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  1. ZipLocInThaMoney

    Help wallhack with weapons

    Well what happened is that there was a wallhack where you could see who had weapons, something like for LS-RP, where the weapons are physically visible, if you have them in your inventory the weapon that was stored or that was being used would appear, I think the weapon icon appeared on one side...
  2. ZipLocInThaMoney

    Help Help Wallhack for Samp Addon 2.7 Samp 0.3 DL

    Can anyone get me or know where I can get a wallhack that works on the samp addon 2.7, which is for samp 0.3 DL? No wallhack works for me in my gta with Samp Addon and it is essential for the servers that I play, simply, the wallhack when used, if there are no walls that interfere with the name...
  3. ZipLocInThaMoney

    Help wallhack long distance names

    Can someone give me a wallhack that has too much name spacing? I once saw one where you could see the names at too long distances, maybe it's for 0.3.7 or 0.3 DL or even both, please