Dear members, staff and guests!
I'm trying to add a opcode which shows me IF player has certain weapon.
In this case weapons from STOL 7
to be more specific, the weapons are these:
Rocket id 36 Slot 7 Model 360
Minigun id 38 Slot 7 Model 362
I have been trying these opcodes:
0491: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 46
0470: 76@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
0491: actor 3@ has_weapon 38
04B8: get_weapon_data_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR slot 2 weapon 380@ ammo 381@ model 381@
My goal is to ''scan'' or ''detect streamed players weapon IF they switch to that weapon and let me know it next to others infos you will see here:
You will see a line like this:
[font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]On this line i place a "%d" or "%s" to set weapon name/number and so i will know if PLAYER HAS THE WEAPON ON HIM(or on his hand/switched)[/font]
[font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]If someone can please stick/paste here a opcode to make this work please let me know...[/font]
Thats just an example of what i expect to be working but it doesn't...
I'm trying to add a opcode which shows me IF player has certain weapon.
In this case weapons from STOL 7
to be more specific, the weapons are these:
Rocket id 36 Slot 7 Model 360
Minigun id 38 Slot 7 Model 362
I have been trying these opcodes:
0491: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 46
0470: 76@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
0491: actor 3@ has_weapon 38
04B8: get_weapon_data_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR slot 2 weapon 380@ ammo 381@ model 381@
My goal is to ''scan'' or ''detect streamed players weapon IF they switch to that weapon and let me know it next to others infos you will see here:
1@ += 14
if 120 >= 16@
04C4: store_coords_to 9@ 10@ 11@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0
04C4: store_coords_to 12@ 13@ 14@ from_actor 31@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0
050A: 17@ = distance_between_XYZ 9@ 10@ 11@ and_XYZ 12@ 13@ 14@
0B55: convert_3D_coords 9@ 10@ 11@ to_screen 5@ 6@
0B55: convert_3D_coords 12@ 13@ 14@ to_screen 7@ 8@
0B2B: samp 2@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle 31@
0B36: samp 3@ = get_player_nickname 2@
0B37: samp 4@ = get_player_color 2@
0B2A: samp 24@ = get_player_ping 2@
0B25: samp 27@ = get_player_health 2@
0B26: samp 28@ = get_player_armor 2@
// (Here is where ive tryed to place these opcodes but doesn't work..)
0AC8: 20@ = 256
0AD3: 20@ = "*%d %s %d %d %d %0.f" 2@ 3@ 24@ 27@ 28@ 17@
0B6F: render font 0@ draw_text 20@ pos 15@ 1@ color 4@
0AC9: 20@
if and
02CB: actor 31@ bounding_sphere_visible
803C: $PLAYER_ACTOR == 31@
8118: actor 31@ dead
You will see a line like this:
0AD3: 20@ = "*%d %s %d %d %d %0.f" 2@ 3@ 24@ 27@ 28@ 17@
[font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]On this line i place a "%d" or "%s" to set weapon name/number and so i will know if PLAYER HAS THE WEAPON ON HIM(or on his hand/switched)[/font]
[font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]If someone can please stick/paste here a opcode to make this work please let me know...[/font]
0B2B: samp 2@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle 31@
0B36: samp 3@ = get_player_nickname 2@
0B37: samp 4@ = get_player_color 2@
0B2A: samp 24@ = get_player_ping 2@
0B65: samp 23@ = player 30@ score
0B25: samp 27@ = get_player_health 2@
0B26: samp 28@ = get_player_armor 2@
0491: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 24 29@
0AC8: 20@ = 256
0AD3: 20@ = "*%d %s {4bff00}$%d {00feff}%d {4bff00}%d %d %s {ff0000}%0.f" 2@ 3@ 23@ 24@ 27@ 28@ 29@ 17@
0B6F: render font 0@ draw_text 20@ pos 15@ 1@ color 4@
0AC9: 20@
if and
02CB: actor 31@ bounding_sphere_visible
803C: $PLAYER_ACTOR == 31@
8118: actor 31@ dead