Search results

  1. T

    Untagged Release ]2014[ Nametag Distance & LoS [0.3Z]

    If you read above: they don't go back if there is a label covering them. I will test it.
  2. T

    CLEO Release [REL] Absolute Godmode v2.0

    You can't.
  3. T

    (IMPORTANT) Informations regarding CLEO Keyloggers

    What? Send me an example.... i wanna see that.. If I manage to find one... I have found one like a month ago... also, you broke the damn quote!!
  4. T

    (IMPORTANT) Informations regarding CLEO Keyloggers

    There are smart ones. Those that write a temporary file somewhere on your PC and when your session ends it deletes it and sends it to a FTP -> of course, those are hard to protect against.
  5. T

    Memory adress of aiming at players

    You can do this in a CLEO. Opcode.eXe will gladly do it for you! :P Check CLEO Snippets section.
  6. T

    CLEO Help [Req]Explain Please.

    Also, this is a wrong section you posted in, should be CLEO - Help as this is help request, not a tutorial. moderators dont do their job K
  7. T

    (IMPORTANT) Informations regarding CLEO Keyloggers

    Power in and port 9050 is to make your Skype unresolvable.  :me_gusta:
  8. T

    (IMPORTANT) Informations regarding CLEO Keyloggers

    0x688 Make this a Global Announcement/Global Sticky. #BUMP
  9. T

    Who is the legendary Mr.Ze?

    <3 creativity
  10. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    Use CLEO 4.1, SAMPFUNCS 3.2. I suggest that you check out my "CLEO Crash Fix" tutorial in CLEO Tutorials section and use some of those files. For many it works, yet for some it doesn't. The reason is yet to be completely clear. Make sure that you put Mr.Ze folder inside your CLEO folder and...
  11. T

    (IMPORTANT) Informations regarding CLEO Keyloggers

    I may have a way to detect a keylogger by running it. If someone has a keylogger for test, I'd like to try out my method, but I am pretty sure it works. I won't say anything about it unless I can be 100% sure. P.S. I think those are the only sites, I couldn't find any other. P.P.S. Information*
  12. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    It is made specifically for DayZ. It may work on some other servers, but probably not.
  13. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    Happens to some people. Considering that you just said "fuck you" to me, I won't even bother telling you how to fix it. Your problem.
  14. T

    CLEO Release [REL] Absolute Godmode v2.0

    I will gladly look into your issues, however, test it on a few other servers such as Cheating Allowed and tell me the results.
  15. T

    CLEO Help [Req]Explain Please.

    As I explained, and as Srpgfld did; WHILE usually indicates that there will be a loop. To stop a WHILE function, usually we put UNTIL. And when there is a loop, at the beginning of the loop we usually put conditions; such as IF NOT Player.Dead - the script will loop as long as the player is...
  16. T


    You mean    I HAVE JOINED UG-BASE*
  17. T

    Who is the legendary Mr.Ze?

    Doctors have established that on my birth; that's a known fact. Be creative ffs, Tw3rK!
  18. T

    Who is the legendary Mr.Ze?

    But ain't ever angry
  19. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    You have no idea about SA-MP, CLEO, SAMP Functions, MG Functions nor anything else related to SA-MP scripting/programming/developing. If you installed CLEO 4.1 properly and followed the tutorial I've created; it would work. The CLEO doesn't work because it needs MG Funcs 4.3 with CLEO 4.1 -...
  20. T

    Who is the legendary Mr.Ze?

    C'mon! Describe me. Post a sexy image of me. What would represent me. Insult me, I dare you, you can't! Fag. How would you present me, the mighty Shrek, to newcumbers? Let's have some fun on my account, bitchez ass slut nigger monkey pirate rekt swampy ninja masterbaiters!
  21. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    Works fine for everyone else. Use CLEO 4.1.
  22. T

    SA-MP RemoveObject limit?

    Any example of how we can do it slooooowllllyyyy? c:
  23. T

    CLEO Release [REL] Absolute Godmode v2.0

    Spread your asscheeks for Shrek. <33
  24. T

    SA-MP RemoveObject limit?

