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  1. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    where you do you see 'fake bullet' here?
  2. shanker

    Help c++

    lmao u suka
  3. shanker

    Help c++

    what is ChatMsg ?
  4. shanker

    CLEO Help aim rotation angle without the smooth func obs is something wrong between 3.14 ~ 4.75, i have to make some conditions here, i tried everything that went through my head, still nothing .................... fck :fuck_yea: :fuck_yea: :fuck_yea...
  5. shanker

    CLEO Help aim rotation angle

    4@ += 0.04253 0A8C: write_memory 0xB6F258 size 4 value 4@ virtual_protect 0 printf "%f" 51 4@ now all sides are fcked :(((((
  6. shanker

    CLEO Help aim rotation angle

    @springfield, @Opcode.eXe O = target, when i'm on the drawn side, it looks more like a spin bot than a smooth, help what i know is i have to put some conditions if the finalAngle <= UNKNOWN_VAL then finalAngle = UNKNOWN_VAL, right?  0A8D: 0@ = read_memory...
  7. shanker

    CPP RELEASE [ASI] Hook RakNet + ImGui By GAM

    damn u garret
  8. shanker

    CLEO Help Dialog problem

    use opcode search tool cursor mode 2 when dialog is on and make sure this is in a loop cursor mode 0 when you close dialog and make sure you don t add it into a loop otherwise you will fck other dialogs(sv/clientdialogs) use: Dialog.Button, Dialog.CheckBox etc just type Dialog. and you l see...
  9. shanker

    CLEO Help help

    we need more info's lmao
  10. shanker


    any ideea how to get the ground? float GroundZ = 0.0; GroundZ -= 100.0; it only works on cleo  :LOL: :LOL: in c++ it changes my X,Y coordinates but at least i get the ground xd
  11. shanker

    [Snippet] Distance Between Two Points

    :DistanceBetweenTwoPoints 0063: 0@ -= 3@  // (float) 0063: 1@ -= 4@  // (float) 0063: 2@ -= 5@  // (float)    006B: 0@ *= 0@  // (float) 006B: 1@ *= 1@  // (float) 006B: 2@ *= 2@  // (float)        005B: 0@ += 1@  // (float) 005B: 0@ += 2@  // (float)    01FB: 0@ = square_root 0@ ret 1 0@...
  12. shanker

    CLEO Help help

    i thought you wanted to send same text in the chat, not commands this is not possible, server side shits
  13. shanker

    CLEO Help Help NT037.cs

    they have client side anti cit? otherwise it is not possible for them to see 0AF8
  14. shanker


    get the hammer boy
  15. shanker

    CLEO Help Draw image on screen

    i got u hahah :iknowwhatyoudidthere: :iknowwhatyoudidthere: :iknowwhatyoudidthere: that's what u doing  :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
  16. shanker

    CLEO Help Draw image on screen

    now y r gonna masturbate even on samp?
  17. shanker

    CLEO Help need Faster than run.cs

    see here fast run which can be edited (0.1-3.0x) (download section) u r dumb ;/ u r using same method
  18. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    :RAINBOW while true     wait 0     0AB1: @GET 2 var_number 29 var_size 4 receiver 16@     if not Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(16@, 0)     then         0C5C: samp textdraw 0 get_letter_size -1 -1 color 1@         if not 1@ == -12303105         then                    0C5C: samp textdraw 0...
  19. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    "dar sa sti ca am fost primul si singurul care a reusit asta"  ma faci sa rad :)) tu ai reusit sa iei sursa cu jucariile altora, nici de cum cu mana ta, st calm ca ti-au luat-o altii inainte, si au facut-o singuri :))
  20. shanker

    CLEO Help Bug with on / off

    while true     wait 0     while my_shit_condition         wait 0         if not 0@ == 1         then break // break current loop (second while in this case)         end         repeat             wait 0             // shits             if not 0@ == 1             then break // break current loop...
  21. shanker

    CLEO Help short question

    ahhahh pro question
  22. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    singurul motiv pentru care am folosit prostia lui fyp este sa nu ti ramana urme in calculator cu 'wallhack' samd anyway, orice mod cleo cu orice metoda de cryptare poate fi 'spart' modul este {$NOSOURCE} ::P nothing to copy here boy  :iknowwhatyoudidthere:
  23. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    give me some 0.3dl servers I can not find any  :areyoukiddingme:
  24. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    idk, may be another version with less features
  25. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    this smooth sucks, I will make a new one after 1/2 months (now I'm busy with exams etc) auto c bug under 240 ms is not working so cause of that I added this restriction [hr] what should I add to this cheat to make it better than op hax? [hr] it shouldn't happen  :surprised: the system is...
  26. shanker

