome

    CLEO Help disconnect snippet

    It works great on 0.3.DL. Why can't you provide the client version you're testing on upfront? Oh
  62. dphome

    CLEO Auto response with command
  63. dphome

    CLEO Help disconnect snippet

    Type "YY" to disconnect by quit. Type "NN" to disconnect by timeout. Snippet w/o 0.3.7-R5 :SAMPDisconnectWithReason { 0AB1: @SAMPDisconnectWithReason 1 500 or 0AB1: @SAMPDisconnectWithReason 1 0 } IF 0AA2: 31@ = "samp.dll" THEN 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID 17@...
  64. dphome

    CLEO Help disconnect snippet I'll test it later.
  65. dphome

    KMF - Damage Informer

    dphome submitted a new resource: Damage Informer - dphome, cleo, cs Read more about this resource...
  66. dphome

    CLEO Help nearby player detection?

    Nearby players yes, custom command no.
  67. dphome

    Help Replybot ?

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} {$USE ini} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "GO" THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 31@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: "~w~Script is ~g~ON" 1000 ELSE 0AD1: "~w~Script is ~r~OFF" 1000 END END IF 31@ == 1 THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR...
  68. dphome

    receive remote information

    The information you provided indicates the mechanics of a 'TROJAN' virus. Please refrain from seeking help here in developing such solutions. Regards, dphome.
  69. dphome

    Types of Sign Check and Sources , etc...

    CLEO scripts for SA:MP are not compatible with single-player mode. Remove modifications if you are playing through the storyline. In multiplayer mode, the script may cause issues because the part related to checking whether a dialog box is open always causes problems if the script constantly...
  70. dphome


    Enable/Disable: "1" Try Wallhack.cs or Wallhack2.cs.
  71. dphome

    CLEO I need help Cleo Paycheck ( Code Number )

    Script.cs - example for 0.3.DL-R1 {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "SCR" THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 31@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Script ~g~Enable" time 500 ELSE 0AD1...
  72. dphome

    CLEO I need help Cleo Paycheck ( Code Number )

    SA:MP Version?
  73. dphome


    Type: VERSION. What you can see on chat?
  74. dphome

    [SAMP]Project =]OP[CODE.EXE= for all SAMP versions! - Anyone have a link?

  75. dphome

    SAMP Get Vehicle ID using Car Handle

    {$CLEO} 0000: while true wait 0 if 0449: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_a_car then 03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car if 0AB1: @SAMPGetVehicleIDbyCarHandle 1 _OfCarHandle 0@ _StoreVehicleID 31@ then 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "Your Vehicle's SAMP ID is...
  76. dphome

    Untagged Release [REL]Hack Pack for RP servers
  77. dphome

    CLEO Help send message to server

    USE // CODE
  78. dphome

    CLEO Help source code of this

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: while not SAMP.Available() wait 400 end 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "Guardnear [Edited by - Liam Biggums]" color 0x3C92FF while true wait 0 if 0AB1: call @get_id_nearest_player 0 retr_to fdist 0@ sid 1@ then if and 0ADC: "z" not...
  79. dphome

    CPP RELEASE Fake kick

    No, only local player with reason for others (kick/ban).
  80. dphome

    CLEO Help I need a wallhack

    Server IP?
  81. dphome

    CLEO Help SAMP .lsCommandTyped(1@)

    Install SAMPFUNCS SDK to Sanny Builder 3\data\sa
  82. dphome

    CLEO Help Cleo Download File

    CMD: /route {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} {$USE file} 0000: WAIT 15000 0AC8: 31@ = allocate_memory_size 6 // (r o u t e) = (5) + 1 = 6 0AD3: 31@ = string_format "route" 0AC7: 30@ = var 30@ pointer 0AC7: 29@ = var 29@ pointer 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID 28@ 0AB1...
  83. dphome

    CLEO Help Cleo Download File

    I send you example for any samp version today.
  84. dphome

    need help! error after installing some enb then reinstall the whole gta folder it and still persist

    Disable gta_sa.exe, samp.exe from process Copy _Fix.bat to GTA directory and run Start samp.exe Play with ENB
  85. dphome

    [CLEO] Some multi-samp snippets

    :DisableTakingScreenShotWithF8 { 0AB1: @DisableTakingScreenShotWithF8 2 SampVersionID 1 State TRUE } IF 0AA2: 2@ = "samp.dll" THEN IF NOT 0@ < 0 THEN IF 0@ == 1 // 0.3.7 R1 THEN 2@ += 0x5D8C1 END IF 0@ == 2 // 0.3.7 R2 THEN 2@ +=...
  86. dphome

    [CLEO] Some multi-samp snippets

    :Chatmsg /* 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AD3: 0@ = format "{FFFFFF}Auto Accept: {00FF00}ON" 0AB1: @Chatmsg 3 SampVersionID 1 text 0@ color -1 */ IF 0AA2: 31@ = "samp.dll" THEN IF NOT 0@ < 1 THEN IF 0@ == 1 // 0.3.7 R1 THEN 0A8E: 30@ =...
  87. dphome

    Help Dialog saver

    Send this script.
  88. dphome

    commands samp
  89. dphome

    Types of Sign Check and Sources , etc...

    Script_debug.cs {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "1" THEN 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AD3: 0@ = format "{fba200}_________________________________________________________" 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AD3: 1@ = format...
  90. dphome

    Help AutoHotKey can't ControlSend {ENTER} or F keys 0.3.7/0.3dl

    If not working for You then download, reinstall AHK v1.1.36.02 and set Unicode 32-bit Regards, dphome.
  91. dphome

    Help AutoHotKey can't ControlSend {ENTER} or F keys 0.3.7/0.3dl

    Working ANY SA:MP Version. #Include %A_ScriptDir%\SAMP.ahk #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent...
  92. dphome

    Unknown error on current Sanny Builder

    Haha, wtf? Sanny Builder never don't seen this error. else if end Amazing, very thanks you for help @Uchiha Batuhan @ajom ! SOLVED. :love: Regards, dphome.
  93. dphome

    Unknown error on current Sanny Builder

    Hi. Is exist new version of Sanny Builder. I never seen error on this script, but is unknown how to fix it. INFO:: Current version Sanny Builder Stable: v3.8.3, released on 2023-01-08. Source: (Line: 715) Source of source...
  94. dphome

    How to login samp R1 to samp DL . server

    It is it and working w/o SF.
  95. dphome

    Vehicle name, rewrite the code, calculate the result

    Example without SAMPFUNCS. For 0.3.DL, works everywhere and easy to change. {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: is_key_pressed 99 // Numpad 3 THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 31@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~r~PBS...
  96. dphome

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    The SF / ASI / DLL file will be mainly tested It is not possible to extract code in an orderly manner from files programmed in C ++
  97. dphome

    How to login samp R1 to samp DL . server

    Hi, I don't know - probably is not exist. For connect 0.3.DL to 0.3.7 i use script SAMP Client Compact.asi. Regards, dphome.