
  1. M

    Help smooth aimbot

    can anyone tell me what cheat they are using, considering if it is extreme cheats what are the settings?
  2. I

    Help Op Hax help

    Is there any way to get the 2023 ophax (opcoder's last ophax) which has 170k views on YouTube? Any way to fix it and solve the charging problem? Or can only the old ophax from 2017 be used? And what is your best version, could you please attach?
  3. SobFoX

    OP-HaX - legit MultiHack FIX - SAMP 0.3.7 R1/R3/0.3.DL

    This is a fix for this version of OPHAX: https://ugbase.eu/threads/op-hax-legit-multihack.16215/ After it stopped working
  4. S

    How to edit activation key of this cleo

    Hello im trying to modiffy a cleo file with sanny builder but the source code doesn´t match with the source codes who i had in my sanny builder, i want to change the activation key to F5, or "B", but it says insufficient parameters. this is the cleo...
  5. wilKy


    Hello, is it possible to get from ophax only the ESP menu?