    Samp Noob & Pro Detector :3

    wiaw wyuuuh uaaah shity mod
  27. shanker

    [SAMP] How To Fly In UIF: PTP Mode

    is this your pro surfly??  :iknowwhatyoudidthere: :iknowwhatyoudidthere: :iknowwhatyoudidthere: :iknowwhatyoudidthere: its mine now
  28. shanker

    CLEO Help Question

    @Parazitas you may check their current animation
  29. shanker

    CLEO Help Question

    yooo make a bot that will spam shift when spawn buton is on
  30. shanker

    CLEO Help Question

    you still want press "spawn" button? i found a solution
  31. shanker

    CLEO Help Hidden characters CLEO

    hello, a rusky contacted me about some hieroglyphs on my mod, I know from where this problem comes but I don't know why he is experimenting this problem a screenshot: so what's the problem? I did...
  32. shanker

    CLEO Help Nitro Help

    while true     wait 0     if key_down SELECT_KEY     then         if 80DF:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving         then             chatmsg "eat beans if u need n20 onfoot" -1             wait 500 // anti spam         else             0@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)             09E9: car 0@...
  33. shanker

    Admins inactivity

    u r realy zombie u just copy pasted sprgf text  :iknowwhatyoudidthere:
  34. shanker

    CLEO Release 3D Players Informer

    nais ty for idea xD I l implement smt like this on my cit
  35. shanker

    CLEO Release Players Tracers

    not bad :D old stuff anyway
  36. shanker

    Admins inactivity

    they r dead  :sadpepe:
  37. shanker

    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7 / 0.3.DL [CLEO/EXE/ASI]

    NT03DL.cs (Size: 644 bytes / Downloads: 1,337)
  38. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    dumita123C-bug helper and C-A helper are not doing anything.. could you explain me what they do? be sure you checked the principal check box from where this functions are coming from c+a is a trick to shot fast, when you do this key combination, your crosshair will be automatically be on the...
  39. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    it's not about a bug from my own code, it's about @SendSilentBulletData function i just nigged it from opcoder aimbot, and i have no idea how to edit it the label is still readed even when targetPed is not damaged, the simple explanation is sv anti cheat.  when you see you don t damage anyone...
  40. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    The silent aimbot bug is a little bit  fixed yeah, but it still shoots through the walls when you shoot at small corners when the enemy is behind it. nothing what I can do, is about sampfuncs opcode calculations Also the silent aimbot often don't do any damage when I obviously hit someone. it...
  41. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] bug fixes/changes: rainbow interface now is disabled, you have to open it yourself rainbow esp deleted 'and maybe some other information like how many meters is he distanced to you' for that you have 'show meters' function which renders an '*' on...
  42. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    ne, there are only 0.3.7 servers  :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: anyway, sampfuncs works only on 0.3.7
  43. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    where I should post it?  :surprised:
  44. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    there's my spam code while true wait 0 0AB1: @GET 2 var_number 30 var_size 4 receiver 6@ if 6@ == 1 then 0AB1: @GET 2 var_number 28 var_size 4 receiver 14@ alloc 12@ = 600 Dialog.GetControlText(14@, 1, 12@) say "%s" 12@ free 12@...
  45. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    topic updated! see first page
  46. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] in the next update  :D P.S: I don't recommend to anyone to use this silent aimbot on servers with good anti cheat system that's only for fun, even legit mode give some warnings for norecoil :)
  47. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] try to get the p2 now, I think it's impossible :D
  48. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] if you wanted to demonstrate to some kids this is not a fake, you shouldn't post the entire source, remove links if you can, ty how you succeded to get the source p2? memory search? I forgot to fix it :d...
  49. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] no, I tried to make an silent aimbot, it was working on some servers, but not on the server where I'm playing, so I give up  :sadpepe:
  50. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] that is not my problem cuz you r an autistic kid who don t even know how SACM scripts works and ur blaming other works just because ur too idiot to follow some steps or at least ask nicely for help instead of acusing me by posting threats  op hax is...
  51. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] type your standard password before you r trying to open it type 'shankerpopa'
  52. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] very sure :D
  53. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] no I wont tell to anyone my trick xd
  54. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] yo sry dat was addresed to the guy that asked if this is a bug or not xd  :D
  55. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] ne, there's no bug did u checked Edit Range? if then uncheck it so dialog will appear again or if you mean, when u check edit range, and u pess del, yes there is a bug, I will fix it now xD
  56. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] as I said, the source hack it's hidden. Why did I hide it? this way you won't get banned if you r controlled by an admin only pros like @Monday can figure out what's happening in this cleo mod
  57. shanker