    So... there is a RemoveObject limit in SA-MP - limit to the amount of objects you can remove... Any Pawn scripter, programmer out there that would, perhaps, know how to bypass or increase the limit?
  25. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    I suggest you just install CLEO 4.1. But using my fix (thread) it could all work with 4.3 as well.
  26. T

    CLEO Installation | Fix CLEO Crashes! | + Plugins

    Re: [TuT] CLEO Installation | Fix CLEO Crashes! | + Plugins Fixed all links.
  27. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    you need CLEO 4.1 god darn it
  28. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    Nothing there will fuck up your game as long as you do it correctly.
  29. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    Then you go to CLEO Tutorials section and look at one specific sticky for magic.
  30. T

    CLEO Help Is this possible?

    Unless there is some UB3R 1337 exploit, no. SA-MP handles vehicles in a way that only driver can fully control a car, passenger cannot and out of a vehicle you can only do it with a push which still needs teleporting and is not reliable.
  31. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    Considering that it has a command activation; it is either SAMPFUNCS 3.2 or MGFUNCS 4.3. Considering it's Ru; probably MGFUNCS 4.3. But what's the problem having them?
  32. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    And that makes perfect sense! Yes! Let's applaud this young individual for his idiocy induced by his delusional prepotency!
  33. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    And you just discovered it.
  34. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    That's why I made a special user with only privileges to access phpbb database. And for the most part, phpBB has a system (at least latest 3.0.12 does) that warns you if anything is exposed the way it's not meant to be. Your safest bet would be using RFC versions.
  35. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    Errm... as far as I know 5 weapons is max. you can carry on DayZ. You can add your own weapons and amount of ammo you want in .ini file.
  36. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    First you type / Then you do all other commands. Basically / activates all other commands so you can use them; / SPAWN [CarID] & / KICK [PlayerID] That's what he said. But this is made for those .ru servers, so might not work on other servers. I...
  37. T

    CLEO Help Is this possible?

    Only if you teleport in a car as a driver and teleport back constantly, but that can be seen and noticed.
  38. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    Go back to your cave. It's been here for months. :stoned:
  39. T

    CLEO Release CLEO Kick and Respawn by mgmoldova

    Because it is encrypted.
  40. T

    Need help for fuck sake.

    so just launch that .iso in VB as installation.
  41. T

    Help Banned for connecting with S0beit.

    And some wiseman has made this.
  42. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    That is why you use multiple passwords and for a forum you create a new user and MySQL directory using: # echo "CREATE DATABASE phpbb;" | mysql -u root -p # echo "CREATE USER 'phpbbroot'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD';" | mysql -u root -p # echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON phpbb.* TO...
  43. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    # unzip -d /var/www/html Unzips to /var/www/html/phpBB3
  44. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    I am on the CentOS machine with the root access. Nothing as you thought. I also have a FTP access. The thing is that phpBB INSTALLATION itself installs to phpBB3 directory. If only you'd read and get your head out of bashing a hosting company.
  45. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    If I install it to /var/www/html/ it will install to /var/www/html/phpBB3 automatically, it will then be located at IP.IP.IP.IP/phpBB3. If I rename that directory to Nerd it will be on IP.IP.IP.IP/Nerd I can't get it on just IP.IP.IP.IP.
  46. T

    Need help for fuck sake.

    What's all of this idiocy... Just get VirtualBox by Oracle and download a Windows installation from somewhere (preferably .iso) and install it onto a VirtualBox. Everything you run inside VirtualBox will be like you are genuinely running the desired OS. And if some things, such as crypters...
  47. T

    CLEO Help [Req]Explain Please.

    It's like speaking common English. WHILE me fartin IF neger  in da box THEN fart use lighter ELSE get neger in da box REPEAT UNTIL neger ded END
  48. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    And after all of this, I encountered another problem. The forum is installed to -> if I point my domain.zzz to - my forums will be on domain.zzz/phpBB3 or just domain.zzz? How can I get it from to domain.zzz? P.S. pointing atm...
  49. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    lol that was sarcasm... got everything running.
  50. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    I will try to reinstall whole MySQL. I tried to skip grant tables before but it would just get me stuck empty to type in the console. NOPE NOPE NOPE! My ticket has been answered; when you do that, you have to open another window and enter MySQL with no password. Now how do we set new password?
  51. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    All righty, let me explain. Installing phpBB on CentOS 6 is easy... but I have encountered a problem as I tried to execute (as ROOT): # echo "CREATE DATABASE phpbb;" | mysql -u root -p it asks for a password. I enter a ROOT password and get the following: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for...
  52. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    lol copied directly off the net... tried already of course, I'm not a noob. Does not bring up MySQL. Thanks for your help.
  53. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    Sorted that issue myself by adding a DNS to /etc/sysconfig/network instead of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-xxx. Now can't login to MySQL -> ERROR 1045 (28000).
  54. T

    Anybody here works with CentOS 6?

