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  1. E

    CLEO Help FOR from a to z

    Thank you for replies
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    CLEO Help FOR from a to z

    How to make FOR from a to z in Sanny Builder?
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    CLEO Help Cleo activation key

    @Sam201 {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 15000 0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 5310892 size 1 virtual_protect 1 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 5310917 size 1 virtual_protect 1 0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 5386662 size 1 virtual_protect 1 0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 5386797 size 1 virtual_protect 1 0A8D: 5@ = read_memory...
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    CLEO Help help

    Upload your gta?
  5. E

    [REQ] Cleo car nametag.

    i dont remember, but i think this hack has that function
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    CLEO Help Cleo activation key

    No cam restore + weapons zoom
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    CLEO Help Absolutely confused

    Use samp 0.3.7 r1 client
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    CLEO Help help aim function

    What do you have against slavs?
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    CLEO Help Help NT037.cs

    How they can see it?
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    CLEO Help Function error

    You want to run one cleo in another?
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    CLEO Help Function error

    Show us the full code
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    CLEO Help Draw image on screen

    Jusu anglu kalba tai bbd xD (Sorry for breaking the rules) P.S. @Parazitas cia ne jis dare
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    Drop that Surfly here, somebody will check the code, that cleo might create other files that keeps running process even if you delete main file.
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    CLEO Help [Help] Dialog text

    create loop
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    I would like to test it if you have nothing against
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    CLEO Help Help for

    I think its the basic things that you can do by yourself if you watch some tutorials
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    CLEO Help Help for

    You dont know how to press backspace and numpad buttons?
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    CLEO Help Ultra Wh

    I have already found an alternative to bandicam that is compatible with that wh, but i will try your solution aswell, thanks
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    CLEO Help Ultra Wh

    Bandicam causes the problem. Any solutions? My dream is to use that wallhack and record my game with Bandicam :D
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    CLEO Help Ultra Wh

    But how do i get to know the program that causes that hook?
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    CLEO Help Ultra Wh

    How i can check that?
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    CLEO Help Ultra Wh

    Hello, long time ago i used to use Ultra Wh (wallhack by SlonoBoyko that cant be seen on Bandicam video) and it have been working like a charm until i reinstalled my Windows. Now after i turn my game on, .asi itself creates folder and settings file, but when i toggle it with activation key...
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    CLEO Help Question

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    CLEO Help Auto pedal on Bicycle

    so edit that script for yourself omfg
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    CLEO Help Crosshair's fake expanding

    There already are some nospread cleos that has expanding crosshair
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    CLEO Help Aimbot.cs

    Is that an order?
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    [CLOSED][CLEO] Accepting request
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    0ab1: call @SetWinMode 0 :SetWinMode 0A8C: 0xc9c060 4 0x1 1 0A8C: 0xc9c070 4 0x0 1 ret 0
  29. E

    CLEO Help License opcode and locking your scripts

    And you are stupid aswell
  30. E

    CLEO Help License opcode and locking your scripts

    Because you are stupid bitch
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    CLEO Release OP-HaX - legit MultiHack

    Sorry if i hurt you, but i would say same thing in front of you
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    CLEO Help cleo ip

    Personally, i dont understand your question
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    CLEO Release OP-HaX - legit MultiHack

    Stfu, i have the latest version of windows 10 and for me it works like a charm, maybe the problem is the people who have fucking curved arms and cant make the script work?
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    CLEO Help Chat string

    Thanks for help @monday, i made everything as i wanted, success is the biggest prize for me!
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    CLEO Help Chat string

    So? Btw other guy made this in .ahk and i made it in .cs
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    CLEO Help Chat string

    What about that snippet? It copies the given chat string from one symbol to another call @copy_string 4 text 0@ start 0 end 9 to_buffer 1@ :copy_string var    1@: int    2@: int    4@: int    5@: int end if 1@ < 0 then    059A: return_false    ret 0 end 0C17: 5@ = strlen 0@ if 2@ > 5@...
  37. E

    CLEO Help Chat string

    Hello, how to scan and get chat string from uppercase letter to uppercase letter and from uppercase letter to space? Example: zzzzzzzzzAbcdefGhijklm zzzzzzzzz I need to get: Abcdef and Ghijklm @supahdupahnubah @springfield @monday @Opcode.eXe
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    CLEO Help Chat Help!

    @Husnain 0B79: samp set_chat_input_enabled 1 0B76: samp set_chat_input_text 0@
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    CLEO Help Collision

    Thank you guys
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    CLEO Help Collision

    How to instantly enable $PLAYER_ACTOR collision? @supahdupahnubah @springfield @monday
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    CLEO Release OP-HaX - legit MultiHack

  42. E

    [CLOSED][CLEO] Accepting request

    RE: [CLEO] I accepting request cia gi sarginis nori atsakiklio i arbota xD
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    CLEO Help [Legit Aim Helper]

    Next time?
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    CLEO Release Auto KeyBind

    I think it needs more allocated memory, or it contains a bad loop, dunno [hr] You can make it by yourself by simple counting 0@ += 1 if 0@ == 5 then break end
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    [SA:MP] Semi-Legit Settings With New Cheat

    looks nicely
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    CLEO Release LYRICS