    [Tutorial] Using functions from Windows libraries

    can you tell me why this version[v1] don't give any avertisment of crassh and that one[v2] do [v1] {$CLEO} 0000: repeat wait 0 until 0AFA: 0B34: "Test" to @TEST while true    wait 0 end :TEST 0AA2: 0@ = "shell32.dll" IF 0AA4: 0@ = "ShellExecuteA" 0@ THEN   0AA7: 0@ push 6 pop 1 params 1 0...
  58. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7] u r dumb, you didn't even read the topic what you mean?
  59. shanker

    Free Multi-Cheat for SAMP [Shanker v3]

    To people who managed to cross the security system: If you succeeded to get the original source, i'd like you to keep it only for you. Why? As this is already a free cheat and anyone can use it without any payment, there's no sense to share it, even if you keep the credits! I do not allow to...
  60. shanker

    CLEO Help convert coords

    I'm trying to convert screen cords (textdraw position cords) to 3d cords so I can call @AIM_AT_POS but is giving me some weird value and Idk why yea it should aim at the same position I m looking(TEST 2 TEXTDRAW = CROSSHAIR POS) at but what I want to do is to compare that position to closest ped...
  61. shanker

    C++ Dialog - now in CLEO !

    0B6A: render draw_box_with_border_pos 300 500 size 500 300 color 0@ border_size 5 border_color 1@ :motherofgod:
  62. shanker

    C++ Dialog - now in CLEO !

    y3y what a patient guy xD he just draw things until he reach the aspect of a dialogue??
  63. shanker

    [Snippet] Rainbow effect

    if u need this so much why dont you just do it by yourself? why some one should search it / rewrite it for you? at least he gave you an example lmao kys  :areyoukiddingme:
  64. shanker

    windows 10 asi files are not recognized

    not even sampfuncs.asi is loaded :/ what to do? before i had w7 and all was fine forgot about cleo nvm fixed  :fuck_yea: :fuck_yea: :fuck_yea:
  65. shanker

    CLEO Help Textdraw finder?

    use strcmp/stristr to compare txds
  66. shanker


    Five distinct numbers are given. Determine the sum of the top 3 of them. the 5 natural numbers are distinct, ranging from 1 to 10000 inclusive ex: 1 5 2 3 100 output: 108 pb source: it gives me only 40 points it fkin works idk why i cant get...
  67. shanker

    [snippet] change dialog position

    with this method you l reach the middle of the box Dialog.AddCheckBox(dialog_id 0@, checkbox_id 0, checkbox_caption "", XY: 200, 5, SIZE: 25, 25) while true     wait 0     if Dialog.IsVisible(0@)     then         if Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 0)         then             0B5E: get_cursor_pos...
  68. shanker


    RE: [SNIPPET] GET_TARGET_ACTOR :GET_TARGET_ACTOR  28@ = 640.0    0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 0xB74490 size 4 virtual_protect 0 000A: 29@ += 0x4 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 29@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 for 30@ = 0 to 35584 step 0x100     0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 0     000A...
  69. shanker


    RE: [SNIPPET] GET_TARGET_ACTOR u dont understand, i dont either xd but on the server where i play this snippet dont works i will show you tomorow a vid and i l give u the edited source :D i just put a cond  if 12@ == 1337 then if actor 15@ defined ... and 12@ == 1337 when 15@ == 31@ (actor...
  70. shanker


    RE: [SNIPPET] GET_TARGET_ACTOR HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY i m so fcking pissed of and finally i know what's the problem with your snippet i fkin told u its a problem with your snippet u didn't believed meeee :/ if the cond is false then script won't read this line 0087: 15@ = 31@ // (float) and as...
  71. shanker

    CLEO Help Moonloader doesn't work on 0.3.DL

    noboo, moonloader requires sampfuncs and sampfuns works only on 0.3.7
  72. shanker

    CLEO Help Cursor

    are you sure you used 0x22? if yes, ask the bos @springfield
  73. shanker

    CLEO Help Cursor

    0AB1: @FAKE_KEYPRESS 1 _OFFSET_KEY_ 0x22 :FAKE_KEYPRESS 1@ = 0xB73458 005A: 1@ += 0@  // (int) 0A8C: write_memory 1@ size 1 value 255 virtual_protect 0 0AB2: ret 0
  74. shanker


    RE: [SNIPPET] GET_TARGET_ACTOR 330.0 190.0 for rifle it only works with his get3d cords snippet
  75. shanker


    RE: [SNIPPET] GET_TARGET_ACTOR it don't works really good on m4 / rifle, could you tell me how to fix it?  :iknowwhatyoudidthere:
  76. shanker

    CLEO Help delete box when loop is off

    03F0: enable_text_draw 1  038E: draw_box_position 325.0 240.0 size 50.0 50.0 RGBA 0 0 0 50 now how can i remove this shit ? ah beer effect sucks #SOLVED :DRAW if 19@ = 1 then 19@ = 0 else 10@ = 1 end cmdret such a pro developer xd
  77. shanker

