01BB: store_object 30@ position_to 29@ 28@ 27@
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 26@, 25@, 24@)
0B55: convert_3D_coords 29@ 28@ 27@ to_screen 23@ 22@
0B55: convert_3D_coords 26@ 25@ 24@ to_screen 21@ 20@
0B68: render draw_line_point1 23@ 22@ point2 21@ 20@ width 1 color 0x8833ff33
0B70: render draw_polygon_pos 23@ 22@ size 3 3 corners 7 rotation 0 color 0xba00ff00
050A: 9@ = distance_between_XYZ 29@ 28@ 27@ and_XYZ 26@ 25@ 24@
format 0@ "AMMO (%.1f)" 9@
23@ += 5
22@ -= 7
0B6F: render font 1@ draw_text 0@ pos 23@ 22@ color 0xcac1f4c1
it shows on screen like Ammo () so doesnt show the distance. I dont know what is the problem, these coordinates are right, if they werent I wouldnt see anything on screen but everything works with those coords