- Joined
- Nov 15, 2013
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Tired of those guys with shitty fps/ping teleporting from mexico to japan each time you duel them? :red_eyes:
Well here's your chance to fight fire with fire :fuck_yea:
this was a script released back in 2012/2013 and i forgot the author of the orignal code. anyways i edited some things to make the lag more legit :urtheman:
Activation: type ' lagon '
Deactivation: type ' lagoff '
here's the script, feel free to change anything
for more or less lag play around with the line that says SAMP.SetSendrate(1/2/3) = 500. there are 3 lines, onfoot, in car etc. feel free to go up to 10,000 which is a 10sec delay :urtheman:
Also you are likely to crash if your fps is too low while the cleo is activated
Edit: this does not decrease hits or toggles a godmode. you will give and take hits normally. The only difference is that you will be lagging on their screens.
Well here's your chance to fight fire with fire :fuck_yea:
What does it do?
It increases your sendrate thus leaving a delay between you and the server. Others will see you lagging while you are seeing them perfectly fine.Video:
https://youtu.be/nVCHydLVPrEthis was a script released back in 2012/2013 and i forgot the author of the orignal code. anyways i edited some things to make the lag more legit :urtheman:
Activation: type ' lagon '
Deactivation: type ' lagoff '
here's the script, feel free to change anything
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
wait 5000
wait 400
else_jump @Noname_7
wait 0
wait 0
0ADC: test_cheat "lagon"
else_jump @Noname_25
print "LAG activated." 3000
0@ = SAMP.Base()
0@ += 80688
0A8C: write_memory 0@ size 2 value 50064 virtual_protect 1
wait 300
wait 0
else_jump @Noname_154
SAMP.SetSendrate(1) = 500
else_jump @Noname_154
SAMP.SetSendrate(2) = 500
SAMP.SetSendrate(3) = 500
0ADC: test_cheat "lagoff"
else_jump @Noname_104
SAMP.SetSendrate(1) = False
SAMP.SetSendrate(2) = False
SAMP.SetSendrate(3) = False
print "LAG deactivated." 3000
0@ = SAMP.Base()
0@ += 80688
0A8C: write_memory 0@ size 2 value 0 virtual_protect 1
wait 300
jump @Noname_25
for more or less lag play around with the line that says SAMP.SetSendrate(1/2/3) = 500. there are 3 lines, onfoot, in car etc. feel free to go up to 10,000 which is a 10sec delay :urtheman:
Also you are likely to crash if your fps is too low while the cleo is activated
Edit: this does not decrease hits or toggles a godmode. you will give and take hits normally. The only difference is that you will be lagging on their screens.
Edit: Updated by [member=111]springfield[/member]
type ' lag ' to activate or deactivate. Doesnt require sf, have fun
Download the one by Spring, the other is just there incase anyone wanted to look at the script for future reference
type ' lag ' to activate or deactivate. Doesnt require sf, have fun
Download the one by Spring, the other is just there incase anyone wanted to look at the script for future reference