
Jul 29, 2014
Reaction score
Finally decided to release this after a while (+ I finally recovered most of the files after I lost them some time ago). When I was still playing SAMP actively I collected various mods to 'enhance' my game (make it look better without making it over the top). This pack basically contains those mods. I tested all of them individually to make sure that they are still compatible with SAMP (don't crash), and combined them into an easy to install package.

COMPARISON IMAGES (This pack vs Vanilla)
(It's quite hard to showcase a graphical mod, without making it look perfect (because it's not), hence it's always better to just download it and try it out yourself.
Anyway, here are some low-effort comparison images.)

Comparison 01
Comparison 02
Comparison 03
Comparison 04
(If this thread gets enough traction, I might add better images and/or a video.)

01. Did you/Who made the 'x' modification?
See below for what is included in the pack, descriptions & individual authors.

02. Will this work on 0.3DL?
I don't see a reason why it wouldn't (but I also didn't test it on 0.3DL).

03. Will I lose FPS?
This entirely depends on your PC (I lose about 20 FPS going from vanilla to this).

04. Why are there two separate packs?
Pack one contains all of the plugins which enhance the game (reflections and shadows etc.). Pack two contains textural fixes and changes (with baked mipmapping), as seen on the comparison images (roads, peds etc.).

05. Why would I use this?
I don't know, you tell me. I am not forcing you to download nor use this, I just decided to finally release it.

06. How is this better than ENB/Graphical Hooks?
That's debatable. I found the above being resource-heavy and heavily impacting performance. Also, I feel like most of them are over-doing things.

07. Why not use Silent's Patch/MixSets/[Insert Name Here]?
I found Patch/MixSets/[Insert Name Here] not suitable for me therefore I made this pack. Also, see point 5. (You could also use this pack in combination with Patch/MixSets/...)

08. My game is crashing!
This could be because of various reasons - and it's probably you as this pack works for me perfectly. See the optional installation steps.

09. Can you help me install it?

10. Can you change/modify 'x' for me?

11. Can I redistribute this?
Even if I say no, you still will, so why even ask? (but at least provide relevant credits).

This pack assumes that you have ASI Loader (Silent's recommended) modloader & cleo (4.1 recommended) installed.
Step 1. Make sure you back up any relevant files beforehand.
Step 2. Just drag the folders into your GTASA root folder (if asked to override any files, click yes).
//Note: If you are already using a modloader, don't forget to copy the profiles priorities from the provided modloader.ini.

Optional Step 1. I would advise you to make sure that your gta_sa.exe is either '1.0 US Hoodlum' or 'Compact 1.0' as most of the mods were created and tested on them (hoodlum's .exe is 14,383,616 bytes, compact's .exe is 5,189,632 bytes).
Optional Step 2. Using LargeAddress.exe & mklinking you gta_sa.exe might boost performance and fix/help with crashing. Check the optional folder in Pack One.
Optional Step 3. A lot of people say that having your GTASA outside Program Files helps the game to run smoother and crash less. I have never actually tried this.

(If you have actually decided to download and use this pack, check back here in a few. I might release Pack Three with various improvements/additions/changes.)

Pack One
----Root Files
    Files: dynsfx.asi
    Description: This modification makes the sound buffer dynamic (fixes 'ringing' sounds).
    Author: LINK/2012

    Files: GFXHack.asi
    Description: This modification improves rendering of small objects (mostly vehicle parts).
    Author: MrMADRYAN

    Files: ModdedSSAByDarkP1xel.ASI
    Description: Basically CustomSAA2 but better and in .asi format.
    Author: DarkP1xel

    Files: stream.ini
    Description: Self-explanatory.
    Author: Mr.Christmas

    Files: streammemfix2.2_test2
    Description: Self-explanatory.
    Author: Alexander

    Files: loadscs.txd
    Description: Changes the SAMP loading screen.
    Author: Mr.Christmas

----Cleo Files
    Files: Backfire - ALS (Junior_Djjr).cs | backfire.ini
    Description: Adds anti-lag system (ALS) mechanism to vehicles.
    Author: Junior_Djjr

    Files: disablegrain.cs
    Description: Self-explanatory
    Author: Unknown

    Files: fastconnect_037.cs
    Description: Self-explanatory.
    Author: Unknown

    Files: Fix Water Square (Junior_Djjr).cs
    Description: Corrects the water 'square' texture.
    Author: Junior_Djjr

    Files: pF_flyingstuff.cs
    Description: Adds flying debris to the game.
    Author: ZAZ

