Today i'll release my private Vehicle Path Recording mod.
Keys & Commands:
You press O to start recording and to stop recording.
You press P to play or stop the recording.
using /VehicleRecordingLoop will make the bot drive the route without stopping like infinite times.
/VehicleRecording to see all keys and commands again if you forgot them.
How it works? When you start recording its saving your position and speed every 300~ ms into a file.
When you start playing it, the bot will take the first cordinate and drive to it like a human with the speed of the next cordinate so that it can easily turn corners. Like human i mean that it will press W to accelerate and A & D to turn left and right. Its not like the other vehicle recording where your rotation, position, velocity get set with writememory ayy lmao. Admins can slap you out of the car and the bot will stop, you get freezed and it will freeze.
How to for retards:
1.) find a nice starting point
2.) press O to start recording
3.) drive around carefully
4.) go back to your starting point
5.) press O to finish recording
Playing it:
1.) goto your starting point where u started recording
2.) press P
3.) do nothing
4.) it will stop when you reached your starting point
to repeat it you have to type /vehiclerecordingloop once
have fun bye
This needs the newest sampfuncs version so get rekt by russians...
Today i'll release my private Vehicle Path Recording mod.
Keys & Commands:
You press O to start recording and to stop recording.
You press P to play or stop the recording.
using /VehicleRecordingLoop will make the bot drive the route without stopping like infinite times.
/VehicleRecording to see all keys and commands again if you forgot them.
How it works? When you start recording its saving your position and speed every 300~ ms into a file.
When you start playing it, the bot will take the first cordinate and drive to it like a human with the speed of the next cordinate so that it can easily turn corners. Like human i mean that it will press W to accelerate and A & D to turn left and right. Its not like the other vehicle recording where your rotation, position, velocity get set with writememory ayy lmao. Admins can slap you out of the car and the bot will stop, you get freezed and it will freeze.
How to for retards:
1.) find a nice starting point
2.) press O to start recording
3.) drive around carefully
4.) go back to your starting point
5.) press O to finish recording
Playing it:
1.) goto your starting point where u started recording
2.) press P
3.) do nothing
4.) it will stop when you reached your starting point
to repeat it you have to type /vehiclerecordingloop once
have fun bye
This needs the newest sampfuncs version so get rekt by russians...