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  1. D

    ScriptCommand C++

    how can i use the ScriptCommand in C++ ?
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    building an aimbot

    i managed to get the current camera mode, now i just need the camera Horizontal and Vertical Angle
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    building an aimbot

    what im looking for: Current Camera Mode (int) Camera Horizontal Angle (float) Camera Vertical Angle (float)
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    building an aimbot

    hi, im building a aimbot and i got to the aiming part, i needed some offsets and i couldnt find anything it in gtamods is there a place i can find these addresses? getting them by cheat engine is very difficult
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    get current weapon id

  6. D

    get current weapon id

    hi, im trying to get the localplayer current weapon id through offsets i found in but it doesnt seem to be working WORD GetCurrentWeaponID(DWORD PED) { if (!PED) return; WORD currentWEPID = *(WORD*)((uintptr_t)PED + 0x740)...
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    get camera x,y,z position

    my code was correct i didnt put it in a Code Preview thats why it looked like that
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    get camera x,y,z position

    dont give cleo code plz!
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    get camera x,y,z position

    how do i get the player camera's x,y,z position ? i tried float camX = (float)(0x76F338); float camY = (float)(0x76F33C); float camZ = (float)(0x76F340); didnt work
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    disable controls while in menu

    its not a different game its just a launcher for gta:sa that has its own network. nothing different
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    disable controls while in menu

    I wish that worked but the game has its own hooked wndproc the game is MTA:SA
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    disable controls while in menu

    it could be done using wndproc but i have no idea how
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    disable controls while in menu

    i wanna disable the player controls while the menu is open?
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    disable controls while in menu

    is there anyway to disable gta controls ? i tried using GetAsyncKeyState but wasnt enough tbh
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    C / C++ ESP Drawing Limit

    im not working with lua brother, its c++
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    C / C++ ESP Drawing Limit

    What does has to do with the streaming distance?
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    C / C++ ESP Drawing Limit

    Im working on mta not samp
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    C / C++ ESP Drawing Limit

    What? I just mentioned some esps draw up to 11000m not 300m
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    C / C++ ESP Drawing Limit

    Hey i have a problem with my esp, when i draw it it works fine but the limit is only up to 300m, some esp hacks even have up to 30000m and mine just doesnt draw above 300m here is the code that im using to draw the esp: if (Bools.Visuals.BoneESP) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {...
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    Help With Simple ESP GTASA

    i fixed it
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    Help With Simple ESP GTASA

    sorry thats not the code , here is the code i talked about: if (bools::bones) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { CPool<CPed, CCopPed>* pedPool = CPools::ms_pPedPool; CPed* ped = pedPool->GetAt(i); if (ped) { ESP_Bones(i, ped); }...
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    Help With Simple ESP GTASA

    CPool<CPed, CCopPed>* pedPool = CPools::ms_pPedPool; if (pedPool) { for (int i = 0; i < pedPool->m_nSize; i++) { if (!pedPool->IsFreeSlotAtIndex(i)) { CPed* ped = pedPool->GetAt(i)...
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    Help With Simple ESP GTASA

    hi, i have some problems with my esp(its unstable and very sht), can i get a source example ?
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    [C++] Aimbot - source code

    yall villains xd
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    [C/C++] Toggle Samp Cursor

    Can Anyone Share The ToggleSampCursor Function For C/C++ ? Thanks<3
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    Help C++ Cheat

    If there was a bone esp example would i come and post here?
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    Help C++ Cheat

    Ur clearly trolling me, instead maybe actually help me
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    Help C++ Cheat

    LOL But Seriously Help Me
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    Help C++ Cheat

    im trying to write an bone esp in c++ but i dont know much about c++ , can anybody help me ?
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    Untagged Release lev_m0ds :: SAMP cheats [Jul 2023 release]

    Share Source Code Please?