    The main issue is... I can't get wget to work. Unable to resolve host address error. I can ping, but I cannot use wget to download from net. When I tried to edit ifcfg-venet0 and add DNS, when I restart the server, it resets itself to original - meaning I cannot add DNS to it. Any help?
  55. T


    Dont try when you have no idea. That CLEO is 4.3, half of the hacks wont work with it. Just Google "CLEO 4.1 download". Other than that, you could see my tutorial in the tutorials section.
  56. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    Yup, you got it right. EVERYONE, IF SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING -> THIS^.
  57. T

    CLEO Release [REL] Absolute Godmode v2.0

    It is Absolute Godmode. It has a vehicle godmode. Make sure you use a v2.0.
  58. T


    shat ap u nigerred german cross-eyed nazi ur too pouer to use MeG Buell
  59. T


    MGBull is better bitch slut ass snake pussy.
  60. T

    What "Games" you're playing except GTA:SA?

    Toribash - Physics-based fighting game. Project Zombied - The most advanced zombie survival game ever. Grim Fandango - The first 3D RPG title; best story ever created in a video-game. ArchLord II - Korean F2P MMO worth trying out. Combat Arms Europe - MMO FPS with the most hacks and hackers a...
  61. T


    I will comfort myself with MGBull is better.
  62. T

    CLEO Release [SELLING]Multiple Objects Search Hack by M1ZG4RD

    LOL LEARN WHAT A SEARCH ENGINE IS FIRST. And again, GUI/HUD modifications cannot be detected, more false advertising. If you want to take an SS, doesnt make it detectible by no mean; on/off button. Really, take the criticism the right way or balls out of here.
  63. T

    Help [TuT] [VPN] Open VPN Gate | Ban Evade! | Easy, Simple, Functional

    its all the same anyway, but both of my PCs have x86 Windows.
  64. T

    CLEO Release [REL] Absolute Godmode v2.0

    Yup, works everywhere.
  65. T

    CLEO Release [SELLING]Multiple Objects Search Hack by M1ZG4RD

    These already exist and are free... 0x688 made one for me, I would release it with 0x688's permission. 0x688 m1zg4rd, good work, but €5 is too much. Also, a client sided HUD/GUI cannot be detected, dont BS. And, stop sticking "Smart" to everything. CLEO cannot have a search engine. God...
  66. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    Yes, as what my status text says. I just dropped by to deal with a few things. As I am building a community, I wont be as active anymore.
  67. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    Everythin vis in the .rar file the way it should go. If you don't put the .ini, it will create one itself.
  68. T

    CLEO Installation | Fix CLEO Crashes! | + Plugins

    Re: [TuT] CLEO Installation | Fix CLEO Crashes! | + Plugins You dont need Σanny βuilder data unless you are a scripter. Just follow the tutorial.
  69. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    Im working on a trick to keep weapons after death, on 2 scripts using different functions. Im currently on my sunny holidays, so defo wont be finished by the end of the next week.
  70. T

    CLEO Release [CLEO] Sync Unfreeze.cs ~ |D.Kay|

    FUHK U, I WANTED U TO RAGE SO I CAN EAT POPCORNS... K Ye, I know, just testing; there are a lot of greenies in scripting around whom leech a lot and then rage when they are told that. Never, ever leech. When I come back I will do an absolute raid on leechers.
  71. T

    CLEO Release [RE-RELEASE] Hellburner - Troll players inside their car! (( Credits: not490 ))

    Please, learn how to joke, how to script and then release something genuine. Thank You.
  72. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    For some people it works, for others it doesn't as it no longers loads the model. When I come home I might just add a model load version for those who need it. I use CLEO 4.1, SF 3.2 and I dont need it, nor do many of my buddies except one.
  73. T