    Files: binthesky_by_DK.cs
    Description: Makes textures render correctly when flying.
    Author: DK22Pac

    Files: ForceAniso.cs
    Description: Forces anisotropic filtering in game.
    Author: Junior_Djjr

    Files: GammaFixByDarkP1xel.cs
    Description: Applies the brightness automatically when the game launches (without having to press ESC).
    Author: DarkP1xel

    Files: Lamppost Insects (Junior_Djjr).cs
    Description: Adds insects flying around lamp posts.
    Author: Junior_Djjr

    Files: limit.cs
    Description: Makes players render correctly at distance.
    Author: Unknown

    Files: Memory 8GB.cs
    Description: Self-explanatory.
    Author: Unknown

    Files: Streaminiextender.cs
    Description: Adds extra optional settings to the stream.ini file.
    Author: Deji

    Files: vehcamera.cs
    Author: happy824112

    Files: pf_Weaponeffects.cs
    Description: Self-explanatory.
    Author: ZAZ

    Files: newOpcodes.cleo
    Description: Old project which adds more than 100 new opcodes/commands to CLEO.
    Author: DK22Pac

----Modloader Files
    Files: anticrasher037.asi
    Description: Self-explanatory.
    Author: Export

    Files:  TheBirdsUpdate.asi | birds.dat | birds.txd | BIRDD.txd
    Description: This modification modifies all of the GTASA birds and their routines. Also adds a customizable bird system and other features.
    Author: LINK/2012 & Junior_Djjr

    Files: fix.black_roads.asi
    Description: Removes the annoying 'black roads glitch' which happens because of the relative camera placement to the object.
    Author: DK22Pac

    Files: newCoronaLimits.asi
    Description: Increase the corona limit from 64 to 1000.
    Author: DK22Pac

    Files: EnhanceFX.asi
    Description: Enhances some of the ingame effects making them feel more realistic.
    Author: Junior_Djjr

    Files: flickr.asi
    Description: Resolves flickering textures.
    Author: ThirteenAG

    Files: FramerateVigilante.ini | FramerateVigilante.SA.asi
    Description: Fixes related issues due to high FPS.
    Author: ThirteenAG

    Files: UncapFPS_UGBASEEU.asi
    Description: Self-explanatory
    Author: 0X_

    Files: SAMPGraphicRestore.asi
    Description: Fixes various problems and allows the use of particular graphical modifications in SAMP.
    Author: nonamenoname

    Files: GraphicsTweaker.SA.asi | GraphicsTweaker.SA.ini
    Description: Fixes and improves various lightning problems in GTASA.
    Author: Junior_Djjr

    Files: ImgLimitAdjuster.asi
    Description: Adjusts the amount of IMG archives possible to load from 8 to 127.
    Author: fastman92

    Files: ImVehFt.asi | ImVehFt.ini | Various texture files.
    Description: Improves vehicle features.
    Author: DK22Pac, Function-X-, fastman92 & LINK/2012

    Files: ImVehFtFix.asi
    Description: Fixes a bug related to ImVehFt.asi
    Author: Unknown

    Files: Multi-sampling fix.asi
    Description: Self-explanatory
    Author: DK22Pac

    Files: _noDEP.asi
    Description: Disables Windows DEP on game start which in turn allows some of the modifications to work properly.
    Author: Fabio

    Files: surface.dat | surfinfo.dat
    Description: Removes the dust particles from the ground while shooting.
    Author: Unknown

    Files: normalmap_byDK.asi | normalmap_byDK.ini | normalmap_pixel.fsx | normalmap_vertex.fxc | normalmap_env_settings.dat
    Description: Applies normal mapping to ped models.
    Author: DK22Pac

    Files: reflect.asi
    Description: Addition to reffix.asi
    Author: Unknown

    Files: RefreshRateFixByDarkP1xel32.ASI
    Description: Adjusts the GTASA refresh rate to match your monitor's.
    Author: DarkP1xel

    Files: resetRemove.asi
    Description: Removes the crash associated with overflowing buffer RPC_ScrRemoveBuildingForPlayer.
    Author: Unknown (CarLCas?)

