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  1. J

    [REQ] This handling mod that changes a vehicle's handling.

    The handling of the cars is perfect, the problem is the handling of the bikes, if you could remove the perfect handling of the bikes would be good.
  2. J

    CLEO Release faster anims

    Someone can you modify the cleo, reducing the speed with which you get in the car?
  3. J

    CLEO Help Alter cleo Lag.cs

    UP :( :(:(
  4. J

    CLEO Help Alter cleo Lag.cs

    Help plz !
  5. J

    CLEO Help Alter cleo Lag.cs

    okz :catface: :catface::catface:
  6. J

    CLEO Help Alter cleo Lag.cs

    I want to know if anyone of you can alter this Cleo (Lag.cs??) or can tell me how to do to be invulnerable for 300ms (0.3seconds) and vulnerable by 1000 ms (1seconds) They are greatly appreciate.
  7. J

    CLEO Help Help Lag.cs

    and where I edit the values 0-1, I think a ini file is needed, as shown in the picture and not have it..
  8. J

    CLEO Help Help Lag.cs

    no, at no time and marked as solved, enter and view the post was marked as resolved, I'm still waiting for help.
  9. J

    CLEO Help Help Lag.cs

    UP !
  10. J

    CLEO Release 1

    Opcode , Set lag.cs ??certain weapon only to hurt me. For example, I want a certain weapon (MP5) I hurt me to activarce the godmode, but no other weapons. Something like this
  11. J

    CLEO Help Help Lag.cs

    Set lag.cs ??certain weapon only to hurt me. For example, I want a certain weapon (MP5) I hurt me to activarce the godmode, but no other weapons. Something like this