the method calling the atan2 function from memory is not possible because there is no direct function that calculates atan2 in the arm architecture, only in the x86 architecture which is fpatan, and the other method is not possible either because there is no opcode 0C08: math 31@ = arctangent 30@ // (float)
Just make your own function of arctangent...0086: $Point_X = $Enemy_X
0086: $Point_Y = $Enemy_Y
0061: $Point_X -= $Camera_X
0061: $Point_Y -= $Camera_Y
0061: $Enemy_Z -= $Camera_Z
0604: get_Z_angle_for_point $Point_X $Point_Y store_to $Angle_Z
$Angle_Z -= 90.0
$Angle_Z /= 57.29578
0509: $Distance = distance_between_XY $Camera_X $Camera_Y and_XY $Enemy_X $Enemy_Y
// $Angle_X = atan2($Distance, $Enemy_Z);
0A25: set_camera_on_players_X_angle $Angle_X Z_angle $Angle_Z
is there any other way to make this aimbot work?
def arctan(x, terms):
result = 0
sign = 1
for n in range(1, 2*terms, 2):
term = sign * (x ** n) / n
result += term
sign *= -1
return result
x = 0.5 # Value for which you want to calculate arctan
terms = 10 # Number of terms in the series
approx_arctan = arctan(x, terms)
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
double arctan(double x, int terms) {
double result = 0.0;
double sign = 1.0;
for (int n = 1; n <= 2 * terms; n += 2) {
double term = sign * (std::pow(x, n) / n);
result += term;
sign *= -1.0;
return result;
int main() {
double x = 0.5; // Value for which you want to calculate arctan
int terms = 10; // Number of terms in the series
double approx_arctan = arctan(x, terms);
std::cout << "Approximate arctan(" << x << ") = " << approx_arctan << std::endl;
return 0;