Search results

  1. dphome

    CLEO Help help me switch this cleo activation

    Type: /autodaoda {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WAIT 15000 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 10 // undeleteable memory region containing the cmdname3 // autodaoda+1 = 9 + 1 = 10 <<< 0AD3: 0@ = string_format "autodaoda" 0AC7: 27@ = var 27@ pointer 0AC7: 26@ = var 26@ pointer 0AB1...
  2. dphome

    CLEO Help can someone help me

    It's bad choice.
  3. dphome

    [LUA] Getting chat line full colours

    Press 1 - random text generator Press 2 - get text color to ini {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "1" THEN // RANDOM TEXT GENERATOR 0209: 0@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 3 IF 0@ == 0 THEN 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 1024...
  4. dphome

    CLEO Help Please someone do changes in this cleo

    Type: SCR {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: repeat wait 0 until 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READ WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "SCR" THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 31@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~W~#Parrot ~N~ ~Y~ ~G~ON" time 1337 ELSE...
  5. dphome

    CLEO Help NITRO.cs - make it toggleable?

    Check this >>> {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: key_pressed 114 // F3 THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving THEN 03C0: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car 0B12...
  6. dphome

    CLEO Help NITRO.cs - make it toggleable?

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: key_pressed 114 // F3 THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving THEN 03C0: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car 09E9: car 1@ set_single_nitro...
  7. dphome

    Untagged Release fast stun

    yes, virus.
  8. dphome

    CLEO Help How to get the text on the screen
  9. dphome

    CLEO Help Need help for Auto dialog through chat string

    probably it's textdraw, which server? i saw look like this on
  10. dphome

    CLEO Help Question for one script

    IF AND, 30@ = TRUE/FALSE, ETC.
  11. dphome


    WORKING perfectly, read what Parazitas say. {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "SCR" THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 31@ == 1 THEN 0AB1: @CreateMarker 7 ID 1 XYZ 2248.0 -1260.0 23.9 Icon 41 Color 0xFF0000FF Style 3...
  12. dphome


    please use <<<<<<< [ PHP ] // code [ /PHP ]. Send .cs file, this pasted text is horrible to read.
  13. dphome


    send your code or .cs file
  14. dphome


    Working perfectly on SA:MP 0.3.7-R1. {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "SCR" THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 31@ == 1 THEN 0AB1: @CreateMarker...
  15. dphome

    Help Question

    file is crypted, send .cs file
  16. dphome

    Change keybind on .cs file

    this << IF 0@ == TRUE THEN IF 0AB0: key_pressed 2 // right mouse button THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 8118: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR NO-dead THEN
  17. dphome

    Change keybind on .cs file

    ALT + F10 {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF AND 0AB0: key_pressed 18 // ALT 0AB0: key_pressed 121 // F10 THEN 0B12: 0@ = 0@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 0@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Triggerfinger~n~~g~ON" time 1337 ELSE 0AD1...
  18. dphome

    Macros ;o

    Any SA:MP Version. SprintHookByDarkP1xel.ASI
  19. dphome

    Change keybind on .cs file

    send cs file
  20. dphome

    CLEO Help Cleo spam key
  21. dphome

    CLEO Help change activation
  22. dphome

    CLEO Help Convert this lua script to cleo

    for 0.3.7 R1?
  23. dphome

    CLEO Help How to disconnect a specified CLEO thread

    Check Cleo Control
  24. dphome

    CLEO Help CMD sender

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: 0B34: samp register_client_command "ids" to_label @Script WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 END 0A93: terminate_this_custom_script :Script 0B35: samp 20@ = get_last_command_params IF 0AD4: 25@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ THEN 0AC8: 22@ = allocate_memory_size 1024...
  25. dphome

    CLEO Help auto command with name street

  26. dphome

    CLEO Help Auto command

    Any SAMP versions and without SAMPFUNCS. {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "CMD" THEN 0B12: 30@ = 30@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 30@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Script ~g~ON" time 1337 ELSE 0AD1...
  27. dphome

    CLEO Help auto command with name street

    I forgot; 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 10@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 11@
  28. dphome

    CLEO Help auto command with name street

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "CMD" THEN 0B12: 30@ = 30@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 30@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Script ~g~ON" time 1337 ELSE 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Script ~r~OFF" time 137...
  29. dphome

    CLEO Help auto command with name street

    Yes, easy for cleo and lua. I send example a moment.
  30. dphome

    any tricks to unbanned ip on any samp server?