    Files: reffix.asi | reffix.asi
    Description: Corrects the issues related to road reflections and how they work (or should I rather say, how they don't on the PC version of the game).
    Author: SilentPL

    Files: rundll32exefix.asi
    Description: Stops the GTASA process running in the background fater game close.
    Author: Swoorup

    Files: sa_lighting.asi
    Description: Changes some of the lightning techniques in game.
    Author: Unknown

    Files: Searchlights.asi
    Description: This modification adds a "searchlight effect" to all lamp posts in the game.
    Author: ThirteenAG & DK22Pac

    Files: shadows.asi | shadows.ini | shadows.pixel.fx | shadows_pixel_stencil.fx
    Description: Adjusts the behaviour of shadows in the game.
    Author: DK22Pac

    Files: skygfx.asi | skygfx.ini
    Description: This modification brings accurate PS2 and Xbox graphics to the PC version of the game.
    Author: The Hero

    Files: skygrad.asi
    Description: Applies anti-aliasing effect to the sky gradient.
    Author: Wesser

    Files: timecycp.dat | timecyc.two | timecyc.tmp | timecyc.dat | timecyc.cfg |
    Description: Self-explanatory
    Author: fastman92 & Unknown

    Files: III.VC.SA.TransparentMenu.asi
    Description: Makes the (ESC) menu transparent.
    Author: ric4rd094, Reyks & Junior_Djjr

    Files: shell.asi | shell.ini | shell.psh | shell.vsh | shell_model.json | shell_weapon.json
    Description: This modification makes the shell casings appear on the floor rather than magically disappear.
    Author: Ryosuke839 & nonamenoname
Pack Two
----Root Files
    Files: mouse.png
    Description: Changes the SAMP mouse texture.
    Author: Unknown

    Files: sampgui.png
    Description: Changes the SAMP gui texture.
    Author: Unknown

----Modloader Files
    Files: cylider.dff | ingame.txd
    Description: Replaces the old and boring checkpoint texture with a more modern alternative.
    Author: Unknown

    Files: object.dat | surfinfo.dat | effects.fxp | effectsPC.txd | particle.txd
    Description: Replaces the standard GTASA effects with violet ones.
    Author: Unknown

    Files: Various .ide & .ipl files.
    Description: Improves positions & properties of various objects in game.
    Author: AdrienSpy & MSB165

    Files: Various .txd & .dff files.
    Description: Corrects some of the map textures.
    Author: DimZet, Junior_Djjr, ernestin1, Blackbird88, Tomasak & Berry

    Files: Various .dff files.
    Description: Smooths some of the meshes on the map.
    Author: Unknown

    Files: Various .txd files.
    Description: Replaces the textures of roads and sidewalks.
    Author: KINOman & Mr.Christmas (texture fixes & improvements)

    Files: Various .txd & .dff files.
    Description: Replaces all peds texturing which allows them to use normal mapping.
    Author: futureAllrounder

    Files: Various .wav files.
    Description: Remaster of the ingame sound effects (uncompressed).
    Author: MrFinger, BeyondTheVeilOfDeath, Son Of Big Boss, kretin8, ermaccer, Ryadica926 & Limeo

    Files: Various .txd & .dff files.
    Description: Self-explanatory
    Author: Unknown, atfburner (vegetation fixes) & Mr.Christmas (texture fixes & improvements)

    Files: Various .txd & .dff files.
    Description: Corrects & improves various vehicle textures in game.
    Author: Elyzandro, Aztecas_5, ECLIPSE00074, andy-luzak, BERO, BoB_MARLI(RUS), Cheege9763, Robochicken, Milo34, Threeton, realist, Ejikin91, Izerli, Bernardo Pagel, Iago3D & Junior_Djjr (vehicle.txd fix).

Pack Two Download
Pack Two is too big (389mb archive) to upload as an attachment here, therefore I am providing an external link (MediaFire) to download it (there are only texture files inside);
Download link (MediaFire)

Additional Information
I would highly recommend using 'RoSA + ESRGAN AI Upscale' texture pack along with this mod pack (RoSA is a global re-texture of San Andreas).
(The reason RoSA wasn't included in this mod pack is that the archive itself is quite big (2.75 GB). You can just download it yourself.)
(If you choose to use RoSA along with this mod pack, make sure you decrease RoSA's priority in modloader. 'Load Whole Map' script is also recommended.)

Virus Total Links
Part One -
Part Two -



  • [Christmas] Graphical Overhaul Mod Pack - Part 1.7z
    5.1 MB · Views: 146
Last edited:


Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks, it's really really good answered every possible question :p


Jul 29, 2014
Reaction score
Pack two has been added.
(Pack one was also slightly modified - 'colorMod' was removed. No need to re-download for those who already did.)