Community driven awards


Wtf I'm not new....
Staff member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Since we changed to MyBB we added the awards system, upon now they were given by team members only.
Since we do not really give any awards away I decided to put up a "nomination" board, in where all community driven awards can be given away by you.

How it works:
To successfully nominate a person you need to be at least registered since half a / year (6 months) and make a responding topic in the nomination forums.
You are able to nominate anyone as long the community votes for it, while you're creating your nomination topic you need to attach a poll including Agree and Decline answers if more than 60% of the votes are "yes" he will be given the award.
Keep in mind that these nominations will be handed out in "waves", every 3 weeks a max. of 3 nominations will be approved. Therefore just don't create nominations if you know that the current wave is going on.

Steps broken down:
  • Create a nomination topic, in where you nominate another person (yourself excluded).
  • Add a poll to it including these answers: "Yes. I agree" and "No. I do not agree".
  • After 3 weeks all persons having more than 60% of "Yes" votes will be given the awards.
Almost all awards listed here are available.
Tags explained: 
"Community driven" -> Completely community driven, nominated by the community w/o influence of team members.
"Semi-community driven" -> Not completely community driven, even if people can get nominated the team members can revoke under certain circumstances.

If there's no tag/prefix before the description then this award is completely team controlled.