Hey, iam here to tell you here a lot stupids just tell me why you banned styler?
He was helping ppl here, but i'll tell u reason [ JELOUSE ] cuz he's nice coder hes the best, then stop bullshits mofaka He fucked up your net now say what u want stupid fag, just remember Hes better then you x100, u r just ugly cunt, On the way you're acting and intending, you're prolly retard too then :dont_care:, Stop acting like a fucking kid,noone gives a fuck about your bullshit,you just rage cuz you faggot jelouse :fuck_you:, Styler is a nice guy he helped me to fuck more server ddossing etc i dont know why u r acting, he made own ddoss # HES THE BEST #
> Z0dy
He was helping ppl here, but i'll tell u reason [ JELOUSE ] cuz he's nice coder hes the best, then stop bullshits mofaka He fucked up your net now say what u want stupid fag, just remember Hes better then you x100, u r just ugly cunt, On the way you're acting and intending, you're prolly retard too then :dont_care:, Stop acting like a fucking kid,noone gives a fuck about your bullshit,you just rage cuz you faggot jelouse :fuck_you:, Styler is a nice guy he helped me to fuck more server ddossing etc i dont know why u r acting, he made own ddoss # HES THE BEST #
> Z0dy