[quote author="xzytro"]Why do you have to be this much dumb creating this topic in CLEO SECTION ?
Moved to General Requests
I am not dumb

I just posted it here because more people come to this section and there is a good chance of me getting what i want[/quote]
well, i don't think so....
people like me for example, never open up that section...
(cuz cleo suxx, sorry opcud).
but well...
i guess that you're looking for a very basic shit.... that do its job(record keys and send them to you) and that's all.
so, i know a very basic one that you may like to know...
look for supra keylogger, made by durkh3im(yep, that same spanish samp hacker.... old school, yep..).
(anyway, you still gonna need a crypter).