    ExpressVPN or something else vpn + GPCI Unbanner.cs
  31. dphome

    SobFoX Project v5 very soon!

    Discord: dphome#8982 <<< i am here, stop spam
  32. dphome

    CLEO Help Help with cleo scrip

    TIMERA to 32@ or const TIMERA = 32@ end rewrite this code to high syntax
  33. dphome

    Screen Camera Look at Position(Multi-Purpose)

    TIMERA >= 400 to 32@ >= 400
  34. dphome

    CLEO Help Static GPCI and not random

    GPCI is static on clean GTA San Andreas.
  35. dphome

    Help Help (need fix)

    Try with 0491: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 22 01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 22
  36. dphome

    Help Help (need fix)

    Hello Kitty {$CLEO} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 22 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~g~You have a gun" time 1337 ELSE 0AD1...
  37. dphome

    Is it clean?

    Probably clean
  38. dphome

    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    Float value. 20@ = 50.0 // 50m
  39. dphome

    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    Sanny builder +
  40. dphome

    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    Press 3. on 5m dist. /chase <nearest id>
  41. dphome

    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    CLEO is better. Press 2. Working on 0.3.7-R1 & without need SAMPFUNCS {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "2" THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 0AB1: @GetClosestPeds 0 0@ THEN IF 0AB1...
  42. dphome

    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    /.arrest - enable/disable press 2 - auto-cmd "/arrest <nearest player id>"
  43. dphome

    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    No. Nearest dist? 5m, 10m, 50m?
  44. dphome

    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    OK. SA:MP Version?
  45. dphome

    Help (need fix)

    Delete gta_sa.set from Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files
  46. dphome

    CLEO Help I need cleo or project break anti wallhack

    You need SA:MP 0.3.7-R1
  47. dphome

    Help Car stopping very fast on high fps

    Latest version 14/08/22
  48. dphome

    CLEO Help Cutout specifed string out of a string

    Simple with IfTextContains snippet on CLEO. SA:MP Version?
  49. dphome

    Transparent menu mod or antiafk mod [with picture]

    Transparent Menu by Prime-Hack. Src: Move 3 files to GTA\CLEO. Type "Hi" to disable/enable anti-pause. TransparentMenu.cleo TransparentMenu.cs TransparentMenu.ini
  50. dphome

    Help who to make the head of player in samp not move

    /headmove w/o any mods
  51. dphome

    CLEO Help How to press a key in a cleo script?
  52. dphome

    Untagged Release [0.3.7/0.3.DL/Source] mod_sa s0beit DP Light PL 3.1

    1. Fixed textdraws; 2. Updated latest features; 3. Fixed crash ChatBubble if is too long on low resolution; 4. Added name changer; (thx SobFox ) 5. Updated ATB;
  53. dphome

    [.bat] SAMP Version changer

    - -
  54. dphome

    [.bat] SAMP Version changer

    Simple and usage SA:MP Version changer. (samp.exe, samp.dll) Unpack and copy all files to main GTA San Andreas directory. @ECHO OFF TITLE SAMPVer COLOR 3 CLS TASKKILL /F /IM "samp.exe" > NUL COPY "SAMPVer\SAMP 0.3.DL\samp.exe" "%~d0%~p0" > NUL COPY "SAMPVer\SAMP 0.3.DL\samp.dll" "%~d0%~p0" >...
  55. dphome

    [.bat] Fast copy d3d9.dll after compile to GTA dir

    Simple and usage for s0beit dev batch script for fast copy d3d9.dll to GTA folder. Save as "__script.bat" in main GTA San Andreas directory. @ECHO OFF TITLE SAMPs0b :START :: "C:\Files\mod_sa\bin\d3d9.dll" - Your d3d9.dll in mod_sa project, you can change this :: "%~d0%~p0" - Local directory...
  56. dphome

    CLEO Help Get players name

    It is all possible thanks to @Parazitas (y)
  57. dphome

    CLEO Help Get players name

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "1" THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 0AB1: @GetClosestVehicle 0 0@ THEN IF 0AB1: @SAMPGetCarIDFromVehicleHandle 1 _VehicleHandle 0@ _StoreCarID 1@ THEN...
  58. dphome