    CLEO Release [RE-RELEASE] Hellburner - Troll players inside their car! (( Credits: not490 ))

    Re-release of a leech... I got wifi here and I was expecting Shrek porn... instead this will haunt me.
  74. T

    Shrek is love, shrek is life

    so who wants me first?
  75. T

    CLEO Release [CLEO] Sync Unfreeze.cs ~ |D.Kay|

    *slowly pours fuel onto the fire:* This is normal unfreeze... sync, what? and what's with all the re-releases?
  76. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    I am love, I am life. And still we haven't figured out why for so many people after reconnecting (with or without a CLEO hack, even if server restarting) SA-MP freezes... yet for some it doesn't.
  77. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

    huehauehaueaheuaheuaheu go rape pipl
  78. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SE] SA-MP DayZ Weapon Hack FINAL

  79. T

    Shrek is love, shrek is life

    Dear, TH3RM4L, his anus has already been gaped... and where he lives is not my swamp, it belongs to Chris Handsome.
  80. T

    Shrek is love, shrek is life

    Yeah, AirplaneRandy paid me around $40 000 for that porn session. It was kinda tough tho, that kid's anus ain't that easy to spread, especially as I was going in dry... unfortunately it came out wet.
  81. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SER] TheMostUselessScriptsEver.cs (Troll service)

    Nah, that's carcontrol and there's TP to ocean... I'll do more trolling hacks, I just put an example there.
  82. T

    CLEO Release [REL/SER] TheMostUselessScriptsEver.cs (Troll service)

    When I come back from a vacation I'll make a hack that fucks a driver in the ass while you are a passenger.
  83. T

    CLEO Release [REL] Absolute Godmode v2.0

    When I get time, perhaps I will re-work the code into a completely new one for v3.0. And after I release v3.0 I will probably either release all old sources for free or in a giveaway... you choose. And, no, v3.0 is not in production, it is just planned to happen some day, mainly because god...
  84. T

    gaben rises
  85. T

    Help S0beit won't show up

    Erhm, if you still want to play SA-MP with S0beit... I suggest Java Virtual Machine... :P
  86. T

    CLEO Release [REL] Absolute Godmode v2.0

    Updated 22.7.2014. - v2.0 - Added a lot more immunity codes. - Godmode no longer has to be re-set on entering/exiting vehicles. - Health and Armor cannot be set by the script. - Works on custom health and custom damage servers. - You can set your own command in .ini configuration file. - Script...
  87. T

    Help S0beit won't show up

    Hmmm... this is strange... Tell me, what is your OS? What is your GTA SA version, where did you install/get it from? Also, please, IF you solve this issue in the meantime tell us that you solved and most importantly HOW you solved it. Thanks. Seems like d3d9.dll isn't even loading...
  88. T

    Help S0beit won't show up

    Try any of those and see if those work.
  89. T

    Help S0beit won't show up

    Try different s0beit types. Such as N3X Project, MG Project, God of Cars, etc.
  90. T

    gaben rises
  91. T

    VPN for Crazybobs Server VPNs on the lower part of the list did not work? Impossibru!
  92. T

    What does UG stands for?

    UG in UG-Base stands for "Underground" meaning that this is Underground Base. But, 0x688 considers this name gay (I don't think that names can have sexual orientation but sure...) and he doesn't like anything homosexual (gay) - so if you use UNDERGROUND instead of UG  he gets pissed. :ppffh:
  93. T

    youtube o.O

    One of their servers malfunctioned. So they say it through an easter egg joke.
  94. T

    Help sampfuns problem

    that is true, however, many people say that their crashes were fixed by that. If only people would look before asking and at least try.
  95. T

    Help sampfuns problem

    I made this!/ And no one uses it.
  96. T

    Help will not load anything only SAMP loadingscreen

    Remove gta_sa.set from GTA San Andreas User Files folder, restart your PC. And change the name of your GTA San Andreas folder. You could use my tutorial too.
  97. T

    Help will not load anything only SAMP loadingscreen

    This indicates a corrupted or an incompatible mod. Try this:!/ If it doesn't work, remove all your mods and try that again. Tell us the result and tell us if and how you have fixed it for the sake of future cases.