Throw asi version menyou can suck on my big black cock and deepthroat until you vomit
Mhm, it's mine but what about the /keylogging/ part? I made this several months back and shit but after I got banned on LSRP I passed it to several friends, where'd you get it from?
The code was a fuckfest haha, winsockets based shit hastily coded. Not surprised anyone could crack this.
the truth message wormcockboi.asisince im too ugly to find boyfriend can you suck my little penis.asi and deepthroat until you vomit cus i have no boyfriend and i cant reach it myself
Mhm, it is indeed. Took me 2 minutes to crack.
Who ever Fed is was selling it, sold it to my customer and his ls-rp account got hacked, and I presume thats you since both this Unscrambler and the keylogging asi named 'drugfinder.asi' use the same server IP and API - the keylogging asi just sends dialog responses with the dialog title and input buffer so its very easy to see user-pass combos.
Anyways, care to explain then?
Mhm, it is indeed. Took me 2 minutes to crack.
This is where you're wrong, I'm not Fed nor have I sold any hacks in the last 2-3 weeks, it can be confirmed with my PayPal and secondly.
I was not the only one with this keylogger, I stated that I gave this long ago to my friends, one of them was 'unbelievable' that is called as Fed. I didn't have anything to do with this. All I know is Unscrambler is mine and I don't want to be blamed for some shit I never did.
For the IP thing you are saying, I included a php with the source I sent to unbelievable, why would it be hard for him to set up? And do I own that IP? No.
Don't make false assumptions on me
My bad LOL, I meant to say unscrambler, "I wasn't the only one with this unscrambler"
I never was Fed and I never am, I didn't even know he was Fed until I saw the post on multimart, I didn't even know that he did this scamming shit before in samp market shit. I was dragged into his problems and involved because I gave him one of my mods I was using while I was playing. I don't want to be in this shitfest drama aswell.
Ahh okay, well my bad for cracking your unscrambler, maybe its for the better since there was money being made off it... I can take it down if you want though, just lmk on here or my discord
You contradict yourself son.Any way, I'm not into the drama, I saw a retard trying to spread his trash keylogger so I cracked his other stuff.