can you make this Cleo Script for 0.3x ?
can you make this Cleo Script for 0.3x ?
// This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$VERSION 3.1.1000}
{$CLEO .cs}
thread 'TANK'
0662: printstring "XYZGODMODE"
jump @TANK_32
wait 0
if and
044B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
0AB0: key_pressed 122
else_jump @TANK_105
jump @TANK_63
wait 0
Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'GMD3' time 3000 flag 1
jump @TANK_105
wait 0
if and
044B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
0AB0: key_pressed 123
else_jump @TANK_32
jump @TANK_136
wait 0
Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'GMD4' time 3000 flag 1
jump @TANK_32