
  1. malonex

    Help with freezing SAMPFUNCS C++

    Hello, friends! Why does SA-MP freeze for a while and then return to normal when I try to use Sleep(1000);? I already tried to use Getticickcount, but I didn't like the function
  2. D

    [C/C++] Toggle Samp Cursor

    Can Anyone Share The ToggleSampCursor Function For C/C++ ? Thanks<3
  3. B

    m0d_sa Help mod_sa ScriptCommand Help

    First of all, hello everyone, I have been dealing with something with scriptcommand in mod_sa for a few days, but I still haven't figured out how to do it. If there is anyone knowledgeable about this subject, can you please help me? Now, in such a situation, my game crashes. If I write 1...
  4. N

    Help Bullet Rotation Help C++ mod_sa

    I set the GTA pos of the bullets to the silent aim target with g_Players, but it doesn't work. How can I do it?
  5. N

    Help Help Me (C++, mod_sa)

    Hello, I have such a code, but I could not use it in my project because I do not have much knowledge about dialogue. I tried a few times with Show_Dialog, but my game crashed every time. (0.3DL) Can you help me use it? #define SAMP_DIALOG_INFO_OFFSET 0x2AC9E0 #define...
  6. G

    [C++ 0.3.7] Pls help, get vehicle array for coordinates

    Hello! I'm making a simple Ai driver that avoids player vehicles and parked ones, I just cant find an easy way to get each vehicles coordinates from an array. so far with CHEAT ENGINE I only found "(samp.dll + 0x13C600) + 0x724" this seems to be an array of wheels. problem is each offsets to the...
  7. Blume

    SA-MP 0.3.7 [Open-source] RakMagic | Better fake client for SA-MP

    Hi ugbase guys, I present you a new SA-MP bot project - RakMagic. RakMagic is a fake client for SA-MP. Current version: 1.14 Created by: Blume (81Vm3) What does it has? - Graphical user interface (ImGui) - Ability to play & record NPC records - Support SA-MP dialog and scoreboard - Bot...
  8. S

    problem with aimbot math

    hi guys, i'm trying to make an aimbot skin by opcoder in c++. but i have a problem with the math of my camera. i set up the hook 0x521500 to get the camera position during aiming for smooth rotation by it (not like in sobeit) the position of my crosshair is moving incorrectly, my crosshair is to...
  9. waitback

    [C++ SAMPFUNCS] ImGui Overlay

    Hi there! I've started working on a new project and in the process made a class to handle my ImGui windows so I thought I'll share it with you as this forum helped me a lot back when I was starting. Hopefully, this thread will do the same for someone else. The class is fairly easy to use and...
  10. Blume

    C++ s0beit rainbow gradient with primary color setting

    now create ur big rainbow shit lmao Declare 2 globals: DWORD m_dRainbowHex; float m_fRainbowRGB[3]; Add function (If you don't know how to get ImGui working then just find an alternative approach for converting RGB and HSV): Provide a length between 1-20 and a hue between 0-1 it should work...
  11. Blume

    Untagged Release [Open-source] RakMagic | Better fake client for SA-MP

    Hi ugbase guys, I present you a new SA-MP bot project - RakMagic. RakMagic is a fake client for SA-MP. Current version: 1.14 Created by: Blume (81Vm3) What does it has? - Graphical user interface (ImGui) - Ability to play & record NPC records - Support SA-MP dialog and scoreboard - Bot...
  12. dphome

    [C++] SetGameKeyState

    ver 1 (sa_masterPL) #define GTA_KEYS 0xB73458 DWORD SGKS; void SetGameKeyState(BYTE key, BYTE state) { SGKS = GTA_KEYS + key; memset((void*)SGKS, state, 1); }; ver 2 (0x_) void SetGameKeyState(BYTE key, BYTE state) { memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xB73458 + key), state, 1); }...
  13. xHype

    How to find entity list of objects? (Vehicles, players, peds, etc.)

    Hey guys, I would be really appreciated if somebody really help me with that. I know how to find list of players in Assault Cube, we bassicaly looking for a pointer that points to the first player, then we add +0x4 to the pointer and we have pointer to next player, etc, etc. But in GTA: SA? I...
  14. UzziAdv

    [C++] DISABLE CHAT with rpm/wpm

    bool uzzidisablechat = false; if (ImGui::Checkbox("Disable chat", &uzzidisablechat)) { if (uzzidisablechat == true) { DWORD samp = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("samp.dll"); DWORD maculatura = samp + 0x7A710; DWORD...