Untagged Release SAMPFUNCS 5.3 [0.3.7]

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Feb 18, 2005
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SAMPFUNCS(abbreviated SF) is a mod, created and maintained by FYP, that expands the CLEO 4 library and adds extended support for SA-MP related functions.
Beside CLEO, it also supports the creations of plugins(.sf) in C++ using the API provided.
SAMPFUNCS is only compatible with the current SA-MP version at release time.

sf_5_X_X_bin.zip : contains the main mod.
- Copy "SAMPFUNCS.asi" into your San Andreas folder.
- Run the game once to allow it to create the necessary files(SAMPFUNCS folder and SAMPFUNCS.ini)
This happens if you have your game installed on the windows partition and have UAC on.
Those files will be created in your x:\users\<your user>\appdata\local\VirtualStore\<path>.
You can either copy the files from there to your GTA folder, or run the game as admin once.

For developers:
sf_5_X_X_sdk.zip : contains both the dev. files for CLEO and C++ API.
- Copy all files from the "SB data" to "/Sanny Builder 3/data/sa".
- SFPlugin.zip contains the SF API documentation and solution for plugin example.

- CLEO 4
- gta_sa.exe 1.0 US
- SAMP 0.3.7 R1

More information on(in russian):
- BlastHack Forum
- SF CLEO - BH thread
- SF C++ API - BH thread
- BlastHack SAMPFUNCS Wiki

If you have a problem...
- translated with Google from http://blast.hk/threads/17/

Q: How to install SAMPFUNCS?
A: Copy the *.asi file to your main GTA San Andreas folder.

Q: What do i need to use SAMPFUNCS?
A: To use SAMPFUNCS you need the following:

 Working copy of the game GTA San Andreas.
 gta_sa.exe v1.0US
 ASI Loader
 CLEO 4.1 or higher.
 SA-MP Client version specific to the SAMPFUNCS version.

Q: Where can i find the folder "SAMPFUNCS"?
A: In the root folder of the game.

Q: What happens if there is no folder "SAMPFUNCS"?
A: Start it manually or run the game with SAMPFUNCS, then the folder will be created automatically.

Q: I do not have the folder "SAMPFUNCS" and it does not appear even after the start of the game.
A: You have security enabled UAC in Windows. To turn it off you need to: Go to Control Panel> User Accounts> Change User Account Control settings and move the slider to the bottom> Save.

Q: My game crashes, although it is clean.
A: The list of possible solutions to the problem:

Update DirectX 9, Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable
Make sure that the version of SA:MP is compatible with SAMPFUNCS.
In SAMPFUNCS_SETTINGS.INI change the following settings:

CheckUpdates = false
MultiProcess = false
AntiPause = false
ScriptEnginePatch = false
DisableGameAPI = true
ExceptionHandler = false

 Despite the fact that SAMPFUNCS might runs on Windows XP, it might not work properly, it's recommended to use a newer Windows version.

Q: The screen flashes when i enter the menu
A: Change the settings option DrawInfoBar to "false" in the settings .ini file.

Q: Where can i find the file settings "SAMPFUNCS_SETTINGS.INI"?
A: In the folder SAMPFUNCS.

Q: What mods is SAMPFUNCS not compatible?
A: NewOpcodes from DK22Pac - incompatible opcodes; SA: MP Addon - partial incompatibility; SAMPGraphicRestore.asi - graphical artifacts.

Q: Will SAMPFUNCS work with older versions than SA-MP 0.3?
A: Not compatible.

Q: How to install SAMPFUNCS opcodes in Sanny Builder?
A: Replace the files from 'Sanny Builder 3\data\sa' with the ones from the SB Data folder.

Q: What is the archive for SFPlugin.zip? What to do with it?
A: This archive contains a project template for developers SF-plugins. If you are not a developer, you just forget about it.

Q: How to install a plugin .SF?
A: Copy the file to a folder SAMPFUNCS or follow the installation instructions (if any).

Q: My antivirus marks SAMPFUNCS as malicious and even remove it.
A: Anti-virus software programs often define this kind of as malicious, since the main application of this type of work is carried out by means of direct memory access process. In addition, the built SAMPFUNCS check for updates, and it is compressed to reduce the size of the wrapper, so most antivirus software refers to it with great suspicion. To prevent removal SAMPFUNCS Antivirus, add the entire folder or a game in the list of exceptions antivirus.

Q: Where can find detailed information, a description of the opcodes, the list of changes, the lessons associated with SAMPFUNCS?
A: Here: http://blasthack.net/wiki/

Q: How to fix: "WARNING! CLEO could not register opcode handler"?
A: Maybe you have installed two versions SAMPFUNCS or plug NewOpcodes.cleo. Remove them.

Q: Do SAMPFUNCS Compatible with mod_sa?
A: Yes, but that does not mean that among them there can be no conflict.

Use google translate, unless you can read russian.

NOTE: Attachments might get blocked on Google Chrome, use at own risk.


  • sf_5_3_3_bin.rar
    520.2 KB · Views: 54,223
  • sf_5_3_3_sdk.zip
    344.6 KB · Views: 19,011
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
Check THIS LINK  if you want to keep SAMPFUNCS alive, and updated for upcoming SA-MP versions.
Page is in russian, so either use google translate, or ask your local russian to translate.

Later edit: translation by our rezidentura russian spy @supahdupahnubah

supahdupahnubah said:
The translation:

As you could notice, there have been no updates to SAMPFUNCS for a long time, and the thread[blasthack forum thread] is locked because obviously the project is abandoned. A couple days ago a RC build of 0.3.8 SAMP came out, so it means SAMPFUNCS should be updated as well. But the thing is - previous updates were motivated only because of wish and interest, the whole project were mostly developed by me (FYP) and I currently have no motivation on continuing the development. There were some attempts on finding someone who's ready to develop SF in the future. It succeeded, okay, but those guys didn't want to go on and work on it. (and I do understand them)
And just before you start offer me to make it opensource : I can't publish the code as is because it's horrible, and I still need to put lots of effort just to support it. And if I'll still publish it despite those excuses I told you about - people will simply copy and forget about it.
However SF needs to be Improved, and you still need the SF, right?

So if we will get 30k rubles (bouta 500$) I'll promise you :
  • Open the thread and accept all the suggestions
  • Rewrite the whole code and make a good SF C/C++ API
  • Fix knows bugs and implement planned features
  • Update it for 0.3.8 SAMP (or even better - make it version-free)
  • And, probably, make it opensource
Donate da shiet here : http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/465950h
(Warning! The donation is voluntary, you don't pay me for the work)

Current 0.3.7 SF download counter is 117337 users, let's see how much people really need the SF. You're gonna carry that weight.

Da moneiiiiii counter - https://blast.hk/shit/sampfuncs.php

Note from me[supahdupahnubah] - don't know if it's necessary to translate it, just doing my best
Google translate have been improved lately (in case of Russian -> English translation), but there's still some sentences and words that being translated incorrectly

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