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  1. M

    Help Remove Letters

    I want cheat to remove first Characters Your code is "e8fjej8" bla bla bla I want code to delete (your code is) part And send The rest of the words in chat
  2. M

    Help to fix this code

    This thread can be closed
  3. M

    Help More variables

    Hi I want to use a lot of variables in the code I'm writing But I can't use more than 33@ variables. I'm using Sanny Builder old version 3 I can't use the new version because I wrote the code I wrote from the beginning with the same old version, and now if I compile it with the new version It...
  4. M

    Help to fix this code

    i fix it Can You Do its work with 2 chat? [Emla] And [Riazi] [Riazi] Pasokhe1814 - 831(Tafriq) Ra Sari Ersal Konid Va Jayeze Begirid! And [Emla] Pasokhe "rv8939vap" Ra Sari Ersal Konid Va Jayeze Begirid! Work with one of these two
  5. M

    Help to fix this code

    it work fine But Deletes 2 additional characters
  6. M

    Help to fix this code

    its Work Fine Can You Tell Me How to Change text ? when i send text its Doest Work Only Work If Server send IT I Think It is because of the color
  7. M

    Help to fix this code

    Can You Make It For Older Sanny builder? My Sanny Builder does not Support $USE bitwise and...
  8. M

    Help to fix this code

    wow Go Test It
  9. M

    Help to fix this code

    You are a professional Can you help?
  10. M

    Help to fix this code

    Samp R1 sampfunc 5.4.1 cleo 4.1
  11. M

    Help to fix this code

    I want to extract the code from the text below and send it in chat game The code is variable and changes Your verification code "its variable" send it in chat this text send in every 1H in game chat i want to automatic detect it and send.
  12. M

    Help to fix this code

    HI Can Somebody help me to fix it When i join the game It's going to be slow motion {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: is_samp_available // Wait until SAMP is available :Start WAIT 0 // Listen for chat messages if 0C47: "Your Verification code is" found_in_string 1@ // Check if...
  13. M

    Help Convert cs to csa or csi

    Hi Can You Guys Help Me to Convert Cs cleo cheat For Android?? Its Possible?
  14. M

    Help cmd shourtcut

    i cant :/
  15. M

    Help cmd shourtcut

    Hi I want To Make Cleo To ShourtCut This Command /mute PlayerId 100 Insult Make it Like This /Lu PlayerID Sorry For My Bad English
  16. M

    Help Cleo expired??

    @Parazitas please ?
  17. M

    Help Cleo expired??

    I didn't understand. Can you write a simple code for me so that the file will expire in 1 month?
  18. M

    Help Cleo expired??

    @Parazitas can you help me
  19. M

    Help Cleo expired??

    its good can you make it? plz
  20. M

    Help Cleo expired??

    I want my cleo expire whenever I want is there a way???
  21. M

    Decrypt ?

    how bro can you teach me plz
  22. M

    Decrypt ?

  23. M

    Decrypt ?

    Hi Can You Give me a Way To Decrypt .cs File {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- hex C6 0A 01 D9 FF FF FF 03 00 00 85 00 03 05 00 03 00 00 0E 00 03 05 00 04 27 06 00 03 01 00 04 00 02 00 01 C7 96 FF FF F1 3D 36 EE C8 C8 C8 34 37 37 B2 37 34 32 37 34 37 37 39 37 34 32 37 33 10...
  24. M

    Help chat scanner

    Hi Example: Server Send Me Code Its Your Code "91503248" I Want make Cleo To Send This Code To Chat Its Verfy
  25. M

    Untagged Release Custom Crypt - CLEO

    How To Crypt Lua?
  26. M

    request to make chat scaner

    can you send python file? i run .exe but got error plz send .p
  27. M

    request to make chat scaner

    i got this error
  28. M

    request to make chat scaner

    can you send source code .py before you convert to .exe?
  29. M

    request to make chat scaner

    It is a .exe file i scaned this on viruse total
  30. M

    request to make chat scaner

    its a virus bro
  31. M

    request to make chat scaner

    type "oanclauhe7" to give reward i don have oanclauhe7 its Variable can you make cleo to send oanclauhe7 The word changes and I don't know what word is sent each time
  32. M

    CLEO Help Read multiple chat lines?

    oh no can you make on/off with cmd or kay (J)
  33. M

    CLEO Help Read multiple chat lines?

    can you made on/off for this?
  34. M

    Help Help me to make on/off for .cs

    cmd for on/off or any tnx
  35. M

    Help Help me to make on/off for .cs

    can you make on/off for this and send for me? plz compiled plz
  36. M

    Help Help me to make on/off for .cs

    not work not work i press key 88 (X) bug not work
  37. M

    Help Help me to make on/off for .cs

    can you make on/off for this? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned THEN FOR 0@ = 99 TO 99 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AC8: 2@ = allocate_memory_size 260...
  38. M

    Help Help me to make on/off for .cs

    can you make on/off for this? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned THEN FOR 0@ = 99 TO 99 // Can be changed to 98 to 99, 97 to 99 - it reads the last amount of lines from the log. In this case, it...