    CLEO Help What is this cheat? HELP

    im not sure this is sobeit may be is just a mod xd
  78. shanker


    RE: [SNIPPET] GET_TARGET_ACTOR n1 :PPFFH: :PPFFH: :PPFFH: @Opcode.eXe i did a trigger bot on rifle with this ty  :PPFFH: :PPFFH: :PPFFH: :PPFFH:
  79. shanker

    CLEO Help Cursor

     c mon what are you talking about 0B5E: get_cursor_pos 1@ 2@ printf "%0.1f %0.1f" 2000 1@ 2@
  80. shanker

    CLEO Help Cursor

    @Parazitas, call @SetCursorPos params 2 5@ 6@ :SetCursorPos 0AA2: 2@ = load_library "user32.dll" // IF and SET 0AA4: 3@ = get_proc_address "SetCursorPos" library 2@ // IF and SET 0AA5: call 3@ num_params 2 pop 0 1@ 0@   ret 0
  81. shanker

    CLEO Help Help write ini

    as i said you didn't used 0ac9  :iknowwhatyoudidthere: check the main string  :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
  82. shanker

    CLEO Help Help write ini

    post the entire source so we can see the problem
  83. shanker

    CLEO Help Help write ini

    lmao  :iknowwhatyoudidthere: free vars when u dont need them anymore
  84. shanker

    CLEO Help Help write ini

    you mean he's saying something else after he just said the text on /e? to just counter your copy chat?
  85. shanker

    CLEO Help Help write ini

    what are you saying?
  86. shanker

    CLEO Help Help write ini

    @ParmezanulThau, use strchr to find the first ':' char in the string after you found it copy the pointer into a new var and look for the first space and copy the pointer again in to a new var you do one more time what i told you above if you did what i said above your copy chat should work in...
  87. shanker

    CLEO Help Cursor

    your bastards dont even let me join  :surprised:
  88. shanker

    CLEO Help Cursor

    javascript:Thread.clearMultiQuoted(); sv ip?
  89. shanker

    CLEO Help Cursor

    or  0BC9: samp send_dialog_response dialog -1 button 1@ listitem -1 input -1
  90. shanker

    CLEO Help interface

    @springfield, the interface has different color compared to textdraws, any idea how to fix it?             0B67: render a 0xFF r 1@ g 2@ b 3@ to_argb 17@ {actualy there is a loop to make a rainbow}             0A8C: write_memory 0xBAB22C size 4 value 17@...
  91. shanker

    lua parameters

    in script i didn't did as i told in the example from above, here i just write it by my self instead of copy paste cuz atom sucks and it puts many sprawling spaces wrong sooo the funny thing, it is working uaah  if is_exist == true then local string = sampTextdrawGetString(id)...
  92. shanker

    lua parameters

    @veysileth , name of that anime? u r photo @springfield ---------------- for guys who had the same problem as i had above there is an example how to write memory in float if fast_rotation_on == 1 then    local CPED = readMemory(0xB6F5F0, 4, virtualProtect)    CPED = CPED + 0x560    local...
  93. shanker

    lua parameters

    i l try it ty for your atention if the first example is about fast rotation, i solved it, i was so tired before, may be cause of that i didn't realise i was writing something else local CPED = readMemory(0xB6F5F0, 4, virtualProtect) CPED = CPED + 0x560 writeMemory(CPED, 4, 0x41a00000, 0) 
  94. shanker

    lua parameters

    did someone tried to make a fast rotation in lua? if fast_rotation_on == 1 then local CPED = readMemory(0xB6F5F0, 4, virtualProtect) CPED = CPED + 0x560 writeMemory(CPED, 4, 19.0, 0) end it should work, same example in CLEO and its fking work 0A8D: 0@ = read_memory...
  95. shanker

    lua parameters

      how to get slider value? local fast_rotation_slider = imgui.ImFloat(0.0) imgui.SliderFloat('Default: 7.5~, Recomandat: 18.0', fast_rotation_slider, 7.5, 20.0) sampAddChatMessage("%f", fast_rotation_slider, 0xffffff) -- outputs 0.0
  96. shanker

    lua parameters

    3 hours ago were very useful .. were  :iknowwhatyoudidthere: i still need help to the above problem and some examples with sliders / get slider value etc if u have  :PPFFH:
  97. shanker

    lua parameters

    how to read textdraw string? for i = 0, 2400 do    local textdraw = sampTextdrawIsExists(i)    if textdraw == true then local text = sampTextdrawGetString(i)    sampAddChatMessage("Textdraw with string %s", text, -1) end end outputs null