    CLEO Help Get players name

    "/repair Sultan" - like that? SA:MP Version? btw. 0AB1: @SEND_CMD 2 SampVersionID 3 Text 2@ - SampVersionID 3 is for 0.3.DL
  59. dphome

    CLEO Help Get players name

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "1" THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 0AB1: @GetClosestPeds 0 0@ THEN IF 0AB1: @SAMPGetPlayerIDByActorHandle 1 _ActorHandle 0@ _Returned: ID 1@ THEN...
  60. dphome


    This is SA:MP 0.2X.1.
  61. dphome

    [REQ, samp] base cleo 4.4 keybinder

    Autohotkey also has SAMP functions #SingleInstance Force #NoEnv #Include SAMP.ahk #IfWinActive GTA:SA:MP SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Numpad8:: { WAIT := 100 SendChat("/heal") SLEEP...
  62. dphome

    [REQ, samp] base cleo 4.4 keybinder

    Can you try explain step by step what you can do? Better than primitive FakeKeyPress use functions like thats isDialogOpen, Set_current_dialog_list_item, CloseCurrentDialogWithButton
  63. dphome

    [REQ, samp] base cleo 4.4 keybinder

    Server IP? Where is your dialog after /buy? Or send complete video
  64. dphome

    [REQ, samp] base cleo 4.4 keybinder

    2@ = 100 // Miliseconds TO 2@ = 400 // Miliseconds or 0AB1: @SEND_FAKE_KEYPRESS 1 KeyOffSet 0x0D // VK_RETURN 0AB1: @STOP_SEND_FAKE_KEYPRESS 1 KeyOffSet 0x0D // VK_RETURN WAIT 2@ 0AB1: @SEND_FAKE_KEYPRESS 1 KeyOffSet 0x0D // VK_RETURN 0AB1: @STOP_SEND_FAKE_KEYPRESS 1 KeyOffSet 0x0D...
  65. dphome

    [REQ, samp] base cleo 4.4 keybinder

    For what? I checked again and script working perfectly, there is my example. IF 0AB0: is_key_pressed 102 // Numpad 6 THEN 0@ = 350 // Miliseconds 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AD3: 1@ = format "/ustawienia" 0AB1: @SEND_CMD 2 SampVersionID 3 Text...
  66. dphome

    [REQ, samp] base cleo 4.4 keybinder

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "BIND" THEN 0B12: 30@ = 30@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 30@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Keybinder~n~~g~Enable" time 1337 ELSE 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority...
  67. dphome

    [REQ, samp] base cleo 4.4 keybinder

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "BIND" THEN 0B12: 30@ = 30@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 30@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Keybinder~n~~g~Enable" time 1337 ELSE 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority...
  68. dphome

    avocados 🥑 from mexico 🇲🇽 ?

  69. dphome

    CLEO Help [Request] Textdraw Finder

    check it
  70. dphome

    FakeNick - problem

    I know this, but i trying to create with RakNet. When I do this then I past here code.
  71. dphome

    FakeNick - problem

    i try make it like that w/o RakClient.h and RakClient.cpp, only in cheat_samp.cpp not working too void cmd_nick(char *params) { if (params[0] == '\0') return addMessageToChatWindow("USAGE: /nick <id>"); // {'onSetPlayerName', {playerId = 'uint16'}, {name = 'string8'}...
  72. dphome

    FakeNick - problem

    like that not working too void cmd_nick(char *params) { if (params[0] == '\0') return addMessageToChatWindow("USAGE: /nick <id>"); int playerid = atoi(params); g_RakClient->name_hook("test_test", playerid); } void RakClient::name_hook(char* name, int id) { char...
  73. dphome

    FakeNick - problem

    i try make it in many ways and this is shit example for set player name
  74. dphome

    FakeNick - problem

    Hmm, what is wrong? void RakClient::name_hook(const char *buf, const char *fmt, const char *name, const int id) { BYTE nameLen = (BYTE)strlen(name); BitStream bsSend; bsSend.Write(buf); bsSend.Write(fmt); bsSend.Write(nameLen); bsSend.Write(name, nameLen)...
  75. dphome

    Untagged Release Bike / Motorcycle speed up

    Press Z for speed {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: key_pressed 90 // Z THEN IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 0AB1: @IsActorInDriverSeat 0 THEN IF OR 00DD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model 581 {BF-400}...
  76. dphome

