Heres the post And here's what it says
How to use:
According umlochaniyu on / off R, when aiming at the player , the sight will automatically be picking on him
How to set up :
The settings are in the file PingAim_by_FYP.ini
There is present setting Offset sight ( specifically under the correct server ) , you need to bet more , depending on laguchesti server.
In the same file, you can still configure a button aimbot .
To reset all settings while playing a team / aim_reload
This is useless anyway because its for 0.3e seems some good aimbot's are for 0.3e like the one tvopcode posted
pingOffset = 0.0685 - for some DM and training servers.
pingOffset = 0.0805 - for Samp-Rp.Ru ( adjustable from MISTER_GONWIK)
Copy all files from the archive into the CLEO folder and install the latest version of SAMPFUNCS.