    Just be happy and sing
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    CLEO Release Fast Reload

    Nice job
  48. E


    You can edit that in Sanny Builder
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    CLEO Release BulletCrasher 0.3.7

    He lost everything
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    CLEO Help Cleo msg

    One more post that shows how people can be lazy and stupid
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    CLEO Help Invisible ( Samp 0.3.DL-R1) Help

    You will burn in the hell
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    CLEO Help Cleo scripts on player nicknames

    OMFG [hr] Gal tu nebekurk cleo, tau viska pasake ir tau vistiek nedaeina
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    CLEO Help Cleo scripts on player nicknames

    You understood everything correctly, he's just a dumb
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    CLEO Help SAMPFUNCS issue[Urgent}

    install samp 0.3.7 R1
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    CLEO Help Cleo scripts on player nicknames

    you have to get the nick and then check it with if condition and 0C18
  56. E

    CLEO Help Cleo scripts on player nicknames

    Get player nickname and then compare it with 0C18
  57. E

    CLEO Help License opcode and locking your scripts

    Tai pats pasidaryk, ten visai nesunku, internete pavyzdziu paziurek
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    CLEO Help License opcode and locking your scripts

    @Parazitas is kur cia tie daug tu lietuviu scripteriu atsirado? :D [hr] 0C18 for nick, for lock you can use cryptor
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    [Snippet] Rainbow effect

    good job
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    CLEO Help Zoom

    Hello, how to make m4 zoom like deagle's? @monday @supahdupahnubah @springfield
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    Pats visai nesunkiai gali pasidaryt
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    CLEO Help Sensitivity

    ty, btw a moment ago i found this 0A8C: write_memory 11987996 size 4 value 0.0002 virtual_protect 0 and it works fine for me
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    CLEO Help Sensitivity

    How to set mouse sensitivity in game via cleo?
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    CLEO Help Last char

    Allocate memory for all @
  65. E


    rage mode activated :surprised:
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    CLEO Help Graphics

    Nah, i tried only sweetfx
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    CLEO Help Graphics

    @springfield @monday @supahdupahnubah Are there any alternatives for ENB in .asi for example? Smth that would give me blur, ambient oclusion, stronger colors, etc. I know one script in .asi, but it only gives reflection for cars. Sorry if my thread have nothing in common with this section
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    CLEO Help How to get current time

    good to know, grats bro
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    CLEO Help How to get current time

    I just want to force my script work after 1am for example
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    CLEO Help How to get current time

    Thank you
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    CLEO Help How to get current time

    @monday @springfield @supahdupahnubah How to get current time of my pc with cleo?
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    CLEO Help Arrest a player which is nearest you.

    va lukai prasau, imk dalele is mano anti aimo ir panaudok jei sugebesi IF 056D: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined THEN 00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to 13@ 14@ 15@ 10@ = 100.0 //minimal distance 12@ = false //to check if there are any players around at all 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory...
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    CLEO Help Help is it even possible?

    Ne, daryk pats
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    CLEO Release Auto KeyBind

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    Untagged Release MOD S0BEIT FOR SAMP 0.3.DL R1 + SOURCE CODE

    at least he isnt spamming like you, you write fucking shit with no sense, go and rest a bit from pc
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    Untagged Release MOD S0BEIT FOR SAMP 0.3.DL R1 + SOURCE CODE

    guys, dont be so mad, enjoy the life
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    CLEO Help change chat command

    Here you go
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    CLEO Release Auto KeyBind

     IF AND  8B21: samp is_chat_opened  0AB0: //key code that you want  THEN  wait 200  0B12: 0@ = 0@ XOR 1  END
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    CLEO Help change chat command

    .cs i guess, i dont really get what you want actually :D
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    CLEO Help change chat command

    you should modify the code then
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    CLEO Help change chat command

    ShowMessages=0, you mean that?
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    CLEO Help change chat command

    ActivationMode=2 GameKey=(here should be the code of the key that you want) For example GameKey=18 will be Alt
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    CLEO Help change chat command

    for this aim activation can be changed in .ini, there is no need to change the code
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    CLEO Help change chat command

    show us your script
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    CLEO Release OP-HaX - legit MultiHack

    Are there any limits for retarded people? No...
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    SAMPFUNCS is Banned! see the last post
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    Looking to buy a LEGIT AIM/TRIGGER for recording 0.3.DL

    RE: Looking to buy a LEGIT AIM/TRIGGER for recording. Legitness should be smooth lol xD
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    Tu toks ekspertas kad bbd
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    Looking to buy a LEGIT AIM/TRIGGER for recording 0.3.DL

    RE: Looking to buy a LEGIT AIM/TRIGGER for recording. You wont give it  :iknowwhatyoudidthere:
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    eik toliau su traktorium saudyt xD
  91. E

    CLEO Help [Request] Can someone modify that script for me?

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    Looking to buy a LEGIT AIM/TRIGGER for recording 0.3.DL

    RE: Looking to buy a LEGIT AIM/TRIGGER for recording. Traktor aimas yra senas perdirbtas dalykas, "hyptonic" cia kaip suprantu obstler aimas, taip kad nk gero [hr] 0pc0d3r doesnt sell his aim anymore, but his last version is very legit.