CLEO Help Help with cleo scripting

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Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, got a problem with my own godmode script.When i turn it on foot, after that i get in a car and when i activate in a car i no more can deactivate the cars godmode and after that i cant deactivate foot godmode. there are and more bugs :sadpepe:. i started to learn scripting today and i dont  need compiled and created by other player script i just want to see my mistakes and try to do better next time.

0000: NOP

wait 0
if and
044B:  actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
0AB0: 90
jf [member=22384]CAR[/member]
Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
jump @OFF_CAR

wait 0
if and
0449:  actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_a_car
0AB0: 90
jf @MAIN
1@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
Car.DoorStatus(1@) = 0
09F6: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR unjackable_through_driver_seat 1 
03F5: set_car 1@ apply_damage_rules 0
Car.ImmuneToNonPlayer(1@) = True
Car.SetImmunities(1@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
053F: set_car 1@ tires_vulnerability 0
jump @OFF

wait 0
if and
044B:  actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
0AB0: 88
Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
jump @MAIN

if and
0449:  actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_a_car
0AB0: 88
jf @OFF
Car.DoorStatus(1@) = 1
09F6: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR unjackable_through_driver_seat 0 
03F5: set_car 1@ apply_damage_rules 1
Car.ImmuneToNonPlayer(1@) = False
Car.SetImmunities(1@, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
053F: set_car 1@ tires_vulnerability 1
jump [member=22384]CAR[/member]
My english so trash, and please just send the code not compiled.
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