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  1. C

    CLEO Help reach the checkpoint on foot

    I want to reach the checkpoint for profession bot. Checkpoints are random. Then I want to go back to the starting point.
  2. C

    CLEO Help reach the checkpoint on foot

    Meslek botu için kontrol noktasına ulaşmak istiyorum. 6 kontrol noktası var. Kontrol noktaları rastgele. Daha sonra başlangıç noktama geri dönmek istiyorum. AddPlayerClass(240,633.5886,889.6193,-42.9609,157.9913,0,0,0,0,0,0); // 0.3DL R-1 Türkçe...
  3. C

    Help Press key auto

    thank you my savior
  4. C

    Help Press key auto

    And if you don't press the y key at the coordinates, the gate will not open and you will hit the wall.
  5. C

    Help Press key auto

    This code does not work because when you press the y key on the server, it opens in the inventory and there are no coordinates in these codes.
  6. C

    Help Press key auto

    I want Cleo to press the Y key at coordinates 1766.3939 584.2593 and 1767.6270 588.9038
  7. C

    Help auto getmats

    I set the coordinates with samp 3dl automatic getmats, but it gives an error saying the expected parameter is 6. {$CLEO} 0000: NOP REPEAT WAIT 1000 0A8D: 0@ = readMem 0xC8D4C0 sz 4 vp 0 UNTIL 0@ == 9 // SAMP_IS_READY 0ac8: 15@ = 260 0ad3...