    [mod_sa C++] Complete Anti-Stun

    // edit ACTOR_SELF it -1 struct actor_info *self = actor_info_get(-1, 0);
  77. dphome

    [mod_sa C++] Complete Anti-Stun

    cheat_samp.cpp void Complete_AntiStun(void) { traceLastFunc("Complete_AntiStun()"); if (cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled) return; if (!pGameInterface) return; struct actor_info *self = actor_info_get(ACTOR_SELF, 0); if (self == NULL)...
  78. dphome

    Out streamed players sending position.

    renderOutStreamPlayerTags from source of mod_sa Blue Eclipse void renderOutStreamPlayerTags(void) { // don't run in the menu if (gta_menu_active()) return; // Exit this function and enable samp nametags, if panic key if (cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled ||...
  79. dphome

    CLEO Help gpci changer improvement

    Script created by Filip/Ksenon, idk. This mod change your GPCI/Serial/ClientID when you join at server. You can look at GPCI when connected on server ugbase. Some SAMP servers can you ban to ip or clientid.
  80. dphome

    CLEO Help Can make a function to press the spacebar for 0.3 seconds when typing "/space" chat?

    0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x20 state 255 WAIT 300 // 0.3s 0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x20 state 0 :Set_Virtual_Key { 255 = true 0 = false 0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x57 state 255 } 2@ = 0xB72CC8 0@ *= 2 005A: 2@ += 0@ // (int) 0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 1...
  81. dphome

    CLEO Help running the script multiple times

    /test 128 {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: 0B34: samp register_client_command "test" to_label @cmd_test WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "OP" THEN 0B12: 9@ = 9@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 9@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~g~On" time 1337 ELSE 0AD1...
  82. dphome

    CLEO Help running the script multiple times

    SA:MP Version?
  83. dphome

    CLEO Help Can make a function to press the spacebar for 0.3 seconds when typing "/space" chat?

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF AND 0AB0: key_pressed 18 // KEY_ALT 0AB0: key_pressed 53 // KEY_X THEN 0B12: 30@ = 30@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 30@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "ON" time 1337 ELSE 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority...
  84. dphome

    CLEO Help Can make a function to press the spacebar for 0.3 seconds when typing "/space" chat?

    {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF AND 0AB0: key_pressed 18 // KEY_ALT 0AB0: key_pressed 53 // KEY_X THEN 0B12: 30@ = 30@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 30@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "ON" time 1337 ELSE 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority...
  85. dphome

    CLEO Help to read player money on samp

    0x0B7CE54 - ADDR_CPED_MONEY {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 00EC: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 1444.70 -1010.80 radius 1.0 1.0 THEN 0@ = 0x0B7CE54 0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 0@ size 4 virtual_protect 1...
  86. dphome

    CLEO Help gpci changer improvement

    Try this
  87. dphome

    CLEO Help Why this code is making my game crashes

    Working perfectly. Install full version GTA San Andreas + crack 1.0 us + samp + cleo.
  88. dphome

    CLEO Help running the script multiple times

    FOR 15@ = 1 TO 50 // CODE WAIT 250 END
  89. dphome

    CLEO Help Why this code is making my game crashes

    Any SA:MP Version (probably w/o 0.3.7 R2-v2)
  90. dphome

    CLEO Help CLEO / LUA checkpoint help

    C + P press 1 warp to normal checkpoint press 2 warp to race checkpoint
  91. dphome

    Help Need Discord RPC mod
  92. dphome

    Types of Sign Check and Sources , etc...

    Create new topics and we will help you guys!
  93. dphome

    Help with ban evading

    1. Use GPCI Unbanner.cs 2. Use VPN (np. Express VPN, VPNPolska) 3. Play
  94. dphome


    Stealth Remastered v1.03 for 0.3.7 R1
  95. dphome

    Help Need Discord RPC mod

  96. dphome

    Types of Sign Check and Sources , etc...

    Create a new thread on ugbase forum and when i have time then i will help you, probably already i solved your problem
  97. dphome

    CLEO Help Why this code is making my game crashes

    Type XO. {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} 0000: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "XO" THEN 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 IF 0039: 31@ == 1 THEN 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Script ~g~ON" time 1337 ELSE 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Script ~r~OFF"...